Chapter 666
Is she dying too?
The dazed Chen Xiaohua saw Lin Yujiao who was slowly leaving and burst into tears: "No, I don't want to die! Lin Yujiao, save me! I don't want to die, I haven't lived enough yet!"

"I haven't lived enough! If you live, I'm in danger! Chen Xiaohua, you're asking for death, don't you know? If you don't do it, you won't die. You're doing it for yourself! Go ahead and be a good one in your next life." kind person."

"No! Sister Yujiao, I was wrong before, can I kowtow to you? Please, save me! Please, I don't want to die!"

Miss Huang was ashamed of Chen Xiaohua's behavior, she kicked Chen Xiaohua on the ground resentfully: "Don't beg her! At worst, I will die. What do you beg her for? Have some backbone!"

These words made Lin Yujiao appreciate: "Miss Huang is really a hero among women! She is worthy of being the boss of the bandits. She has been a bandit woman for a long time, and she is indeed more bold! I admire it!"

"Lin Yujiao, don't be arrogant in front of me, I will never beg you! I have a deep hatred with you, and I wish I could eat your flesh and drink your blood if I am alive! You stole my brother-in-law, if it weren't for you, I won't get to this point! You're going to die badly!"

She took her brother-in-law?
Lin Yujiao really felt sorry for Miss Huang: "Miss Huang, don't you know yourself? Brother Fu said that he likes you and is willing to marry you? In fact, it's all because of your own affection! Do you know why you don't attract people's liking? Because you are too self-respecting! Men, you hate women who are rushing to get married, don't you understand?"

"I don't listen to you! As long as I marry him, he will like me!"

Well, there is nothing to talk to this kind of lunatic!
"Miss Huang, it's you who killed yourself when you got to where you are today! People who don't even come to visit their parents are so pitiful! There are only a few days to live well, so just enjoy the last time."

Hearing that her parents knew her whereabouts and didn't come to see her, Miss Huang went crazy: "Lin Yujiao, I won't die! Let me tell you, I won't die! One day, I will kill you !"

Lin Yujiao stood far away and shook her head lightly: "You can't kill me, because you don't have a few months to live! Do you know Princess Huide? This person hates the three ghost brothers and these bandits, and can't wait to drink His blood and his flesh. Do you know how she dealt with those who were related to their brothers when she caught them?"

"I don't believe you! I have a baby in my belly, I'm pregnant!"

"Pregnant women are not killed, but the day you give birth to your child is the day of your beheading! All the women who used to be the three ghost fire brothers were lit by the sky lanterns by Princess Huide!"

Light the sky lantern?
That cruel killing method of injecting lamp oil into the top of the head, and then slowly starting to burn it from the head, and finally burning it to the feet until it dries up?
Miss Huang suddenly let out a strange cry, and then fell to the ground with a "bang"...

Liu Yang was taken aback: "Oh my god, didn't I die of fright?"

Lin Yujiao rolled her eyes helplessly: "Heavenly and earthly conscience, she is really just scaring her!"

In fact, for Miss Huang and Chen Xiaohua, the Fu family did not intend to send them to Beijing...

Looking at the upright Miss Huang and the stupid Chen Xiaohua, Lin Yujiao suddenly lost interest: "Liu Yang, let's go."

Walking out of the cell, a slender figure stood at the door.

Seeing the person coming out, he smiled and asked, "Are you happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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