Chapter 667
In fact, the feeling of bullying is not particularly interesting, is it?
It's just that she proposed to bully others, to taste the taste of bullying, she can't say she's not very happy, can she?
Lin Yujiao smiled shyly: "Well, it's cool to see the bad guy end badly! Husband, I scared that Huang girl into unconsciousness just now!"

What is it to be scared?
This girl, seems to be heartbroken?
Li Xiuyu stepped forward to hold her hand, and said dotingly: "Hehe... Just be happy! You were so nervous last night, I can't let go."

Can you blame her for being nervous?
A big bandit who kills people without blinking an eye, who cuts people's necks like a cabbage, can she not be afraid?
"Husband, will these two be sentenced to death?"

"Probably not. Miss Huang was snatched up the mountain by bandits. After all, she didn't have a bloody case. In view of the fact that the Huang family is an in-law, the Fu family is going to save her life, but I'm afraid she will be imprisoned for life. As for Chen Xiaohua , she can be considered a victim. However, if she informs the bandits about the family members of key officials, she may inevitably be exiled."

Is Chen Xiaohua going to be exiled?
"Where do you go in exile?"

"Xiguan Mine."

It is said that the Xiguan Mine is the production place of Dachu's iron and copper. The living conditions there are extremely harsh, and all the workers are coolies.

Lin Yujiao was very curious when she heard the words: "With her small body, she can't do much work in the mine, right? Could it be that she is going to help the miners with cooking and washing?"

The miners still have someone to help with the laundry?
There are people who cook, but it's just laundry, don't even think about it!
Alas, his little daughter-in-law is really a silly girl!

The miners in the northwest mine are all criminals, but there are still many criminals in charge of them.

There are very few people in this group who can start a family, but they are all men.

If you want these people to serve the royal family, you have to let them stay there willingly.

They are all men, and the harmony of yin and yang is very important...

"Well, just to help."

Let her suffer a little bit, that's okay!
Although Lin Yujiao hated Chen Xiaohua very much, she didn't really want to let her die: "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in a year or so?"

"Go, it's a lifetime!"

Although the punishment is a bit heavier, it is better than beheading, right?
"Aunt Chen will definitely cry to death, she is just such a daughter."

"Are you soft-hearted?"

Lin Yujiao shook her head: "She wants to kill me, so I won't sympathize with her! It's just that I don't go out these few days. If news of Chen Xiaohua reaches Chen Guancun, I'm afraid Aunt Chen will come and let me go Plead for mercy. But I don't want to plead for mercy, this is what Chen Xiaohua deserves!"

A woman's benevolence often harms herself.

After hearing this, Li Xiuyu smiled: "You know it! Ren Shan was bullied by others, Ma Shan was ridden by others, and she, Chen Xiaohua, wanted to kill you. No matter how much you sympathize with her, you can't be called kind, you should be called stupid." Alright, you can stay at home for the next two days."

Before leaving the cell, Lin Yujiao turned her head and took a deep look: Miss Huang, Chen Xiaohua, we will say goodbye forever in this life.

The yamen of Yunzhou Prefecture caught the bandit who raped and killed the daughter of the eldest princess, and the news spread quickly throughout Yunzhou.

When the news reached the capital, Lin Yujiao was making the final sprint for the new clothes of Xiuzhu Pavilion, which was about to open...

"Grandma, you have a visitor."

Does she have a guest?
Lin Yujiao was startled suddenly: My God, the Chen family really came here, right?
She stood up: "Chunfang, where is this distinguished guest? Have you asked?"

(End of this chapter)

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