Chapter 668

Liu Yang went back to take care of Ning Jie, Li Xiuyu went out temporarily, and Chunfang was arranged to take care of Lin Yujiao.

Before Lin Yujiao could go out, someone had already come in: "Girl, it's me."

Seeing the figure at the door, Lin Yujiao, who was relieved in her heart, walked out quickly: "Grandpa, why is it you?"

The eldest grandson has made such a great contribution, for him to take over as the next head arrester, it is an opportunity given by heaven!
It is said that the news was sent by Li Tanhua. Mr. Fu was in a very happy mood and decided to come to the door in person.

"Girl, I heard that you want to find someone to serve you?"

Lin Yujiao's eyes sparkled: "Grandpa, how do you know?"

"Hehe, Mr. Li went to the dental clinic that day, and he happened to be seen by your elder brother. I have been looking for the past two days, but I can't find a suitable person. Today I will send you Mama Zhang."

Mama Zhang?
"Grandpa, is she an old man from the Fu family?"

Mr. Fu nodded: "Yes, this is an old man from the Fu family. Her surname is Zhang, so you can call her Aunt Zhang. She was originally your elder brother's nanny, and she used to be my wife's dowry girl. Although she is a little older, she has With the experience of raising children, you can also use your fists, so you accept her."

Lin Yujiao was stunned: "That won't work! Grandpa, since Aunt Zhang is an old man in the elder brother's yard, she is someone he is used to. How can I snatch her away? I can find someone in two days. I can't take love from Mama Zhang. "

Mr. Fu laughed when he heard the words: "What is it? It's your elder brother who doesn't trust you. If you don't accept it, he will feel uncomfortable. Originally, your aunt took Cui Yi's child, but now the child recognizes you. I became Aunt Qi's wife, and she has gone to Qi's house, so she will be fine. Your Aunt Zhang's wife is gone, and she has no children, so you have to support her in the future, don't you want to?"

Aunt Zhang is only in her forties, and it will take at least ten years to provide for the elderly. The elderly in this big family have monthly money, so she still needs others to support her?
Lin Yujiao had spent seven years in the Jiang family in her previous life, so she naturally knew how precious the old servants of the big family were.

"Grandpa, mother Zhang will not be used to the situation here."

As soon as Aunt Zhang heard this, she immediately said: "Grandma, this old slave was born in a poor family. If the Fu family hadn't taken him in, I don't know how many years he would have died. Auntie, since the old man asked the old slave to serve you, then the old slave is yours." I'm dead, accept me."

Brother Fu's nanny is going to accept her, so how is it appropriate?
Lin Yujiao wanted to decline, but someone came in.

"Yo, is this a distinguished guest?"

Li He didn't know where he came from, but the two daughter-in-laws followed him with a very airy look.

When there are guests, basic courtesy is indispensable.

Lin Yujiao hurried forward: "Mother-in-law, this is Mr. Fu, my righteous grandfather. Grandpa, this is my mother-in-law."

Li Xiuyu is a fifth grade, the Fu family said that they are everyone in Yunzhou City, but the grade is low after all.

In addition, Mr. Fu respected scholars very much, so he nodded very politely: "So it's Mrs. Li's mother, Mrs. Li. The old man came to disturb me."

When Li He heard it, he was very rude: "Since you know you will disturb me, what are you doing here? Lin, when guests come, you don't go to the main courtyard to receive them. This is your daughter-in-law's rule?"

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Fu's face changed suddenly: "It seems that the old man is reckless! Mrs. Li forgive me! Yujiao, this Li family has a high threshold, so I will leave your grandfather. Next time you have something to do, you go home."

(End of this chapter)

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