Chapter 669

After Mr. Fu handed over Aunt Zhang's deed of prostitution to Lin Yujiao, he left without turning his head.

Seeing that Li He's dared to anger Mr. Fu away, she deliberately didn't want to make her son feel better!
Right now, Lin Yujiao really wanted to slap Li Heshi, that idiot, to death!
It's just that this is not the time to deal with idiots!
She chased after him: "Grandpa! Don't go, drink a cup of tea first, my husband will be back in a while!"

Unexpectedly, Li He yelled coolly behind him again: "Stop yelling, it's not your grandpa, what are you calling such a kiss? He's already gone, so it's useless for you to yell!"

This damn old woman, it seems that she owes another draw!

Lin Yujiao stopped and glanced at Li Heshi indifferently: "Mother-in-law is really imposing. I don't know what my husband will think when he knows that you have chased away Mr. Fu."

Li He didn't care: "Hmph! It's just a lowly business family, if you offend it, you will be offended!"

House of scum?
What a big breath!
Although catching fast is a cheap job, but catching the head is an official of the eighth rank!

Lin Yujiao smiled faintly when she heard the words: "Sure enough, mother-in-law is responsible. In the eyes of mother-in-law, the eighth-rank official family is a low-income family. Your vision is not ordinary! When the husband comes back, the daughter-in-law must show her prestige to her mother-in-law."

Her son is a fifth rank!

Just thinking of his son's coldness, Li He suddenly shuddered: "How dare you! Lin Yujiao, if you dare to sue, see if I don't punish you!"

I really don't know the so-called old woman!
Lin Yujiao didn't back down: "How does the mother-in-law want to deal with it? Do you want to divorce me, or find a wife for my husband? As long as you have the ability to make my husband nod, I, Lin Yujiao, will recognize it. Aunt Zhang, the side room is Liu Yang is sleeping, how about you live in the front room?"

Aunt Zhang didn't expect that the mother-in-law of the Li family would be more of a village woman than a village woman. Upon hearing Lin Yujiao's order, she immediately said, "This old servant respects my aunt's order."

"Who is this?"

Lin Yujiao glanced at Li Heshi: "If you go back to my mother-in-law, this is the mother-in-law my righteous grandfather gave me. She is called Aunt Zhang, and she will be used by me from now on."

When Li He heard this, he jumped up: "Lin Yujiao, do you really take yourself seriously? A village woman can use a maid for nothing, but an old lady? No, our family can't afford to support so many people! "

Lin Yujiao knew that Li He would look for trouble, and her eyes were cold: "I didn't ask you to raise it, I will raise Aunt Zhang myself!"

"You raise yourself?" Li He seemed to hear a joke: "Lin Yujiao, you can't support yourself, so you still support others? You really use other people's butts as shame, don't you blush?"

Regarding Li Heshi, Lin Yujiao would not reason with her.

As if sighing, as if proud.

Lin Yujiao smiled: "I can't help it. I can't support myself, but someone can support me. If the mother-in-law has any objections, tell your son not to support me."

"You!" Li He was furious!

This is angry?
It's still early, you owe it anyway!
Lin Yujiao raised her eyebrows, her head tilted and her mouth raised: "What's wrong with me? I'm not wrong! I, Lin Yujiao, have no ability to support myself, but I, Lin Yujiao, have the ability to be raised by a man. Could it be that I violated the law? Mother-in-law, If you want to relieve your anger, go to your son, tell him not to raise me, starve me and the child to death, won't you just relieve your anger?"

If you don't trouble Mrs. Lin for a few days, will your skills improve?
Li He was so angry that his hands were shaking: "I tell you, my son can raise you, but I will never let him raise your slaves!"

(End of this chapter)

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