Chapter 806
Mrs. Jiang was really happy to see Lin Yujiao, especially when she gave the old lady a muff, the old lady was so rare: "Yujiao, did you come up with this thing?"

This muff is a fresh thing made by Xiuzhu Pavilion in the previous life. It not only has a muff, but also gloves with five fingers, a big-brimmed hat with a rim, and socks woven from yarn...

Although those are small things, they are very practical. Later, these things made Xiuzhu Pavilion a lot of money.

Lin Yujiao got a lot of skins from the Banshan Temple, and Lin Yujiao made them into muffs, gloves, and big-brimmed hats.

"Staying at home every day is really boring. I just think about it and make these messy things. Old lady, don't dislike me."

Mrs. Jiang looked left and right with a soft muff: "This is really a good thing. You don't need to bring a hand stove when you go out for a walk. Mr. Li is really lucky to marry such a smart wife."

"Where is it? The old lady is also blessed. Wang Shi became pregnant so soon, which shows that you are blessed to be a great blessing, old lady! When the three sons get married, you can wait to hold the grandson together."

Speaking of the third son, Mrs. Jiang was in a bad mood: "Yujiao, why is Fan'er like this? After giving him books for so many years, he ended up like this. I was so angry that I almost vomited blood! Come to think of it, it’s a good thing it’s not my own son, if it’s my own, otherwise I’d have the heart to strangle him to death!”

This is also the case, there is still a difference at this point if one is born or not!
"Old lady, your children and grandchildren have their own blessings, don't be a horse and an ox for your children and grandchildren. The third son is too much for Miss Nine, otherwise he would not have done such a thing. Besides, it is justifiable that day, you Don't blame him."

Mrs. Jiang naturally knew what happened that day.

For a woman who has lost her innocence, no matter how good her background is, that would be shameless!

If it's a really shameless woman, shouldn't she be hanged with a rope and marry into her Jiang family?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jiang was furious!

But she has the cheek to want to marry, and this one in her family wants to marry desperately. If it is her own son, Mrs. Jiang will drive him out, but if she was not born by herself, she will cause gossip!

Mrs. Jiang has been famous all her life, and she cherishes her reputation very much.

It's one thing to regret your reputation, but quite another to be angry in your heart!

"It's all that vixen. If she didn't fascinate San'er so much, San'er would kill someone for her? What a lady! What a big family! Pooh! Since she wants to come in, I won't do it Wicked person, let her come in, let them live separately after three dynasties, so as not to make me worry about it!"

It seems that Mrs. Jiang hates Shen Qinxin very much, doesn't she?
Very good!
Thinking of the consequences for Shen Qinxin, Lin Yujiao's heart lit up: Since Shen Jiu didn't let her have a good time, she naturally couldn't make her have a good time either!

This woman is so happy, she will have other thoughts!

"Old madam, Miss Shen Jiu is still young. Let her be the head of the family as soon as the family is separated. Wouldn't that make the family a mess? Dividing the family so quickly is not good. You have to teach it well so that you won't lose Jiang. The family has a good reputation."

After saying this, Mrs. Jiang thought deeply: "Yujiao, what you said makes sense... She used to lose the reputation of the Shen family, but after entering my Jiang family, she will lose the reputation of my Jiang family... Hmm , it seems that I have to think again... Yujiao, I have lunch here today, I have something to talk to you about."

(End of this chapter)

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