Chapter 807
Madam Jiang's words were exactly what Lin Yujiao wanted, and she also wanted to get in touch with Jiang Qixin again, and then gave him a prescription: "Old Madam, I got a new prescription today, and I want to give it to you to try again. Woolen cloth."

As soon as these words fell, the unhappiness in Mrs. Jiang's heart had already disappeared, she excitedly grabbed Lin Yujiao's hand: "Yujiao, how can I thank you for my old age?"

Lin Yujiao laughed straight: "Old Madam, this is Yujiao you can trust!"

Mrs. Jiang looked excited: "Don't talk, don't talk! Xin'er is in her courtyard, there are people there anyway, you can be regarded as his half-cousin now, so go by yourself. I'll go and talk to Mama Zhang, We have to make a good thanksgiving feast at noon!"

Lin Yujiao immediately left Mrs. Jiang's yard and went to Uncle Jiang's yard when she heard the words. Liu Yang supported her and said with a smile: "The old lady was really happy just now! With this old lady here, Shen Jiu wants to live a happy life in the future." It's impossible to be comfortable!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the corner of Lin Yujiao's mouth twitched slightly: "That Shen Jiu is not a person who will give up, am I afraid that she will cause trouble if she is too idle?"

"Hehe, you're right! To deal with this kind of white lotus, you have to use this method! This kind of scheming is a very vicious person, Yujiao, buy two little girls and come in. Use this year to teach me Some of their methods of dealing with people can help you for a long time in the future."

Liu Yang's words made Lin Yujiao look at her for a while: "Liu Yang, how can I thank you?"

"Hehe..." Liu Yang patted Lin Yujiao on the shoulder: "Didn't you say that we are poor people with the same fate? Besides, we are still partners, and we have common interests! Don't say thank you, not all girlfriends It's the one who stabbed the knife in the back, but there are also real good sisters!"

Speaking of this, Lin Yujiao stopped talking, but took Liu Yang's hand, and the two quietly entered Uncle Jiang's yard.

Uncle Jiang's courtyard is the main courtyard of Jiang's family, and as soon as he enters the courtyard, there is no rockery, flowing water and flower beds.

The left and right sides of the main courtyard are corridors, and the center is the main courtyard.

All the flowers in Yunzhou Mansion are basically in decline this season, but the camellias are still blooming...

The sun was very good today, Lin Yujiao and Liu Yang entered the courtyard instead of going along the corridor, but went straight to the stone path in the middle of the courtyard to the main courtyard.

"Cousin, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired. I've drank the soup made by my cousin in the past two days, and I feel more energetic."

"Cousin, this soup recipe was passed down from the capital. It is said that the imperial doctor in the palace prescribed it for the emperor and prince to nourish their health. Naturally, it is good."

"Sister Yu, you treat me so hard, cousin thank you."

"Cousin, Yanyu's mother's family has no strength. If my aunt hadn't taken us in, I don't know how I would live."

"Sister Yu, what are you talking about? We are relatives, how can we not help our relatives when they are in trouble? Don't be so discouraged, as long as you are willing to stay in this family, it doesn't matter how long you stay."

"Cousin, but I don't think she likes us very much..."

"Don't pay attention to her! With my mother and me, no one dares to do anything to you!"

"Thank you, cousin. Cousin, you are so kind. I don't know how to thank you. Yu'er will have nowhere to go. As long as my cousin doesn't drive me away, I can only stay here. "

"Fool, it's not bad, don't you know my heart? I'm just in a bad body, and I'm afraid I'll drag you down, Yu'er."

"Cousin, but I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that you will despise me as a widow and become unclean."

"Fool, you know I don't dislike it."


 Someone said, yesterday’s article is repeated? Which chapter is it?
(End of this chapter)

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