Chapter 853 Disappointment
The news about Jiang's carriage accident on the second day reached the Li family, and Jiang San was beaten to death by the family law, and it also spread to the Li family.

Liu Yang's eyes sank: "Yujiao, this Shen Qinxin is really vicious! At this point, she still doesn't give up? And this young master Jiang is so infatuated, what a pity!"

The corners of Lin Yujiao's mouth twitched. Shen Qinxin in her previous life was a famous gentle beauty in Yunzhou Prefecture. It seems that everyone in the world has been deceived by her appearance!

And this Third Young Master Jiang, his true love is a waste of time, so pity Mrs. Jiang, such a meticulously cultivated bastard...

"God has eyes, so we will avoid disaster!"

Liu Yang shook his head: "No, this matter cannot be taken lightly! The Jiang family's carriage can break, but who can guarantee that the Li family's carriage will not break? Yujiao, Ji Meiyuan is not much better than that Shen Qinxin this time!"

"You are right in reminding me, I will try to go out as little as possible in the future, even if I want to go out, I will walk more to be safe."

You can't blame the accident, why don't you take the carriage?
Liu Yang had an estimate in his mind, so he didn't say much: "By the way, the girl who handed me the note at Shen's house found it."

Lin Yujiao rolled her eyes: "Oh? Whose girl is it?"

"Miss Eleventh of the Shen family is Shen Qinyu's girl, her name is Caijuan, and she is Shen Shishi's personal eldest girl."

Lin Yujiao was puzzled: "I don't know her, why did she help me?"

"Because she's madly in love with Jiang San!"

Lin Yujiao lost her voice: "How is this possible?"

Liu Yang smiled: "What's impossible? Shen Qinxin's ignorance does not mean that others are also ignorant! If the Third Young Master Jiang hadn't killed people because of Shen Qinxin, he would have gone to work in Beijing as soon as the Chinese New Year came! "

"This is really an injustice! How could the third son of Jiang be so devoted to Shen Jiu! By the way, what kind of person is Shen Shiyi?"

Liu Yang shook his head: "Not sure. Why, do you want to return the favor?"

The corners of Lin Yujiao's mouth twitched: "Then Shen Qinxin doesn't like the third young master Jiang? Since that's the case, it's better to help someone who cares!"

"That's fine! However, Jiang San's heart is still with Shen Qin, I'm afraid Shen Shiyi will not be happy!"

Lin Yujiao smiled: "You always have to pay back, don't you? Look for opportunities, and ask Shen Shishi for tea when you have time?"

Liu Yang also smiled: "That's true, what is owed must be repaid, and what is let must be repaid! Shen Qinxin, what do you want to do?"

Shen Qinxin?
Lin Yujiao's eyes turned cold: "I will pay back what I owe, and what people owe me will be paid back naturally. Since Mr. Shen can't educate his children, he must not be a good official. Liu Yang, let Chen Hu come, he There must be a channel to send letters to the capital."

Are you going to be gloomy again?
Poor Master Shen, I won't be able to sleep now!
The old man suffers from insomnia, he is getting old fast!

"Okay, I'll call right away."

But he said the Jiang family.

Mrs. Jiang was very disappointed. Although this bastard was only given thirty canes, her back was already torn apart...

"Doctor Jiang, how is he doing?"

Doctor Jiang is a well-known trauma doctor in the city, and his trauma medicines are very expensive until the bleeding stops.

Because he is from the same family, Dr. Jiang told the truth: "Third Young Master, although the cane didn't hurt his bones when he was studying, the injury still made him lie down for at least half a month. Fortunately, it's winter now. If it's summer, it will be troublesome. Once inflammation It would be life-threatening.”

If you can't die, that's good!
This idiot is actually carrying it to death for such a woman, so let him go!
(End of this chapter)

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