Chapter 854 Don't Give Up

If such a woman stays in the Jiang family, it will be the Jiang family's scourge after all!

Mrs. Jiang closed her eyes: "If you can't die, that's fine, and I've paid off his biological mother for protecting me. Sanlang, although you crawled out of someone else's stomach, I think you are right all these years." You are not thin. Okay, since you have to bear the burden for your sweetheart, then you can bear it. You can move out of Jiang’s house tomorrow, and the other courtyard on Huaishu Street will be allocated to you.”

Because of the pain, Jiang Qifan couldn't fall asleep at all.

Hearing this, he was ashamed: "Mother is tolerant and generous, and the son has nothing to repay. I will kowtow to you when the child recovers!"

I really don't want to see him anymore, Mrs. Jiang waved her hand: "No need, you will take all the things in your yard away, don't think about anything else! In the future, you don't have to visit me anymore, I will let you go this time." , even if our mother-child relationship is complete."

Now that he has shouldered Shen Qinxin's past, Jiang Qifan thought that he would be swept out of the house empty-handed, and never thought that Mrs. Jiang would give him the yard and his own things.

Jiang San silently lowered his head, his face lying on the quilt was ashen...

As soon as Mrs. Jiang and Dr. Jiang left, Shen Qinxin ran in after hearing this: "What did you say? You have been beaten like this, and you still want to drive us out? It's nothing to go out, what is that old thing?" I don't even give it to you? Jiang Qifan, if you just agreed to move out, you are still not a man!"

Beat like this?
Jiang Qifan knew in his heart that if it wasn't for the unbearable mother and brothers, if those fifty vines really made his clansman punish him, he would have had less breath and more breath!
Looking at his crazy wife, Jiang Qifan was exhausted all over his body: "Qin Xin, mother has done her best to us! Fortunately, nothing happened yesterday, otherwise, I'm afraid we will die soon!"

Shen Qinxin snorted softly: "Death is death! Death is better than life like this useless!"

Seeing Shen Qinxin's vicious expression, enduring the pain, Jiang Qifan sighed softly in his heart: "Qinxin, why are you so persistent? What's yours is yours after all, and what's not yours can't be won? Master Li is already married Now, even if you kill Mrs. Li, wouldn't he be able to marry you?"

As soon as these words fell, Shen Qin's heart jumped: "He is mine! Lin Yujiao took him away! What is persistence? It is the arrangement of fate, do you know it!"

——Obviously Li Xiuyu married her in the dream, and she was going to follow him to Beijing, why was her man taken away by a village woman in reality?
In the past two days, Shen Qinxin had the same dream repeatedly. In the dream, she dreamed that she married into the Li family in a red wedding dress. Although Li Xiuyu hadn't touched her for a few months after entering the house, when he entered the capital at the end of the year, she went with him. !
In that dream, there really was no Lin Yujiao!

Why in reality, someone Lin Yujiao would suddenly run out to snatch her?
When Jiang Qifan heard this, he felt that the woman in front of him was really crazy!

If it was really an arrangement of fate, why would Master Li marry someone else? Could it be that God would still take a nap?
He did everything he could, and it was his fate if she didn't accept it!
After closing it, Jiang Qifan's heart was ashamed: "Qinxin, let's see the reality!"

Shen Qinxin was calm and determined: "I won't admit defeat! He is mine, and I want to follow him to Beijing to become his wife. I can't let Lin Yujiao go! Li Xiuyu can only be my husband! I will definitely marry his!"

(End of this chapter)

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