Chapter 876

Hearing my mother's screams, my second sister-in-law was still worried about my father, Li Qiuju glared at her bitterly: "This is what my father deserves, who made him do such a shameless thing!"

Liu Meier glanced at Li Qiuju: "Father said it wasn't on purpose, I really got him drunk that day. Besides, it's not a big deal."

"Isn't it a big deal? Dad is looking for a wild woman, isn't it important?"

The corner of Liu Mei'er's mouth twitched: "Your two elder brothers are more than one woman! In the future, you will not be the only husband. Sister-in-law, please persuade mother-in-law, there is nothing difficult to overcome, it's just that there is an extra person in the family. "

"Second sister-in-law, you are so generous!"

Liu Meier's eyes turned cold: "If I'm not generous, can Zhi Lian enter your second brother's courtyard?"

Seeing that she couldn't say no to the second sister-in-law, Li Qiuju blamed her two elder brothers: "Second brother, third brother, you too, why don't you take good care of dad? Look, if she becomes so angry, if something happens to her, You can figure it out!"

Li Xiuyuan and Li Xiucheng really don't think it's a problem. What their sister said made them a little annoyed. Mother can't say more, but sister can always say a few words, right?
Especially Li Xiuyuan: "Ju'er, what nonsense are you talking about! Your second sister-in-law is right, isn't she just a widow? Are you so angry? Mother is also, who in the world doesn't have three wives and four concubines? Parents have long lived in separate rooms , dad can find a woman to wait on him, can't he?"

As soon as the words were finished, Ji Meiyuan came slowly: "That's right! Sister, your second brother has two concubines, your third brother has two wives, and your future husband-in-law will also take concubines. Such an idea is wrong!"

Facing Ji Meiyuan's sarcasm, Li Qiuju jumped up angrily: "I will never marry a man with a concubine in the future! If he dares to take a concubine, I will cut him off!"

"Hehehe..." Ji Meiyuan was overjoyed, and proudly glanced at the Li family brothers: "It seems that your second brother and third brother have long been able to die and apologize!"

Seeing that Ji Meiyuan was adding fuel to the fire at this time, Li Xiucheng was immediately annoyed: "Ji Meiyuan, can you shut up your stinky mouth? Isn't it messy enough to be idle in this house?"

Ji Meiyuan shrugged: "I didn't cause this chaos. Why are you yelling at me? I'm just speaking to be fair! The thing has already happened, is it useful to argue now? Why don't you think about how to solve it!"

This makes sense.

Li Xiucheng approached the crazy Li Heshi: "Mother, what's the use of making trouble? Dad, tell me how to solve this matter."

How else can he solve it?
"I apologize with death!"


Li Dagen raised his squinted eyes: "Since it's all my fault, I can't blame others. Your mother can't spare me. What else can I do but die? Don't stop me, your mother won't be angry if I die! "

Li Xiuyuan was taken aback by such a dear father: "Dad, don't be confused. If you want to piss grandma to death, you can just talk nonsense! Grandma is already sick like this. Don't you want her to be sent to a white-haired man by a white-haired man?" Bar?"


Yes, he still has his wife, so he can't die!

Li Dagen glanced at the old wife who was crying and scolding non-stop on the ground, and staggered out of the house...

Li Qiuju has never seen such a real father before, she tugged on Li Xiucheng's clothes: "Third Brother, nothing will happen to Dad, right?"

How did Li Xiucheng know that at this point, he has no idea: "Mother, don't cry, something is really going to happen to my father, I'm afraid the Li family won't tolerate you anymore. It's just a concubine, what do you care about?" Everyone is the same as you, so why don’t you all die?”

(End of this chapter)

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