Chapter 877
Upon hearing the word "concubine", Li Heshi was completely irrational, and she jumped up: "How dare he take a concubine? Unless I die!"

Why is mother so stubborn? When she married our brothers and took concubines, she was very straightforward!

Li Xiucheng stomped his feet: "Mother! If something happens to your father and you are not dismissed and go back to the He family, prepare to enter the ancestral hall to serve your ancestors! The members of the Li family are not so easy to talk to!"

The son didn't help himself?
Hearing this, Li He became even annoyed: "Then what do you think of me! Could it be that you want me to watch him sleep with other women? Don't think about it!"

"Okay! Then you can do it like this, I don't care! Second brother, let's go and see Dad, we can't let anything happen to Dad!"

How stubborn his mother is, as a son who has seen it for more than [-] years, Li Xiuyuan knows it all too well!
"Little sister, please persuade mother, I will go to see father with your third brother."

After finishing speaking, he winked at Li Qiuju, and then went out with his third brother to find someone.

Li Qiuju had no choice but to step forward: "Mother, everyone is gone, it's useless for you to cry any more, get up quickly."

"Ju'er, what are you going to do, mother? Woooooo...Li Dagen, you shameless bastard, you're going to dare to look for a savage behind my back, I can't spare you..."

Suddenly Li Qiuju raised her eyes: "Mother, it must be that vixen who seduced daddy, and daddy won't think too much about it until he gets rid of her!"

There was a loud commotion in the hall, but Lin Yujiao fell into a drowsy sleep.

The sound of footsteps came: "Yujiao, the mother and daughter are going to trouble the Qi family!"

Lin Yujiao woke up suddenly: "Go, let Wang Er inform the Qi family."

At least the mother and daughter can't be allowed to bully the Qi family, of course let them make trouble.

The bigger the trouble, the harder it is to end it!
Miye Lane is two alleys away from Li's house, and there are ordinary people living there, and there is no one at the entrance of the alley in Lengtian.

"Bang bang bang"...

When the common people, whose cats were covering winter at home, heard the sound, someone ran out immediately: "What happened?"

"That's the Xu family! Who are those two women, aren't they looking for Mrs. Qi?"

"Hey, isn't that Li Tanhua's mother? Why did the Qi clan offend her? He even knocked on the door with a stone. What happened?"

"Fox spirit, come out!"

"Qi Shi, you bastard, don't you come out if you dare to steal someone? Come out for me!"

When Li Xiuyuan and Li Xiucheng arrived, a lot of people crowded out of the Qi family's courtyard...

"Oh my god? Impossible? The Qi family usually doesn't even go out, how could she do this?"

"Is this Li Tanhua's mother crazy? You can't make trouble in the public if you have something to do? Besides, catching thieves is also catching dirt, and catching rape is double-handed. Is it possible that Li Tanhua's father is now in the Qi family's courtyard?"

"It's impossible. How could it be possible in broad daylight? If he wants to like the Qi family, he has such an official son, so he can just take him back. Does he need to be so sneaky?"

At this moment, Old Wang from the next door came over: "I said Mrs. Li, your master Li drank too much yesterday and said he disappeared. You don't think he's here, do you?"

This is a lot of information!

Master Li drank too much, and then went to Qi's house?
what's going on?
Everyone was discussing for a while, and the faces of Li Xiuyuan and Li Xiucheng flushed red...

"I'm sorry, my mother has been in a bad mood for the past two days, making everyone laugh!"

As soon as Li Xiuyuan finished speaking, there was a "beep", and a big mouth was slapped on his face...

 Dear friends: The editor said that he will save the manuscript and prepare for a sudden update in April, so there are fewer now, and wait for the flower storm to update~
(End of this chapter)

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