Chapter 411 Deep into the Rainforest, She Will Come

It is not accurate to say "change" the course.

Strictly speaking, it is only a slight deviation from the established route.

Because, Laika Island and the location of the island provided by Shen Hou are not far apart.

"...I can't operate it with you pressing against my head like this." The pilot said in a deep voice.

Shen Wei said "Oh", "So you don't fly the helicopter with your hands, but with your head?"

Men don't speak.

"I know that Song Jing has a task for you. I heard that there is only one way for the people under the second master to climb up—to make meritorious service. But the premise is that you have to live. Death is like a lamp going out, no matter how tragic it is, It's all over, what can I get?"

His eyes flickered.

Shen Wei: "If I were you, I would be obedient and obedient, and I will not worry about not having the opportunity to make meritorious deeds."

The tone was indifferent, without the slightest hint of threat or intimidation, but a layer of cold sweat broke out on the man's back, which was quickly absorbed by the clothes, and no one except himself noticed it.

During the next part of the voyage, the man became honest and stopped being a monster.

About half an hour later, "Here it is, ready to land."


at the same time.

In the office, the pruned fortune tree is placed aside, quietly playing the role of decoration.

The computer LCD screen in front of Song Jing turned on, but no image was sent back.

Ari frowned: "She found out?"

"Now it seems that there is only one possibility."

"Shen Wei, it's really not easy..."

Song Jing smiled lightly, fiddling with the Buddhist beads with his right hand, "If she is simple, she won't be able to catch Quan Hanting's eyes."

The most balanced and stable relationship between a man and a woman is——

Curious about each other, full of inquiry, and evenly matched.

Ari: "Then what do we do now?"

"No hurry, I want to see what she wants to do." With a clatter, Song Jing put down the beads, his eyes turned cold.


The helicopter landed on an inshore beach.

Shen Wei: "Come down."

Pilot: "I don't need to be with you, do I?"

"Two options, go together or shall I tie you up and stay where you are?"

"Why are you tied up?"

"If you don't tie me up, will I give you a chance to escape in a helicopter? Three numbers, give me the answer, three two..."

"I'll go with you!"

Shen Yu took out the monitor from her arms, and a red dot on the screen was only a few kilometers away from her.

That's right, it's here!
"You, bring all the water and dry food."

"Ah? Where did you get the water and dry food?" The man looked bewildered.

Shen Yu sneered, and approached him, "Are you sure?"

The man's eyes flickered, and finally, he was defeated, went around to the storage compartment of the fuselage, and took out a bulging backpack from it.

"Here is two-thirds of the inventory, and one third is left for emergencies."

Shen Yu hummed lightly.

It was agreed to his approach.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket, she understands.

The man glanced at her hand: "Are you here to find someone?"

What that red dot represents is self-evident.

Shen Yu didn't refute, but she didn't intend to explain either.

Man: "I looked down from the air just now. This island is not that big, but almost three-quarters are covered by virgin rainforest. If you are looking for someone, it may be difficult..."

Compared with the almost beach with unobstructed view and clear at a glance, it is obvious that the danger hidden in the forest is greater. In addition to the harsh living conditions, you may also encounter threats such as poisonous snakes and insects.

In short, not optimistic!
Shen Wei: "I know."

"Knowing that you dare to come alone?!"

"Who said alone? Isn't there you?"

The man choked up: Dare you, is he here to accompany you to death?
"My name is Shen Yu, what's your name?"

The pilot was taken aback: "...Azhao."

It was only at this time that Shen Yu looked at him seriously. The man was not tall, about 1.7 meters five, and his skin was dark. Presumably it was a sequela left by flight training.

His body was not considered burly either, compared to the brown bear-like burly man next to Song Jing, who seemed to be called "A Chong" or something, the two were not at the same level at all.

Thanks to this, Shen Yu was able to subdue him easily even though his arm was injured.

If it was A Chong's level, she would not dare to act rashly.

To say that the man's whole body is related to the hard name "Azhao", it's just his eyes.

Bright, clear, and piercing, revealing a determination and tenacity that did not match his figure.

"Knife, borrow it and use it."

A Zhao took it out from his trouser pocket and handed it to her.

Shen Yu took it, played with it in his hand, and said with a half-smile: "Do you really have a knife?"


She looked down at the long skirt that was in the way, used a knife to cut a small hole in the hem, and then grabbed it with her hands and tore it.

After hearing a few clicks, the ankle-length skirt turned into a knee-length skirt, revealing the woman's snow-white and slender calves without a trace of fat.

A Zhao seemed to be scalded, and quickly looked away.

Shen Yu watched his reaction calmly, and heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.

After all, she is Song Jing's person. Although she temporarily subdued him, who can guarantee that he will not take the opportunity to resist or harbor malicious intentions in the future?
From a safety point of view, Shen Wei should tie up the person and throw him on the helicopter so that he cannot follow. But in the current situation, one more person is more protection. If there is danger, there will be someone to help .

If you don't help, you can throw it out as cannon fodder.

After comprehensive consideration, Shen Yu still decided to take a risk.

Fortunately, at present, it seems that this person does not seem to be a vicious person. He is temporarily available, but he should not take it lightly!
Shen Hou put the knife away, and the gun was fixed to his leg with tape.

A Zhao wanted Shen Yu to return the knife to him, but upon seeing this, he could only shut up resentfully.

"Which direction are you heading now?"

Shen Wei: "Xi." She took out the compass.

The man curled his lips: "Don't look, it's over there." He stretched out his hand and pointed, which happened to coincide with the direction shown by the compass.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, yes, this guy is a pilot.

The two set off.

After half an hour, enter the rainforest area.

A Zhao took out the insect repellent powder from his backpack and asked Shen Yu, "Do you want it?"

She was not polite, took it, sprinkled some on her body, and then wrapped her exposed calf with the skirt that was torn off earlier.

The man had a panoramic view of her actions, and was a little surprised: "Have you been trained?"

"What training do you mean?"

"Survival in the wild."

Shen Wei: "No."

"But I think you look very sophisticated..."

The woman doesn't answer.

Sophisticated, because calm.

The more anxious you are, the calmer you will be. Regardless of whether you have been trained or not, as long as you use your brain and combine common sense in everything, it will not be too bad.

"Let's go." Shen Yu returned the powder to him, and took the lead to walk deep into the forest area.

A Zhao stuffed the things back into his backpack and followed closely behind.

It's not that he didn't think about taking it down when Shen Yu was unprepared, but along the way, this woman was so vigilant that he didn't dare to do it at all.

Once he entered the forest area, his scruples became even more.

First of all, Zhao needs to think carefully about whether he can bear the consequences of failing to resist. Once he fails, he may die here.

Secondly, if he really killed Shen Yu, would he be able to get out of this forest area on his own?
As the area the two stepped into became deeper and deeper, Ah Zhao knew that the chances of him resisting became lower and lower.

When the sun was setting and night was falling, he had no other choice but to follow Shen Yu's arrangement.

Apparently, Shen Wei also realized this, and finally he could relax a little bit, and no longer had to deliberately guard against Ah Zhao.

"It's getting dark, shall we continue walking?"

Shen Yu frowned, took out the monitor and looked at the location of the red dot, there were still three kilometers to go...

If you rush...

Seeing her hesitated, Ah Zhao said, "Don't tell me, you want to continue walking. The forest area is several times more dangerous after dark than during the day. If you want to go, go, even if it kills me now, I won't go any further. !"

Rather than being the food in the belly of poisonous snakes and beasts, it is better to die simply as a bullet.

After finishing speaking, he sat directly on the sloping tree trunk.

Shen Yu was just a flash of thought, and she was not stupid enough to really disregard safety when the actual conditions did not allow it.

If something happened, not only would Quan Hanting not be able to save him, but he would be in vain.

"Find a cave for the night."

After speaking, take the flashlight and walk away.

A Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, took his backpack and followed behind.

After walking a few hundred meters, by the light of the flashlight, the two found a hole hidden by bushes.

Shen Yu stretched out his hand to dial.

Stopped by Ah Zhao, "Impossible."


"This cave has an owner." Fearing that Shen Hou would not believe it, he pointed to a few shallow footprints beside the grass.

like a dog...

"It should be a wolf."

Shen Yu was startled, but not too flustered.

Ah Zhao really admired this woman.

If you want to say that she is a specially trained professional, she doesn't look like her in terms of conversation, manners or some professional skills.

But if it is an ordinary person, who can have her calmness in the face of danger?

The two quietly retreated from the entrance of the cave.

Keep going, and finally find a hole that seems to have no owner.

Shen Yu backed away.

"What are you doing?" Azhao was slightly taken aback.

"Go in and explore the way."

"Why should I go first?" In case of a wrong judgment and there is really something inside, the first person to enter must be finished.

Shen Yu touched the guy tied to his leg: "That's all."

Ah Zhao: "..."

OK!You have weapons, great!

He resigned himself to crawling in, and it took about two or three minutes before he exited, "The space inside is quite large, and there are no traces of animal activities. Come in."

In the cave where you can't see your fingers, the two leaned to one side, ready to rest.

There was only a rustling sound, it was Zhao who was flipping through his backpack.

After a while, Shen Yu sensed the man's approach and was on full alert.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you." At least not now, he added silently.

Shen Yu still couldn't help frowning: "Stay away from me."

A Zhao backed away for a while, and then handed over a pack of compressed biscuits: "You haven't eaten anything since noon."

"I'm starving to death, isn't it good?"

"What's the matter?" Ah Zhao said in a deep voice, "We have entered the hinterland of the forest area now, and one more person will give us more hope of survival. If you die, I may not be able to get out alive."

Shen Yu nodded: "It's good that you understand."

After saying that, he took the compressed biscuit in his hand, tore it open, and stuffed it into his mouth.

To be honest, the taste is not good, it is hard work, and the throat is loud.

Drink water to feel better.

But no matter how unpalatable it is, you have to eat it.

I don't have the strength, how can I find someone tomorrow?

Shen Yu felt that the wound on her arm was a little itchy, and she guessed it might be an inflammation.

But he didn't say anything, and his expression didn't show at all.

After eating the biscuits, I closed my eyes in the dark for two days, but didn't fall asleep.

"Hey, I have a question for you." Ah Zhao said suddenly.

Shen Yu didn't speak.

He still said to himself: "Who are you looking for?"

"..." There was a long silence in response to him.

"It's impossible for people to live on a deserted island like this. Besides, I didn't find any traces left by people along the way. Are you..." Made a mistake?

"To shut up!"

Ah Zhao didn't speak anymore.

The long night is long, and the insects are buzzing.

The first ray of light broke through the clouds and spread to the earth, dispelling the darkness, and Shen Hou woke up.

Her eyelids were heavy and her throat was dry. Her first reaction was to reach out to feel the temperature of her forehead.

Fortunately, no fever...

Soon, Ah Zhao also woke up.

The two ate compressed biscuits and continued to set off.

In the morning, the dew was still heavy.

After walking for a while, the shoes got wet.

Shen Wei still had the same pair of high heels on her feet, but she broke off the heels and threw them away, which made it easier for her to walk.

But the bare insteps and ankles could not avoid being bloodstained by dead branches on the ground.

Ah Zhao felt uncomfortable looking at it, but she didn't seem to feel any pain.

This woman is really...

Suddenly, Shen Wei stopped and looked around very vigilantly.

Ah Zhao swallowed: "Why..."

"Shh!" She made a silent gesture.

At this time, Ah Zhao heard a rustling sound, as if something was... crawling in the grass?
"What are you doing in a daze?!" Shen Yu gritted his teeth, "Take out the insect repellent powder you used yesterday!"

A Zhao didn't dare to delay, he moved quickly, first sprinkled on himself a few times, and then threw it to Shen Yu.

After about two or three minutes, the rustling sound stopped.

But the two still stood where they were and did not act rashly.

After a few more minutes, after confirming that there was no danger, Ah Zhao walked to the place where the voice came from before, and pushed through the grass.

Shen Yu walked over: "What is it?"


For the rest of the journey, the two were more careful.

Finally, at two o'clock in the afternoon, there were only 500 meters left to the location of the red heart.

Ah Zhao took a look: "Is there really someone there?"

Shen Yu's mouth was dry, her legs were sore and her feet were limp. She should have been exhausted, but she was full of strength, and she couldn't help speeding up her pace.

Even a big man like Ah Zhao struggled to follow.


The three of Quan Hanting jumped out of the helicopter. Before the explosion, they had no time to reach the sea area, so they fell into the forest area.

Moreover, it is still deep in the hinterland.

They didn't have any supplies, and Ling Yun injured his leg, so they didn't dare to walk across the forest rashly.

So, all you can do is—wait!

"Master, the signal has been sent, but neither the third master nor the fifth master has responded."

This was the second day they were trapped. Chu Yujiang tried to contact the outside world with the signal transmitter he carried with him, but with little success.

"I'll post it again..."

"It's useless." Quan Hanting said in a deep voice.

The island is undeveloped and completely closed. "Ordinary signals cannot contact the outside world, only satellite signals can."

satellite signal...

Chu Yujiang's eyes were slumped. They didn't have any equipment in their hands. How could they connect to the satellite?
"Yes, Lolita."

"Master, what do you mean?!"

A smile appeared in Quan Hanting's eyes, and said shallowly, "She will come."

(End of this chapter)

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