Chapter 412 Take You Home, Please Wake Up

The calm and determined look on the man's face was incompatible with the harsh surrounding environment.

A born king, even in adversity, can control the universe to the fullest.

There are many things Chu Yujiang can think of to rely on, such as the brothers under the Phaeton, or the grandpa's grandfather's family - the An's family that only exists in word of mouth from the elders...

But I never thought of pinning my hopes on a woman.

But Quan Hanting doesn't think so.

she will come...

Without the slightest hesitation, without the slightest hesitation.

That kind of trust, needless to say, cannot be expressed in words, but directly entrusts safety and life!
It was not only Chu Yujiang who was surprised, but also Ling Yun, but he was always quiet and expressionless, so he didn't show himself.

"Master, let's make two plans..." Chu Yujiang thought for a while and said cautiously.

It's not that he underestimates Shen Yu, but that the current situation really cannot be blindly optimistic.

Not to mention whether a woman's physical strength can pass through the forest area and find them, just going to the island is a problem.

There is no other way except by helicopter.

But in a short time, where can Shen Wei get a helicopter?

Taking a step back, even if she gets it, will she drive it?
With practical problems in front of him, Chu Yujiang had no choice but to prepare for the worst.

Quan Hanting glanced at him lightly, without further explanation.

The back of Chu Yujiang's neck felt cold.

At this moment, Ling Yun suddenly said: "Listen—"

The three were on guard at the same time.

Chu Yujiang habitually covered Quan Hanting behind him, and Ling Yun forced himself to stand up from the ground.

"Footsteps... anyone?"

"It could be a beast, too."

They looked at each other, but they stopped talking, and they were all on alert.

Suddenly, a black afterimage jumped out from the side and rushed straight to Quan Hanting.


"Be careful--"

Chu Yujiang's eyes were about to burst, and Ling Yun's eyes were also red.

They tried their best to guard against the front, but they didn't want to be in danger next to them.

At the critical moment, instead of hiding, Quan Hanting opened his arms sideways, taking the "danger" into his arms in a welcoming gesture.

Everyone was dumbfounded, stupid, stunned, and stunned.

Only the two who hug each other tightly are not affected by the outside world at all.

Shen Yu jumped over directly, leaving an afterimage in the air, with her arms tightly wrapped around the man's neck, she couldn't avoid trembling all over if she was so calm.

And the man's arms encircled her tightly and seamlessly. At that moment, the missing piece in her heart was finally filled.

"You're here." The tone was so normal, as if he was just waiting for her to watch a movie or have dinner instead of saving her life.

Shen Yu smiled softly, "Yes, I'll take you home."


A Zhao looked at the men and women who were embracing each other intimately after the catastrophe, and also grinned.

It turned out that she was looking for her lover.

Chu Yujiang is still in a daze.

Seeing Shen Yu's first reaction: he may have hallucinations.

Second reaction: Is the beast in the forest a spirit?
It took a full 30 seconds for him to wake up suddenly under Ling Yun's unceremonious elbow.

"Damn—she's really here?"

"What do you think of a living person with flesh and blood?" Ling Yun despised him.

Chu Yujiang smacked his lips, and looked Shen Yu up and down like he was looking at an alien.

Seeing this, Ling Yun said coldly from the side: "Look again, Master Xin has gouged out your eyeballs."

Chu Yujiang looked away as if he had been scalded.

Soon, the attention was drawn to Zhao again.

"Brother, who are you?"

Ah Zhao didn't like the tone of the other party's words, his smile suddenly faded, and he ignored it.

"You and Shen..." He paused, and out of precaution, he didn't say Shen Yu's name, "Did you come together?"

"Otherwise?" Azhao sneered.

Hey!The brat has quite a personality!

Shen Yu and Quan Hanting didn't get bored too much, the top priority was to get out of the forest area as soon as possible before it got dark.

A group of five people returned along the same way Shen Hou had come before, but it rained heavily on the way.

In the tropics, the island is surrounded by the sea on all sides, and the weather changes as it changes.

"Be careful……"

Shen Yu's feet slipped and he almost lost his footing. Fortunately, Quan Hanting had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he gave him a hand.

She smiled and pinched the man's warm tiger's mouth: "It's okay."


Shen Yu shook her head, in this climate, how can it be cold if it is only hot?

"I see you are a little pale."

"Maybe it's's okay..."

The man's deep eyes fell on her arm wrapped in gauze, "Let me see..."

Shen Yu avoided: "No, it's so troublesome to untie, how can I pack it back without medicine and gauze?"

"So, it was the injury you got before going to the island?"

Older gingers are more spicy.

Even in adversity, the man's acuity is not diminished in the slightest.

"Yeah." Shen Yu couldn't lie, she could only admit it.

Quan Hanting's eyes dimmed: "How did you do it?"

"I'll tell you when I get out." Shen Hou was equally calm.

"What about other than that?"

"What?" She blinked, and the rain wet her long and curly eyelashes, exuding unreasonable weakness, making one want to hold her in her arms and care for her with all her life.

Quan Hanting twirled his fingers and couldn't help it.

Because, there are still accounts to be settled——

"Aren't you going to explain your attire?" The tone was smiling, but there was no smile in those deep black eyes.


Shen Yu lowered her head, only then did she suddenly realize how embarrassed she was.

The long skirt was torn until it reached the knees, and the remaining part was still wearable, but such a dress was not conducive to walking, especially when going deep into the forest.

Although the calves were wrapped in the torn black cloth of the skirt, there were still some places that could not be taken care of, and the seams were slit open, exposing the flesh.

The insteps and ankles are even more horrible, with large and small, deep and shallow scratches, some new and some old.

Quan Hanting didn't realize at first that the joy of seeing Shen Yu made him lose his due insight.

Now that I realized it, my heart seemed to be soaked in salt water, it was sore and swollen, and there was a slight pain in it.

Shen Yu held his face in his hands and lifted it up.

Don't let him continue watching.

One word at a time: "We are still alive, that's enough."

"...Okay." After a while, just when Shen Yu thought he would not make a sound, Quan Hanting suddenly spoke.

The two smiled at each other.

It's just that on the next road, Shen Yu obviously felt the big palm holding her hand become three points tighter.

It's not that I don't mind, it's just that I didn't put it on my mouth.

Shen Yu gently clasped back, as if telling him, but also as if encouraging herself: "It will be fine..."

"Master, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, we have to find a place to take shelter."

Soaked in rain, the soil is soft, and if you are not careful, you may step on it.


A Zhao: "There's a cave over there!"

"Go and see..."

The cave is ventilated, and it feels cool when you enter it, dispelling a bit of the dry heat.


With an exclamation, Shen Wei did not expect that there would be a hollow under the cover of the branches.

Quan Hanting reacted the fastest, reaching out to pull Shen Hou, but because of the force of the fall, he was also taken two steps forward.

As a result, the two fell down together...

A quarter of an hour later.


Quan Hanting broke out of the water, holding Shen Hou who had fallen into a semi-comatose state in his arms.

They fell tens of meters from the cave above and fell into a pool of water.

The torrential rain caused the water level to rise sharply, and the undercurrent was raging, but in the blink of an eye, the two were washed away.

Right now, there is another cave.

Quan Hanting tried to shout twice, but except for the echo, there was no response from Chu Yujiang and others.


It seems that they have been rushed some distance.

Putting Shen Hou on the rock, Quan Hanting immediately gave first aid, every 30 sets of cardiopulmonary resuscitation compressions, accompanied by two artificial respirations.

"Wuhou, don't sleep!"

"Shen Wei! We still have to get out alive, you said it yourself!"

"Wake up!" The commanding tone, but in the next second, it was unbelievably soft, "Please..."

After a minute and a half, "Ahem!"

The woman choked out the water she drank before, and woke up faintly.

After taking a few breaths and slowly recovering, her pale face was stained with a slight smile: "Why, are you afraid of death?"

"Shut up!" He gritted his teeth with fierce eyes.

But Shen Yu only saw the reddish corners of his eyes, "Quan Hanting, I heard everything."

"... What did you hear?"

"You begged me just now."

The man turned his eyes away: "What daydream?"

Shen Wei raised her uninjured hand, poked his cheek first, and then rubbed the man's earlobe, "Do you want to regret it? Okay, then next time you call me, I won't wake up."

"You!" His eyes were burning with anger, and he finally turned his head around and confronted Shen Yu silently.

Four eyes facing each other-

The woman's eyes are soft and smiling; the man's eyes are full of fire, with ruthlessness.

But stripping away the appearance, the affection for each other is generally the same.

"...I won't let you fall asleep again." He was very solemn, and immediately hooked his lips, "So, you have no chance to 'not wake up'."

"What if?"

"No case!"

Shen Yu blinked: "I said if..."

"Then I beg you."

The woman froze slightly.

Quan Hanting: "Please, wake up."

Shen Yu sat up and hugged him: "Okay, I promise you!"

The man hugged back tightly.

Due to staying underwater for too long, both of them lost their strength to varying degrees. Quan Hanting was okay, but Shen Yu had softened into mud, so he could only lean on the rock to rest.

I don't know if it was because of soaking in water, but she felt that the wound on her arm was getting more and more itchy.

When Quan Hanting asked, she didn't say anything, but shook her head with a smile, indicating that it was okay.

"Rest for a while." He took off his shirt, and then Shen Wan's skirt.

Shen Yu didn't make a fuss like a silly Baitian, or was shy.

In this case, she is very clear that she can no longer wear wet clothes, otherwise it will only make the physical condition worse.

"Did yours dry?" Otherwise, it would be useless to exchange it for her.

Quan Hanting: "Yes."

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows: "So fast?" As she spoke, she reached out and touched the shirt in his hand. Although it was still a little wet, it was really dry.

Only then did she realize that the cave the two of them were in seemed to be... different from the previous one.

The temperature is different.

The previous cave sent cool wind, but here, it seems to send hot air.

Obediently cooperating with Quan Hanting, Shen Yu changed into a shirt.

The whole process is extremely well-behaved, like a doll that can be manipulated by others.

Quan Hanting lowered his head and fastened the buttons for her from bottom to top.

"If you can be as obedient as you are now, then Lord..."


He paused, but kept moving his hands. He clearly had a very serious expression, but the words he said meant something: "Master will be very happy."

The corner of Shen Yu's mouth twitched: "At this moment, you are still in the mood to joke..."

"It's not a joke, it's a fact."

She pretended to be stupid, pretending that she didn't understand.

Quan Hanting fastened the last button for her, "Master's request is not high, just this one, isn't it worth satisfying?"

"One? Put it lightly."

If she was obedient, she would have to obey everything and let him do whatever he wanted. This process may include more than one request.

"As long as you care about every detail, it seems that you have suffered a lot of losses."


She coughed lightly and changed the subject: "How do we get out?"

"Not going out."


"There is a saying in the ancients, it's called - born in the same quilt, die in the same hole. Since you don't want to be nice on the bed, then let's be a happy couple in this cave."

Shen Wei: "Childish!"

Quan Hanting: "The truth."

Even if I die, I will die with you.

"Ah Ting, let's stop making trouble, okay? Let's be serious..." She held the man's big palm and shook it in a coquettish gesture.

Men are quite useful.

He couldn't help but get serious: "I looked around, and this place is connected to the place where we fell before through the water pool, but we can't go back the same way."


Quan Hanting: "When I was underwater, I found that the undercurrent not only connects two places."

Shen Yu frowned: "In other words, this water pool is actually connected to more than two caves, there may be other places, even..." Extending in all directions!
Even if they dive back now, there is no guarantee that the place where they land is the cave they fell from.

Running around like headless chickens will only get more and more deviated from the original point.

and so……

Shen Wei: "We can only wait?"

"The two places are not far away. Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun should be able to find them soon."

However, the fact is that when the light in the cave gradually dimmed and night fell, no one found them.

Slowly, the temperature in the cave began to drop.

From the beginning, Shen Yu hugged her arms, and then curled herself into a ball.

"Wu Wan, you are trembling..."

"Well, I'm a little cold."

Quan Hanting sensed that something was wrong, and made a gesture to probe her forehead, but Shen Yu leaned back to avoid it.

The woman raised her eyes, her black eyes were bright, and then she smiled: "What are you doing?"

"Shen Wei, don't take me for a fool!" As he said, his eyes darkened suddenly, and he pressed his palm to her forehead irresistibly.

Strong, domineering, even with a hint of persecution.

Don't give women half a day to retreat and escape.

"You, here, have a fever!" Quan Hanting was about to go mad with anger, this stupid woman!
"You don't have a long mouth? You don't know how to say anything when you feel uncomfortable?!"

Shen Yu was scolded stupid by him.

After reacting, grievances followed one after another.

"You... yell at me?"

Maybe it's because of too much resentment, or because of a direct reaction to physical discomfort, the eye sockets turn red as soon as they say it, water accumulates, and tears may fall at any time.

Quan Hanting was both worried and annoyed.

It was Shen Wei who was worried.

And it was him who was annoyed.

"I'm not yelling at you..."

"Obviously he yelled."

"Okay, I won't yell, and I won't yell in the future."

Shen Wei didn't speak, her eyelids drooped, her pale face was like fragile porcelain, which would shatter at the slightest touch.

Quan Hanting's heart softened into a ball of cotton, and he said "I'm sorry" over and over again, and his self-blame seemed to obliterate him.

"...Wanhou, I'm just, worried about you."

"I know." She was finally willing to speak, her voice becoming a little hoarse, "Tell you, and then? It won't do anything except add worry, ahem... There are no doctors or medicines here. You worry about me, But I don't want you to worry..."

Shen Yu was even more afraid of becoming his burden.

With Quan Hanting's skill and physical strength, a small cave can't trap him at all.

But right now, he had to give up saving himself and stay where he was, why?
because of her.

Shen Wei has never been so clearly aware of her fragility and powerlessness as she is now.

With a strong heart but no strong body, the only thing she can do, and do well, is——

"I'm not uncomfortable!" He said, raising a smile.

Quan Hanting really couldn't see any reluctance between her crooked eyebrows, but he just knew that she was holding on and pretending!

The strength tightened, and the two of them got closer. He wished he could transmit all the body temperature to her: "Is it still cold?"

"It's not cold anymore..."


"Ah Ting, did I ever tell you that you are so warm?"


"I clearly said that when the first snow fell in Ningcheng, we huddled under the blanket, and I put my feet on your belly... Remember? You disliked me for being too cold and ran away, then I Just say, because you are warm, I want to get closer..." In the end, he used a deeper way to make her sweat profusely.

"Well, I remember."

"When I go back this time, you have to help me warm my feet."

"Warm! Warm you up everywhere!"

(End of this chapter)

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