Chapter 433 After negotiating a deal, I will get preferential treatment from him

After the two divorced, He Ling returned to the He family. It was at that time that Xu Jinsheng knew that she was the eldest lady of the He family, the real daughter of a famous lady.

It was also at that time that he really realized what he had lost——

A wife who shares thick and thin, an intimate lover, a partner who loves him wholeheartedly, and a woman who loves him.

These are all gone.

It turned out that she had played so many roles in his life.

Goodbye, it's a business reception.

At that time, He Ling had already become the general manager of Valin. It is said that He Hongye trained her as his heir.

That night, Xu Jinsheng also went.

When she was walking towards him, she almost couldn't help blurting out the word "wife", but was blocked back in her throat by a faint "Mr. Xu".

She called him "Mr. Xu".

It's not "Asheng", and it's not "husband". Even if you call him by his full name, it won't hurt his heart.

It turned out that without the marriage certificate, they were the most familiar strangers.

She denied his existence, and also denied their past.

From then on, whenever Xu Jinsheng attended the occasions, He Ling was hardly seen.

Undoubtedly, she was avoiding him.

Gradually, Xu Jinsheng didn't like socializing anymore.

Although Shen Yu is not clear about the love and hatred between these two people, according to Xu Jinsheng's current performance, it is not difficult to see that his guilt towards He Ling occupies the main part, and under the guilt is the suppressed love.

However, to make a man feel guilty after divorce, what Shen Wei saw was not a man's affection, but a woman's sorrow.

In this marriage relationship, He Ling was definitely the one who gave more, so that when she left, she was so cruel and resolute.

Get out of the house...

Although the He family is not short of money, this is too kind!
If it were Shen Hou, there would be no love, no money, no amount of too much, it would definitely scrape off a layer of skin from a man, and he would be happy in his heart!

Therefore, she does not sympathize with Xu Jinsheng.

poor person must have something mean!

"People are gone, why don't you guard a piece of land and pretend to be a lover?" Shen Yu laughed ironically.

The man's face darkened: "You should die that heart, if you don't sell it, you don't sell it! The aggressive method is useless to me."

"If I can let you meet He Ling..."

Xu Jinsheng sneered, and interrupted her: "If I want to, there are plenty of opportunities to meet, can you arrange it?"

Although He Ling avoids him, some important occasions cannot be avoided at all.

She is not alone, she also has Valin Electronics, which shoulders the livelihoods of many employees, and she can push away some insignificant entertainment, but she cannot.

Usually at such times, Xu Jinsheng would take the initiative to avoid and send other people to attend in order not to obstruct her eyes.

and so……

"Your proposal has no value to me!"

"Yes, you do have many opportunities to see her, as long as you want. What's the use of seeing her? She doesn't talk to you, doesn't listen to you, and doesn't even give her a corner of her eye. She treats you like nothing. This kind of meeting is better than not seeing each other, so as not to hurt my heart."

Xu Jinsheng had to admit that every word Shen Yu said was correct.

"Do you have a solution?"

"I can ask He Ling to sit down and talk to you calmly."

The man looked skeptical and obviously didn't believe it.

No one knows better than him how stubborn He Ling is.

Seeing this, Shen Yu didn't say anything to defend her, but only smiled with confidence, as if she had a plan in mind.

After a while, after countless struggles, Xu Jinsheng: "Conditions."

"You know, I want land."

"...If you can get Ah Ling to remarry me..."

"Mr. Xu," Shen Yu interrupted him, "you may not understand one thing. I am a human being, not a god. I can only create an opportunity for you to meet and communicate. Success or failure is beyond my control. .”

Xu Jinsheng gritted his teeth and smiled grimly: "You are taking advantage of the fire!"

"I only know that there is no profit without business."


"Think about it, the earth is dead, and people are alive. Instead of keeping things and thinking about people, it's better to make the most of them and help you save a living wife and the mother of your future child."

The man's face moved slightly, and he said for a long time, "...Okay! I want to see how you can persuade her!"

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way."


"How about the celebration reception of Mingda Group's purchase of the 0019 land and the restart ceremony of the Shiquan Bay project?"

Xu Jin ****, cheat! "

Shen Yu was not angry, but instead smiled: "In this way, Mr. Xu can attend in a legitimate way."

"I'm afraid it's too good to be true, and A Ling won't come. In the interim, your wishful thinking will be completely in vain!"

"Success or failure, Mr. Xu will wait and see."

"Hmph!" With a nasal sound, the man got up angrily and walked away.

The goal was achieved, and Shen Wei didn't want to keep him anymore.


Mingda Group, President's Office.

"...It's done?!" Shen Chunjiang stood up abruptly, his voice full of excitement and disbelief.

"Yes, Dad." A woman's soft and shy voice came from the other end.

"Wu Hou, are you sure Xu Jinsheng really agreed? You can't take this kind of joke." Speaking of the second half of the sentence, his voice became cold, with an obvious hint of warning.

Shen Yu was not affected by it, and said slowly: "Don't worry, although the details are still being negotiated, it can basically be finalized. I plan to hold a celebration reception, which will also be used as the restart ceremony of the Shiquanwan project. What do you think? Sample?"

Of course Shen Chunjiang couldn't wish for it.

As soon as the reception was held, the deal was basically finalized. During the introduction, it was impossible for Xu Jinsheng to go back on his word.

"That's daring."

Shen Yu said calmly: "I was thinking, since it is going to be done, it must be lively. First, I have an explanation to Jinglin to express my importance; second, I want to promote the Shiquanwan project by the way, and tap the potential Partner; three times, since I was with Master Liu, I don't seem to have made any public appearances, so I just took this opportunity to show him to people."

"Sixth Lord is coming?!" Shen Chunjiang's spirit was lifted, and his tone was filled with obvious joy.

Shen Yu couldn't help sneering, but her voice was as gentle as ever, without revealing anything, "He's afraid that I'm nervous, after all, it's the first time he's the host."

The implication is that Quan Hanting will be present only if she is responsible for this reception.

Shen Chunjiang paused, he planned to ask Shen Qian to do it, such a big project was almost related to Mingda's return on investment in the next year.

The right to host the reception was handed over to Shen Wei, and the outside world inevitably thought too much, after all, Shen Qian was the successor of the Mingda and the Eight Classics.

If Shen Yu was alone, Shen Chunjiang could of course refuse without hesitation, but the problem is that Quan Hanting stands behind her, which is enough to back her up and escort her.

Therefore, Shen Chunjiang had to consider this relationship when making decisions.

Currently in a tangle...

On one side is the daughter and the powerful sixth master, and on the other side is the son and heir.

Shen Yu seemed unaware of his inner struggle, and said leisurely: "This time I was able to successfully persuade Xu Jinsheng to get the land, it all depends on Liu Ye's face. Dad, you must not forget your roots, even if I am his girlfriend, I can't enjoy all this with peace of mind. .”

Shen Chunjiang really wanted to ask: why not?
But in the next second, Shen Yu's words successfully blocked his mouth——

"Love is the most unbearable thing, not to mention, I'm not that important to him, killing the chicken to get the eggs is not a long-term solution."

Shen Chunjiang's eyes tightened suddenly: "...Wuhou, you are very thoughtful, it's because Dad is confused. You will be fully responsible for this reception. After the budget plan is ready, bring it to me for signature. You can go to the finance department first. Predict the payment."

"Okay. But..." She paused for a moment, "What identity should I use to go to the finance department?"

The Third Miss of the Shen family?
Sorry, although Mingda belongs to the Shen family, not everyone with the surname Shen can do whatever he wants.

Shen Chunjiang: "You don't have to worry about this. I'll have the HR department issue a notice to formally appoint you as the project manager."

Shen Yu pursed her lips, her voice was so sweet that she felt tired, "Thank you Dad! I will not disappoint your expectations."

"Haha...Okay, then I'll wait to see you flex your muscles."

Outside the office, the door was slightly opened, and a figure could be seen standing there.

"Secretary Tan? Why don't you go in while standing?"

Tan Yao's expression froze, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to normal. With a gentle stroke, he closed the door, and then turned around with a smile. He didn't dodge or avoid Shang Jiangling's suspicious eyes, and said calmly: "Go to the door Suddenly remembered that I forgot a document."

"Is this one?" Jiang Ling handed it over.

Tan Yao took it over, opened it and scanned it lightly: "Really... thanks, Secretary Jiang, as expected of the person who follows Mr. Shen, and his business ability is much stronger than mine."

Jiang Ling waved his hand modestly: "Where? The job at Mr. Shen's place is not easy."

The two boasted to each other, and Tan Yao made a gesture to leave.

Jiang Ling: "Aren't you going in?"

"Mr. Shen is busy, and there is no rush to add this document. I will send it over tomorrow as well."

"That's fine."


Tianshui real estate.

Tan Yao didn't knock on the door, and strode directly into the CEO's office.

"...So, last month's financial situation has stabilized. It's just that the final payment of two real estate projects is still delayed. I will continue to follow up and let them make up as soon as possible. In addition..." A department manager is reporting While working, Tan Yao's sudden intrusion made him suddenly lose his voice, and he was in a state of bewilderment.

Shen Qian frowned, he knew that Tan Yao would not be so reckless, there must be something urgent.

"You go out first."

The department manager nodded, and hurriedly exited the room, not forgetting to close the door behind him.

"What happened?" Shen Qian raised his eyes and asked.

"That piece of land..."

The man's eyes tightened suddenly.

Tan Yao's expression was solemn, and he paused every word: "Shen Yu seems to have got it."


He repeated what he heard outside Shen Chunjiang's office.

The light in Shen Qian's eyes dimmed rapidly, until it was deep and cold, like two dark whirlpools, sweeping up strange waves.

Tan Yao: "...It seems that Quan Hanting cares about her more than we imagined."

Even Xu Jinsheng can chew off that hard bone!

If it is not true love, there is no other explanation.

About half a year ago, and three months after the Shiquanwan project fell into a bottleneck period, Shen Qian spent a lot of money and made some contacts before finally finding out the real ownership of the land.

As for Xu Jinsheng, he has never worked with him before, and he can't even talk about friendship.

In order to test the other party, he once asked a good real estate company boss to talk about that piece of land. Xu Jinsheng was unexpectedly tough and didn't say anything. He seemed very jealous of being known that he was the owner of that piece of land.

Shen Qian didn't dare to act rashly again.

Therefore, after procrastinating and procrastinating until now, it was done by Shen Yu.

No, to be precise, it is Quan Liuye who has great powers.

"...The personnel appointment will be officially issued today, should we think of a way to stop it?"

Shen Qian shook his head: "It's useless."

He is too aware of the temptation of that piece of land to Shen Chunjiang, not to mention a small project manager, even the general manager, he will take care of it.

Tan Yao was in a hurry: "Could it be that you are just watching her take over?"

Shen Qian didn't speak, his whole body was gloomy and his eyes were cold.

Although Tan Yao tried his best to keep calm, at this time, there was really no way to be completely calm: "Once she controls the project department, it will be difficult to get rid of it."

Shen Qian will take over Mingda sooner or later, maybe a year, maybe ten years, it depends on what the old man wants.

But after all, it's not now, there will be a period of time in between, and Shen Yu can take this opportunity to cultivate his own power within Mingda. At that time, even if Shen Qian succeeds in taking over Mingda, he will be hindered.

I don't know why, Tan Yao has always had a very strong intuition——

If Shen Yu can't be killed in the cradle in time, sooner or later it will become a serious problem!

"Mr. Shen, you can't hesitate any longer!"

Shen Qian smiled wryly: "She has already taken the land, so it's useless for us to do anything."

Tan Yao's eyes suddenly became ruthless: "Yes! We can transfer the piece of land we just negotiated to Mingda. Anyway, we have also made two-handed preparations..."

The original intention of Shen Qian to bid for this piece of land was to be able to make amends in time after Shen Yu's failure.

Equivalent to Plan-B.

Except for Shen Qian himself, no one knew whether he did this to humiliate Shen Yu, or to clean up the mess for her.

If it is the former, it would be too cruel to add insult to injury.

If it is the latter, the children will love each other, and their hearts will become soft-hearted.

Tan Yao would rather that he be more ruthless. The compromises and concessions made by Shen Qian to Shen Yu have exceeded the normal scope of a brother to a sister.

Never before has a woman been treated so favorably by him.

It is better to be ruthless than indecisive, at least such Shen Qian has no weakness...

"The land in our hands is not as good as Xu Jinsheng's. This point has been investigated as early as the bidding. Do you think that under the premise of being able to choose, someone will settle for the second best?" What's more, Mingda's board of directors There is also a group of old foxes with more eyes than sieves!
That's why his plan can only be considered as Plan-B, but not the first choice.

Tan Yao was silent, and his whole body was like a balloon, wilting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are you just sitting there waiting to die?" He murmured.

"I know what you're worried about." Shen Qian lowered his head and continued to look at the financial statements. His tone was casual and careless, and his eyes turned cold. "I have a sense of proportion to her."

Tan Yao was worried that Shen Qian would give up his vested interests because of his soft heart.

But in fact, if he could easily let go of his interests, then Shen Qian wouldn't be Shen Qian...

(End of this chapter)

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