Chapter 434 Appointment is issued, Yang Lan is secretive

On an ordinary afternoon, the office was busy, and people shuttled through the tea room.

Coffee in one hand, documents in the other, and you don’t forget to glance at them while drinking.

This is the daily life of Mingda employees.


"It exploded!" An exclamation disturbed the calm.

"What exploded?"

"Group news! Everyone hurry up and watch, there is a new trend in the personnel department."

"Personnel? Who got promoted?"

"Not a promotion..."


"It's airborne."

According to the company's development needs and nomination and filing by the board of directors, Ms. Shen Yu is hereby appointed as the project manager of Ren Mingda Group, responsible for the company's project development, negotiation, follow-up and other work.The above letter of appointment shall come into force on xx, xx, 2xxx.

It was posted on the bulletin board, and mass mails were sent to the mailboxes of employees in various departments. Therefore, within an hour, the news spread throughout Mingda.

What followed was various discussions.

In the discussion, voices of doubt dominate.

"Shen Yu? The third lady?"

"The boss is gone, and the third is here. It's interesting!"

"What's the background of this third lady? She's actually treated the same as Manager Shen (Shen Ru) back then, and she took the position of manager right after she came here."

"I heard that she was born by an outside woman, and she was brought into the house when she grew up. Regardless of her appearance or ability, she is very ordinary."

"It seems that the education is not high, right? Vocational colleges? Didn't study abroad."

"Then why is she in charge of a department? It's still an important project department."

"As long as the relationship is in place, what is impossible? If you are the president's own daughter, you can also get a manager."

"its not right……"

"What's wrong?"

"If it's just because her surname is Shen, the president may be biased, but those old men on the board are not vegetarians. Will they allow an idiot who doesn't know anything to sit in the position of project manager?"

Everyone was silent.

"Then, maybe Mr. Shen convinced them..."

Even the person who said this didn't believe it, so that the tone became weaker as he went to the end, and finally there was no more words.

There were a lot of quarrels between the board of directors and Shen Chunjiang, it was good not to cause trouble for him, how could it be possible to cover for him?
If Shen Chunjiang really opened the back door for Shen Yu, the board of directors would be the first to jump out and object.

"Hey—forget about it, what's the use of us guessing and shouting here? The personnel department's notice has been issued, and it's clearly written in black and white. It won't make any changes because of our opinions."

The implication is that there is a change in the top management, what's the matter with a group of workers who get paid?

Everyone's faces became hot for a while, and they scattered like birds and beasts.


Shen's old house.

When Yang Lan came back from the hospital, she received a call from Tan Yao as soon as she entered the door.

"Ma'am, I've thought about something for a long time, hesitated again and again, and still feel that you have the right to know. After all, it's about Mr. Shen..."

"Aqian?" Yang Lan's tone suddenly tightened, "What happened?!"

"No, don't be nervous, Mr. Shen is safe."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief: "Is that for?"

"About Miss Shen San."

"Her?" Yang Lan couldn't help frowning when thinking of that unsightly bastard.

During this period of time, she didn't dangle in front of him, and Yang Lan's life went smoothly.

Unexpectedly, when someone mentioned this, the feeling of disgust came back again, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

"What happened to Shen Yu?"

"She has passed the test."

"What?" The woman was taken aback.

"She talked about the land, she has passed the test of the board of directors, and became the project manager." After a pause, she added: "The personnel appointment has been sent to the company, and all Mingda employees should know about it by now. "

"Personnel appointment?!" Yang Lan's voice suddenly rose, with a hint of sharpness at the end, "Only by her?!"

Tan Yao couldn't help reminding: "This was agreed at the beginning, and the board of directors has nothing to say."

Yang Lan was dumbfounded for a moment, feeling remorseful to shoot herself in the foot, but more resentment towards Shen Yu.

That bitch, how dare she? !

After a while, Yang Lan's breathing calmed down, and she said coldly to the other end of the phone, "I see."

"Okay, goodbye." Tan Yao ended the call, put away his phone, and sighed out of the window——

Hope it works.

In the evening, Shen Chunjiang returned from the company.

After entering the door, I realized that the house was a bit too quiet.

The servants who were supposed to set meals at this hour were nowhere to be seen, and the tables were empty. There was no trace of smoke in the kitchen, nor could there be any smell of food.

As for Yang Lan, she was sitting on the sofa with her back to him. Although the TV was on, her stiff back had no intention of relaxing.

Shen Chunjiang changed his slippers, walked over, and couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing?"

"Wait for you." Although the woman tried her best to suppress her, the words she spoke were still unavoidably tinged with condensation.

"Wait for me to do?"

"Sit down and let's talk."

Shen Chunjiang obeyed, but he was a little impatient, but out of respect for his wife, he decided to give her this face.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you give Ah Ru's position to Shen Yu?"

"Ah Ru has left the headquarters and went to Guangdong Province. The position of project manager has been vacated a long time ago. Also, this is not a special seat that belongs to someone. Those who are capable will occupy it."

"Excuses! It's all excuses!" Yang Lan became excited, and her expression gradually twisted, "Because Shen Yu helped you take the land, so you let go? Shen Chunjiang, saying that you have milk is a mother is flattering you!"

"Shut up—" the man's eyes twitched.

"Ah Ru has been away for less than three months, and you can't wait to let that bastard replace her? Are you worthy of being a father?!"

"Yang Lan! Pay attention to your wording! Ah Ru is my daughter, so isn't Wan Wan?"

"Heh...hehe...she is your daughter now? What did you say when you brought her back at the beginning? Just keep her as a pet, don't bother, when she grows to a certain age, she will be given a dowry, It will not affect the status of my children. But now?"

Shen Chunjiang's face turned blue.

He was annoyed by Yang Lan's aggressiveness, and he was also afraid that these words would reach Shen Yu's ears, causing a gap in his heart.

Having been married for many years, Yang Lan knew what he was worried about at a glance, and immediately sneered, her eyes mocking: "At this point, you're still thinking about what you have? Heh... what a big joke!"

"What do you know?!" Shen Chunjiang's eyes were like knives, "It's not your turn to dictate the decision I made!"

"What do I understand? Of course I understand! I just know you so well that I can't help being chilled!" Yang Lan's eyes were red and tears welled up, "You are afraid of the power of Quan Hanting, but you can't help but want to flatter you , I couldn’t find the right way in the early years, but now it’s hard to find Shen Yu as a matchmaker for you, how could you let it go easily? Not to mention the position of project manager, she wants more, and you will offer it without hesitation. superior."

"Chunjiang," Yang Lan suddenly calmed down, and her tone became gentle, as if whispering between lovers, but if you carefully discern, you will find that there is a madness that can erupt at any time under such calmness, "You have been so good for so many years! You haven't made any progress at all. When you were young, you relied on your wife. When you are middle-aged, you should be high-spirited, but you still rely on your daughter. Why, haven't you done enough business with women's flesh and blood?"


A loud slap.

Shen Chunjiang's face was pale, his hands trembled, his face twitched, "You..."

"Are you ashamed? Or are you ashamed? So you still have some self-esteem."


Another slap in the face.

At this moment, the anger in the man's eyes was replaced by cruelty, and the killing intent was fleeting: "Bitch! How dare you bring it up?"

Both of them deliberately ignored some memories, tacitly not mentioning them.

But today, Yang Lan actually touched the scar. He thought that the scab had healed long ago, but he didn't expect that it would still be bloody and painful when he touched it!

"Damn you!"

Yang Lan laughed wildly: "Hahaha... Damn me? Who did you think you were for at the beginning? It wasn't me. Can you, Shen Chunjiang, have what it is today, and Mingda can develop into the scale it is today?"

"You're simply unreasonable!" With a livid face, he dropped a sentence, and Shen Chunjiang walked away with a decisive look behind him.

Yang Lan looked at his back as he walked away, as if seeing the marriage and relationship between the two who were drifting away, couldn't bear it anymore, and fell down on the sofa covering her face.

Crystal clear teardrops oozed from between the fingers.

She cried silently, but it was more pitiful and distressing than wailing.

Knowing that such a fuss would not only have no effect at all, but would also make Shen Chunjiang loathe her even more, but Yang Lan just couldn't help it.

She is too bitter.

The two daughters have been murdered by Shen Hou, so is it the son's turn now?

Absolutely not!
Mingda belongs to A-Qian, no one can touch it!
But she couldn't do anything about it...

"Ma'am, are you okay?" From time to time, Zhou Qingfu appeared behind her and asked in a low voice.

Yang Lan was at a loss for a moment, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Zhou Qingfu!"

The housekeeper lowered his body even lower to show his respect: "Madam, what are your orders?"

"You were sent by that person, right?" She seemed to grasp the last straw.

Zhou Qingfu gave a harsh meal: "Madam?"

"Stop pretending, I'm not blind yet!"

"...Yes." Butler Zhou lowered his eyes and admitted.

Yang Lan was in a trance for a while, although she had expected it, but at the moment of confirmation, she couldn't help but fell into a state of shock.

After so many years, she thought...

"Madam, since you already know, you should understand...his thoughts for you."



Yang Lan raised the corners of her mouth mockingly.

For things like men, how much is "heart" worth to them?

Isn't there a perfect example in front of you?

She doesn't think about anything now, she just wants to protect her son: "Can you contact him?"

Zhou Qingfu hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "It should be possible."


"At this time of year, others are abroad. I can try my best. Madam, what do you want to convey?"

With tears in her eyes, Yang Lan laughed sarcasticly: "Tell him, as long as you still have a little shouldn't let that illegitimate daughter who is like a wolf cub take away what belongs to A-Qian!"

The corners of Zhou Qingfu's eyes trembled slightly: "I will convey the exact words."

At the time of introduction, what will happen to Miss San, I'm afraid...

Well, everyone has their own destiny.


On the second day after meeting Xu Jinsheng, Shen Hou came to the door forcefully, and went to Jinglin himself early in the morning to complete the finalized details and sign the contract that should be signed.


"Happy cooperation, Mr. Xu."

Xu Jinsheng glanced at her coldly, raised the corners of his mouth insincerely, and quickly calmed down, a little unreasonably arrogant.

Shen Yu didn't care either.

Once the contract is signed, the land is hers.

Whether you are happy or unhappy, anyway, it won't hinder her eyes.

Just as she was about to withdraw her hand, the man suddenly shook it back slightly.

It's really just a click.

The tone is light: "Happy cooperation."

Shen Wei sorted out the contract and made two copies, one of which was handed over to him, "Mr. Xu, take it away, it's worth tens of billions."

"I'm very curious." The man raised his hand to take it, and threw it aside without looking at it, "You have worked so hard, and after running around, you don't have to worry about Mingda using you as a springboard. After getting the land, he will kill the donkey." ?”

"Worry." She smiled, as if taking it for granted, "Is it useful to worry?"

"...It's useless." Xu Jinsheng said truthfully.

"There are two types of smart people. One is 'stupid and smart'. He can do things very well. After all, his brain is not stupid and his understanding is not bad, but the credit does not go to him, and the work is for nothing."

"Is there another kind?" The man suddenly became a little curious, what fallacy could this woman say.

Shen Wei: "There is also a kind of 'witty wit', which is a common saying. This kind of people are smart, but they are all used for tricks. They want to do the least thing and get the most merit, but others They are not fools, and they often kill themselves in the end."

Xu Jinsheng: "What about you?"

"Learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses."

"Hmph, it's beautiful to say, but it's not necessarily true to do it."

"Why, Mr. Xu is afraid that I will suffer? He always reminds me to be careful." Shen Yu raised her eyebrows.

The man's complexion suddenly darkened: "It's taken for granted, just pretend to be passionate!"

Shen Hou discovered that besides his cold and heartless skin, Xu Jinsheng also had a proud and awkward soul.

And this kind of man, if he is ruthless, will hurt people, but the childishness he occasionally reveals is quite charming.

Before, Shen Wei couldn't figure out how a strong woman like He Ling would like such a man who is extremely cold and weird, but now she is not so absolute, what if Sister Yu just likes such a cold and cute dog What about son?

After all, each has its own aesthetics.

Xu Jinsheng: "Then what you promised me..."

"Don't worry," Shen Wei took out a silver invitation card from her bag, embellished with golden dark lines, and a luxurious and high-end atmosphere came over her face, "This Saturday at 1 o'clock in the evening, in Banquet Hall [-] of Horton Hotel."

"A Ling will go too?"

"of course."

Xu Jinsheng raised his hand to accept it, and put it in the drawer cautiously. Compared with the contract that was thrown aside and stood alone, his attitude was completely different.

Shen Wei: "..."

"Shen Chunjiang..." He paused, seeing that Shen Yu had finally done something that satisfied him, Xu Jinsheng might as well remind her, "He's too utilitarian. If you can, you should keep an extra one for yourself." Back off, lest you regret it."

"Thank you for the reminder, but I have already kept it."

"Keep it ready?"

Shen Yu nodded to the contract and smiled meaningfully, "Mr. Xu can take a closer look."

(End of this chapter)

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