Chapter 444 Lesson to Shen Rang, chat with Shen Qian at night

That stupidity is real, and the Holy Mother is not fake, and the simplicity is more like "single stupidity". Looking at it this way, Shen Yu probably isn't very smart.

But her words are full of accusations and curses everywhere, unlike what a fool can say.

Shen Chunting frowned even more when he heard the words: "What are you talking about?"

Wei Mingxin snorted coldly: "Aren't all of you surnamed Shen the same virtue?"

"?" His eyes were darkened, and he was confused.

What do you call your surname Shen?
"Don't forget who your wife is, and whose surname you wear!" Shen Chunting gritted his teeth.

Wei Mingxin pouted, looking disgusted.

"Be clear, what happened to you, Shen Yu?"

"Hey——Your niece is amazing. I say one sentence, she says three sentences, and every sentence has something to say."

"What's the specific situation?"

This involves husband and wife issues, so naturally Wei Mingxin would not be so stupid as to tell Shen Chunting.

He waved his hand: "It's nothing, I just think this little girl is very scheming."

"Heh, if she's not scheming, can she take the land in Xu Jinsheng's hand? I told you not to underestimate her, and now I'm just being annoyed!"

Having been a couple for decades, Shen Chunting could tell at a glance that Wei Mingxin had been angered by Shen Yu.

"You heartless bastard! If it weren't for you, would I be able to catch up with others?!"

Obviously it was Shen Chunting who asked her to get close to Shen Yu, but now she still has the face to point her nose and scold her?

"Okay, so you have such a big opinion on me? Let's go home and break it up!"

"Why are you crazy? Don't you see what occasion it is today?!"

"I don't care what the occasion is, if you make me unhappy, I won't make you feel better either!"

"Wei Mingxin! Can you calm down for me?"

"Yes, but you have to find a way to pull Shen Yu down and let our son take over."

"You think I don't want to?! There's no rush for this, but a long-term plan."

The woman didn't quite believe it, and hesitated: "Could it be that you just said it casually to appease me?"

Shen Chunting sneered, the words that scolded her for being stupid had already reached his lips, and he swallowed them back abruptly, gnashing his teeth——

"Don't forget, Ah Rang is also my son! You are not the only one who cares about his future."

"It's almost..."

The couple in the second room had agreed on the conditions, and then it stopped.

Shen Yu could vaguely guess the purpose of her good second aunt in encouraging her to do those things.

At first, she was jealous, she couldn't see her niece climbing a high branch.Even if Shen Yu is just a toy, it is also Liu Ye's toy, unique and unique.

If Shen Hou really listened to her and followed Quan Hanting, or secretly checked his phone, he might just be dumped.

For couples, it can be tolerated; but between male and female friends, it is the most taboo.

Wei Mingxin asked her to do this because she wanted Quan Hanting to tire of her.

But what good is it for her if Shen Yu is abandoned?


In addition to being able to watch a joke, it can make people worse.

Therefore, there are always some people in this world who like to do stupid things that harm others and benefit themselves.

Secondly, Shen Yu looked too soft and easy to deceive, Wei Mingxin just wanted to bully her and fool her.

There is no need for any reason, it is entirely the malice in the heart.

"Hey, isn't this the new sister!" A playful voice came from behind.

When Shen Yu turned her head, she saw Shen Rang leaning against the wall, with the corner of one lip slightly raised, looking cynical.

He was wearing a black leather jacket and washed blue jeans. He seemed not afraid of the cold in the cold winter months, and he had a street gangster's air all over him.

In general, it's-


With the most basic courtesy, Shen Yu called out "Brother", but there was no warmth on his face.

She never thought of winning over the second room, so naturally she didn't have to curry favor.

In Shen Rang's eyes, this look became madness and arrogance, heh, why should a little girl act like this?
He suddenly stood up straight and approached.

Shen Yu's expression remained unchanged, and when he approached, she took two steps back, so there was always a distance between the two of them.

"What are you afraid of? I won't hit you." He grinned, even his smile was evil.

Quan Hanting also had unruly moments, but Shen Rang couldn't compare with them.

Liu Ye's evil comes from madness, he has confidence, so he has a temper; and this one in front of him is just a layer of aura of a rich man than the real bum, and he pretends to be handsome, to put it mildly "Pretending", if you put it badly, it means "Secondary Two".

No matter how ugly it sounds, it is "sick"!
Thinking of this, Shen Yu couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth, and his eyes on Shen Rang also became teasing.

"What are you laughing at?!" The voice was vicious, and the attitude was extremely bad.

"Does it have anything to do with you whether I smile or not?" His tone was light and his face was calm.

"If you smile at me, then it has something to do with it!"

Shen Yu turned her eyes away first, then turned her head, "Then I'm not looking at you now, is that okay?"

Shen Rang was startled by her coquettish operation, and he didn't know what to think of, a sneer appeared on his lips, which made the originally handsome facial features a little more sinister and serious——

"Is this how you deal with Rujie and Xiaoyan?"

Shen Yu frowned.

"Stop pretending, if you say that what happened to the two of them has nothing to do with you, I wouldn't believe it!"


and then?
There's no after that.

Shen Yu's calm made Shen Rang look like a fool.

"You, this vicious woman!"

"What, do you want to be the incarnation of justice, or do you want to destroy me on behalf of the moon?"

Shen Rang: "..."

"It's nothing else, please let me go, you're blocking my way." Shen Yu waved his hand like a gesture to repel mosquitoes.


"By the way, don't make any embarrassing guesses in the future. If you work hard, I will be annoying too."

Shen Rangdun frowned on the spot: "Why are you bothered? What qualifications do you have to say about me?"

"Just because my surname is Shen, and there is no evidence for what you said."

"Hey - if I had evidence, you would have been sent to the police station long ago! Also, you are not the only one named Shen in the world, what are you dragging?"

Shen Yu said lightly: "Then let's wait until you find the evidence."

Neither tepid nor hot, neither salty nor bland, the translation is equivalent to - have nothing to fear!
Shen Rang felt annoyed at the powerlessness of punching the cotton, and he rushed forward, wanting to reach out and pinch Shen Hou's chin.

The latter had sharp eyes and quick hands, turned away sideways, and sneered into his eyes: "Do all of you men surnamed Shen have a habit of pinching people's jaws?"

You... surnamed Shen?

So, who else with the surname Shen wants to pinch her chin?

Shen Rang's secondary illness suddenly disappeared, and he became shrewd.

"Smell!" She scoffed in a deep voice.

Shen Rang didn't care to think about it any further, and launched a second attack out of anger.

This time he threw himself at Shen Yu, with the wall behind him, to see where else she could hide!
Shen Yu had no intention of hiding at all.

The moment Shen Rang rushed over, she also rushed up, even more fiercely than the man.

Find the right angle, and use the momentum of inertia to push hard on the opponent's chest.


Only a muffled sound was heard.

Shen Rang slammed his back against the wall, his face turned pale from the pain, and his whole body seemed to be glued to the wall, unable to move.

The distorted expression silently expressed his pain and anger at the moment!
"Shen, Wan—"

"Sorry, I don't like this, and I'm not used to your stinking problems! Does it hurt? That's right, because——you deserve it."

After finishing speaking, he left gracefully.

The back is graceful.

"Wipe—" Shen Rang whispered a low curse, biting his cheeks harder than iron, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

Shen Wei, I remember you!

Since it happened in a remote corner of the living room, the dispute did not alarm others.

Shen Wei went upstairs, ready to go back to her room.

At the corner, she suddenly smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

In the next second, Shen Qian appeared in front of her.

The man took off his coat, his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, his hair was slightly messed up, his cheeks were covered with a light blush, his eyes were a little less clear and deep, and more dazed and innocent.

This kind of Shen Qian is casual and lazy, but without losing the warmth engraved into his bone marrow.

The charm is boundless.

But Shen Yu only glanced at it lightly, then lowered his eyes, pulled out a safe distance between the two, and called out: "Brother."

"Yeah." The nasal voice was heavy and smelled like wine.

She didn't want to spend more time with her, so she pushed open the door of the room. Unexpectedly, the man also came in, and even gave her a slight push on the shoulder.

The strength is not strong, but the action is strong, without giving her any chance to refuse.


The door is closed.

Shen Yu is really tired of these men from the Shen family, chasing after one after another, is it that cheap? !
"What's the matter?!" His tone became stern, and his eyes gradually became defensive.

There was a moment of bewilderment in Shen Qian's eyes, but his pride didn't allow it, so he restrained himself very quickly.

"let's talk."

She chuckled lightly, with a little casualness: "What are you talking about?"

The man's Adam's apple rolled slightly. He had obviously loosened his tie, but he still felt something strangling his neck.

Depressed, dull, can't break free!

What to talk about?
Actually, he didn't know...

I just want to talk to her calmly.

It turned out that such a simple thing is difficult to do.

Shen Qian walked to the small sofa at the end of the bed and sat down. He was tall, with long hands and feet, and his whole body seemed to be huddled in the orange sofa, with his body sunk in.

He took the initiative to distance himself, and never moved his hands or feet like the previous few times. Seeing this, Shen Wei's face softened a little.

She sat on the stool at the end of the bed, just facing Shen Qian, with an oval wool rug in between.

Very safe location.

Shen Qian: "Wu Wan, you know, I have never wanted to be your enemy."

She doesn't speak.

He didn't care either. He leaned his elbows on the sofa and gently rubbed his temples with his fingertips. Alcohol made him feel a little giddy, and he had to use this method to stay awake.

In her previous life, Shen Yu was very good at drinking, mostly for entertainment.

But Shen Qian's drinking capacity is better than her.

Now the time is three years earlier, he seems not as sharp-edged as in his previous life, making people feel glaring at a glance.

Perhaps it was too quiet at night, or perhaps caused by alcohol, but Shen Yu was surprisingly a little more patient.

And this kind of patience allowed her to sit calmly and listen to Shen Qian's words.

"Mingda, it's not as glamorous as you see. Opponents are stalking tigers, internal scrambles for power, and many company rules and mechanisms are no longer applicable. It's like a machine that hasn't been updated for a long time, so many internal parts are rotten and rusty."

Shen Wei: "Is this the reason why you haven't entered Mingda for so long?"

Shen Qian guarded his Tianshui real estate, but left the family business aside, without the slightest appearance of an heir.

Fortunately, Shen Chunjiang was in power, and he was in his prime of life. He declared that Shen Qian was practicing, so that he would not attract many suspicions.

The man's voice was slightly hoarse, revealing a touch of obscurity and calmness: "I... still need some time."

Time accumulates experience, experience improves qualifications, qualifications equal experience, and experience is a comprehensive manifestation of a person's vision, accomplishment and strength.

Today's Mingda is a seemingly advanced machine, but internal illnesses are getting worse. Shen Qian's current ability can cure illnesses, but cannot save lives.

He still needs some time to improve his "medical skills", and when he sets foot in Mingda, it must mean that he is already confident.

Just now, not yet.

Shen Yu seemed to be meeting him for the first time.

So, in his previous life, Shen Qian, who had everything under control, was overwhelmed with conspiracy and schemes, and worked hard like a rock from another mountain, was not born strong, but climbed to that height step by step?
He was also helpless and helpless, he could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

It wasn't until hard work and survival in adversity that a strong heart and an unshakable soul were finally forged.

It turned out that it wasn't that Shen Yu didn't work hard enough in her previous life, it was just that she came back late.

This meant that Shen Qian would always overwhelm her, because when she still needed to work hard, Shen Qian had already reached that height that made people look up, and she was just a tiny existence like an ant in front of his eyes.

she's just late...

Returning to Shen's house one step late, it is doomed that it will be difficult for her to catch up with the former.

This is life...

I couldn't escape my life in my previous life!

Fortunately, this life has been advanced four years, allowing her to see a growing Shen Qian who has not yet attained the strength of his previous life.

"Why are you looking at me with that look?" Surprised and stunned, as if he was relieved, relieved, but full of emotions, inexplicably complicated.

Shen Qian claimed to have insight into people's hearts, but he couldn't see through the woman in front of him.

"Suddenly realized that you are different from what I thought." Shen Yu said.

The man raised his eyebrows, and there was interest in his eyes: "What's the difference?"

"I thought you were a firm keeper, but your actions tell me that you have an aggressive heart and are eager to establish a new order and become an entrepreneur who ushers in a new era."

Shen Qian's eyes darkened, "Oh?"

Neither admitted nor denied, just a rhetorical question.

Shen Yu didn't need to find out anything from his performance, because she was very confident in her own judgment.

"Is not it?"

He chuckled: "How can you see that?"

"Tianshui Real Estate is the proof."

Shen Qian's eyes froze.

"If you just want to keep the family business well, then you should join Mingda from the very beginning, familiarize yourself with the operation of the group, and establish your own prestige among the employees along the way. But you didn't, you opened your own real estate company, and in just a few years Time has developed rapidly, and now it is one of the giants in Ningcheng's real estate industry."

"So your conclusion?"

"Compared with Tianshui's prosperity, Mingda's decline makes you quickly realize the problem..."

(End of this chapter)

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