Chapter 445 What Price, You Have No Heart
It was only 50 years ago that Shen Zongming left Kyoto, settled in Ningcheng, and founded Mingda Group.

For an enterprise, the normal life cycle should include several stages of development, growth, maturity, and decline.Judging from the current situation of Mingda, Mingda still has decades to say at least.

The above is the understanding of researchers.

But as a manager in it, even a person at the helm, the expected future is far less optimistic.

That's right, there seems to be no problem with Mingda's report data, project information, year-end income, year-end dividends, and even the ever-expanding scale of the company.

But it's only superficial.

Because when Shen Zongming was in power, he appointed many "close people" based on his personal friendship. Among them were the so-called "brothers" he met when he first entered Ningcheng, and there were also various in-laws who were in love with each other. They are conspicuous, and they don't hold important positions, but after so many years, a small number of people have reached the top level, and they hold no important positions within the group.

Don't mention anything else, let's just talk about the old guys on the board of directors, two of them reached the threshold of Mingda through the back door relying on Shen Zongming's relationship.

Rich, not stupid, and good at making money, went smoothly to today, and became the director of Mingda.

That's all, but the bad thing is that the two of them don't remember Shen Zongming's kindness back then. On the contrary, they tried several times to remove Shen Chunjiang from the position of president and arrange for their own people to sit on it.

Doesn't Shen Zongming know?
Of course he knows.

Not only did he know the small actions of those old guys on the board of directors behind the scenes, but he also knew their wolf ambitions, and even targeted the Shen family.

Can you know what is the use?

Raising tigers has become a problem. Can we still kill tigers?Not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, you may be bitten back.

What Shen Zongming can do is to throw the mess to Shen Chunjiang; and Shen Chunjiang is more than stable, but lacks courage, so all he can do now is to try his best to maintain the balance without being broken.

But Shen Qian is different...

He is an ambitious "pioneer" who always firmly believes that what cannot be broken cannot be built!
Before he was able to break the peaceful appearance maintained by the previous generation, it was his attitude to choose to stay out of the matter and not touch it at all.

Hibernating now is for rising in the future.

When the time is right and everything is ready, Shen Qian will leap up from the depths of the dense forest like a leopard, and tightly strangle the prey by the throat.

At the time of introduction, there will be a violent storm in Mingda, and all people and things will be washed and restarted.

And this process takes a long time, maybe two or three years, or four or five years, and then a little seven or eight years, or even longer.

In her previous life, Shen Yu was the "sand" that was washed away in the process of a man planning and developing his grand plans.

She wasn't even a stumbling block, because it was really easy for Shen Qian to deal with her.

You don't even need to do it yourself, the rest of the Shen family will do it for you.

In the end, his hands were still clean, not stained with any blood.

Looking back on her previous life, Shen Wei has been able to perfectly control her emotions, analyze and judge with a calm and critical attitude.

She found that Shen Qian was really lucky.

The beginning is unique, the middle gets twice the result with half the effort, and the ending is perfect and beautiful.

It seems that even Tiandao is on his side, and he is particularly partial.

But now, it's different...

The beginning is completely different from the previous life.


Tianshui is booming, and Mingda is going down!
This is the first time Shen Qian heard such an argument, especially the second half of the sentence.

He sneered: "You have only been in Mingda for a few days, and you can see that it is going downhill?"

"Some things don't get closer to the truth as time goes by. Some people know it at a glance, such as the masters in the A-share market; some people turn a blind eye, such as most of the group employees."

"I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, because I live in this mountain. It's just that they can't see through it. Could it be that you, an outsider, can't see through it too?"

Unless you pretend to be deaf and blind!

A question from Shen Hou blocked Shen Qian from speaking.

After a while, the corner of the man's lips raised slightly: "... Whenever I think I know you well enough, you always refresh my knowledge again. So, how many secrets do you still hide?"

The tone is deep, the ending is sexy, and there is a seductive meaning in the darkness.

Unfortunately, Shen Yu was not teased.

She didn't even blink her eyes, she sat there peacefully, her motionless appearance was like a deep silent sea.

Deep and unfathomable.

"Your reaction is enough to prove——I guessed right." Mingda was indeed going downhill day by day.

Shen Qian responded silently.

"Corporates have problems, and those are problems you can't fix right now, can you?"


Shen Wei continued: "I might as well make a hypothesis, because it can't be solved, or even if you intervene, you can't achieve the desired effect, so you would rather guard Tianshui Real Estate than intervene in Mingda Group?"

The man's eyes dimmed, and there was a faint light.

The look in her eyes reveals obscurity and...excitement?
Shen Qian never mentioned these thoughts to anyone, even Tan Yao, who worked closely with him at work, never thought about it.

There is no tacit understanding between relatives - Yang Lan never questioned his decision, Shen Chunjiang thought he was just trying to prove himself, and the old man praised his entrepreneurial awareness.

No one would think that Shen Qian didn't want Mingda, unless he was out of his wits, he would let go of such a large fortune and play some ridiculous game of self-made.

But the facts proved that he just disliked Mingda, or in other words, disliked Mingda who was suffering from serious illness.

Shen Yu didn't let go of the slightest expression on the man's face, his eyes were burning.

Suddenly, Shen Qian smiled, and Shen Rin's voice was slightly sexy, resonating with the vibration of the chest cavity.

"I'm very happy," he said, with joy in the corners of his eyes and brows, his clear eyes raised to meet her gaze, "You really are the person who understands me best."

I'm glad you are the one who knows me best.

At that moment, Shen Qian's mood could even be called surprise.

She knew his ambitions, guessed his intentions, and even knew his plans, maybe... She also saw through him.

Shen Qian doesn't like to expose too much of his true thoughts, because it will make him feel insecure about being probed and dissected, but if that person is Shen Wei...

He didn't seem to reject it, on the contrary, there was an inexplicable joy welling up from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, the man's expression gradually softened, and his eyes were no longer sharp as before.

But the next second—

Shen Yu chuckled: "The one who knows a person best should be his enemy."

So, am I your enemy?
Shen Qian's complexion suddenly sank, and he gritted his teeth: "Can't you say something nice with this mouth?"

"Sorry, no."


The man was amused by her straightforwardness.

This seemed to be the first time the two had had such a peaceful conversation after they broke up and broke up.

"Since you can see clearly, why do you need to sharpen your head and enter Mingda?"

"You have Tianshui Real Estate, what do I have?" The woman tilted her head and showed him a half-sarcastic smile.

Shen Qian was dumbfounded for a moment.

He has the right to dislike Mingda, but she doesn't.

"The old toys that need to be eliminated in your eyes are new things that I have never seen before. You have played enough, but I haven't even touched it." When she spoke, her tone was flat, her eyes remained the same, without the slightest Wronged, without the slightest sadness.

Act like a bystander and state the facts without emotion.

The man's heart stabbed fiercely. She was so stubborn that she didn't even need any sympathy, but he just couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Many times, silent strength is more moving than loud crying.

Shen Qian's gaze softened and softened at a speed visible to the naked eye. He forgot the trouble that Shen Yu sitting in the position of the project manager would bring him, and he also ignored that a woman surnamed Shen entered the power center of the group, which might cause trouble. threat to him.

He is like a fish that has been stung many times, and he can't help approaching the glowing jellyfish.

What about her waywardness?
Let it go.

What if she messes around?
used to.

She did something wrong and threatened herself, so what?

Forgive her of course.

Shen Qian couldn't believe that such a ridiculous answer would appear in his mind.

He seemed to be torn in two, half sane, half mad.

"Wuhou, you are forcing me..."

The woman smiled and said softly: "If you don't want to, then no one can force you."

He is Shen Qian.

Even if he is fledgling, he is still the young master of the Shen family who plans strategies and kills decisively, and heir to the future iron and blood seal.

"You can't bear to rely on me, that's why you dare to make an inch!" Tighten your fists, and your tone is full of love and hate.

"Brother, you said that you will give me whatever I want." She blinked with an innocent look on her face.

The black pupils are crystal clear, without any impurities.

Shen Qian was deceived by such eyes!
From the first meeting to the later getting along, she has always been weak and clean.

Like an insecure pet, its eyes are full of ignorance and innocence, making people want to touch, rub, and hold it in their arms.

Since when did she start breaking his cognition?
Shen Qian couldn't remember it himself.

Maybe it's because she asked to show up at the banquet and got the recognition from the wealthy circle, or because she expressed that she wanted to work and was unwilling to be a caged bird...

But now, it is meaningless to delve into it.

By the time he realized it, Shen Yu had already changed another face.

The ridiculous thing is that he actually accepted this change, even more fascinated than before, wanting to get closer...

"You're asking me for a promise?" Shen Qian smiled, but there was a hint of gnashing of teeth in that smile, "But what are you going to exchange for it? Huh?" The ending sound raised.

While speaking, the man stood up from the sofa and walked straight to her.

Shen Yu was sitting, and he was standing, so he had to look up.

The night wind entered the window and passed between the two of them, bringing a bit of coldness.

The two pairs of eyes looking at each other are like sparks, and the temperature rises.

The man lowered his head, his eyes blurred for a moment.

Shen Yu looked at him calmly, more awake than ever.

Suddenly, Shen Qian bent down, and the distance between the two quickly shortened. Just when they could feel the distance of each other's breathing, Shen Yu suddenly leaned back.

There is a bed on her back, this position is equivalent to half lying on it, and then quickly turned over, her feet landed on the ground, and she stood up naturally.

The whole process is as elegant as a classical dance, and every movement is extremely beautiful.

She said, "Then I don't want it."

Shen Yu couldn't afford a promise with a price.

Her understatement made the man instantly manic: "You gave up without even asking?!"

Shen Wei: "It is unwise to seek skin from a tiger."

"You!" He sneered, and nodded his head twice as if angry, "Okay! Good job!"

"I don't agree with your approach." Facing his anger, the woman remained calm.

"What?" The topic changed too quickly, Shen Qian was stunned for a moment.

"You want to wait until you're sure of everything before intervening in Mingda's affairs, but I think that only by going deep into it can we break through the status quo."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow, noncommittal.

Shen Yu didn't force him to accept it, and smiled: "Why don't we make a bet."

"……tell me the story."

"You stop, don't make it difficult, I will prove to you that my method is useful."

"Why, you still want to change Mingda's current situation?"

Shen Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, raised her jaw slightly, like a proud peacock.

"I admit that you are very smart and have some means, but if you are too smart, you become overwhelmed. Do you know what the result will be if a gnat shakes a tree and a mantis becomes a car?"

She didn't respond.

A look of comprehension flashed across the man's face, "You said all this because you wanted me not to interfere with your entry into Mingda, and not to be a hindrance, so that you can secure your position as the project manager as soon as possible."

The previous peace of mind is a temptation.

The betting offer after that is a thriller.

"Shen Wei, you are really calculating!"

The true intention was seen through, and there was no superfluous expression on the woman's face. She was like a frozen lake, no matter how much you slapped it, there would be no splash.

"Oh, since you already know everything, I have nothing to say."

Shen Qian was so angry at her indifferent attitude.

Shen Yu walked to the door, stretched out his hand and opened it, leaving a sideways position: "There is nothing else, you can go out."

"Heh... Didn't you have a good chat just now? This is your sincerity in begging for help? It's faster to turn your face than to turn a book. Does it mean that once you have no use value for you, you will only end up being discarded?"

Be kind when you need it, and kick away when you don't.

This woman's heart is made of iron, ruthless to the extreme.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, or perhaps he was unwilling, so Shen Qian raised his foot and kicked the door, making a loud bang.

Shen Yu frowned suddenly: "Are you crazy?!"

There are still people downstairs, and they may rush up anytime, anywhere.

"What are you afraid of?" The man approached, "There is nothing between us, even if parents come up now, so what?"

Shen Yu nodded: "Indeed, then you can kick it a few more times and let everyone come up to see what I'm doing with you. Isn't that more interesting?"

Shen Qian: "..."

"Don't kick?"


"If you don't kick, then go quickly."

"Shen Wei, you have no heart!" After leaving this sentence, the man left angrily.

The door was slammed hard by her, and there was a heavy sound, but it was much quieter than Shen Qian's crazy kick just now.

Shen Hou walked to the window sill, the cool night wind cooled the anger surging in her chest.

Looking at the cactus in front of her, she touched the thorns on it and murmured softly: "You seem to have gained weight again..."

(End of this chapter)

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