Chapter 447 Houhou was coerced, Bailian haunted

On New Year's Eve, the city center is still lively.

Most of them are young couples who don't like tradition, but have a reunion night.

Of course, there are also those "Ning Piao Clan" who can't go home and can't stand loneliness in such days.

But like Shen Yu, there are very few girls who live in Ningcheng and are accompanied by relatives, but drive a valuable sports car to the city center at midnight alone, which is very rare.

Of course, it also earns enough to keep returning.

She found a place to park the car first, and then strolled along the street.

Shen Yu didn't plan to go back to Dongli Villa, without Quan Hanting, it would be an empty house, meaningless to her, and she couldn't give birth to any nostalgia.

Passing by a 24-hour convenience store, when she came out, she had an extra cup of coffee in her hand.

Take off the heat-insulating paper sleeve and hold it in the palm of your hand. For such a cold weather, the heat is just right.

Shen Yu couldn't help thinking, what is Quan Hanting doing at this time?
Gathering and chatting with the family, or getting drunk?

She wanted to call him, but was afraid of disturbing him.

It was only after advancing and retreating that I realized that I had walked a long distance along the pedestrian street.

The night was as deep as ink, the woman wore a gorgeous red coat, her black hair was draped over her shoulders, like a twilight blooming at night, it was gorgeous and extremely beautiful.

knock --

His fair fingers bent up and tapped twice on the reflective glass surface.

The tobacco stall owner who was dozing off suddenly woke up, and looked at the young woman who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Black hair and red lips, against the white skin like snow, not like a human, like a fairy.

"...What do you want to buy?"

"Hei Shou, is there any?"

"Yo! You're asking the right place. I'm not bragging. Among the cigarette stalls within a radius of ten miles, including those serious shopping malls and convenience stores, only my place is the most authentic!"

Shen Wei raised her eyebrows.

The boss smiled and took out a black plastic bag from the cabinet below, "My daughter often goes on business trips to Country E, and she brings one or two with her every time. Usually, fewer people ask questions and fewer people buy. Slowly accumulate, there is such a big bag. By the way, girl, how many bags do you want?"

"One pack."

"Okay." The boss took out a bag and slapped it on the countertop, "If you don't worry, you can inspect the product, it's absolutely genuine, and it's no lie!"

Shen Wei glanced at it and asked the price directly.

The boss reported a number, and it was reasonable.

Shen Wei paid, took the cigarettes, and left.

"Girl, do you want a lighter?!"

Shen Yu turned around.

The boss threw it at her: "Go on! I'll give it to you, no money, happy new year!"

Shen Yu grasped it firmly and smiled. In an instant, it was like melting ice and snow: "Thank you, happy new year."

"Go home early, it's too late and it's not safe."

She waved her hand and walked away.

The lady's cigarette does not choke, but has a faint mint fragrance. Shen Wei took a sip, opened her red lips slightly, and exhaled a beautiful smoke ring, which then curled up and slowly dissipated in the air.

After smoking one, she felt better.

The sound of heavy metal music came from the bar on the side of the road, and Shen Yu walked in after turning his feet.

After entering the hall, I realized that there were not many people inside. Perhaps it was to make it look more lively, and the volume was turned up sufficiently.

Shen Yu does not reject the lively atmosphere, especially on special days like New Year's Eve, but she hates noise, the heavy bass that is too much makes her breathing and heartbeat uncomfortable, so she simply opened a private room, so that she can feel the outside atmosphere without disturbing the atmosphere. Facing the miasma in the hall.

"this way please……"

The waiter showed her the way.

Shen Wei pushed open the door, and there was a window in the private room, which was specially requested by her, so it could be ventilated.

The layout is ordinary and the decoration is ordinary, but the advantage is that it is clean and there is no strange smell that often appears in sensual places.

Seeing that she was quite satisfied, the waiter silently backed away.

Beer and snacks were delivered quickly.

"Use it slowly..."


Close the door and leave.

Shen Yu walked to the window, and the night wind blew in, mixed with a faint... bloody smell?

His heart shuddered, but his face remained calm.

Suddenly, a cold touch hit the side of the neck, and Shen Yu's whole body froze.

"Don't move, the knife in my hand doesn't recognize people." A man's voice was low and deep.


Countless thoughts crossed my mind, and as the man approached, the smell of blood became stronger.

Shen Yu's eyes darkened, and he raised his hands high, posing in a gesture of surrender, "If you have something to say, it's not beautiful to use a knife."

Surprised by her calmness and understanding, a hint of interest flashed across the man's eyes.

"You are not afraid?"

"I'm more afraid of death."

Heh, the man twitched the corners of his mouth, he didn't expect that it would be so interesting to grab a woman casually.

Shen Wei: "What request do you have?"

The blade in the man's hand showed signs of loosening. Shen Yu's eyes turned cold, and he stomped his foot on the man's instep, pushing his elbow back, and twisted while pulling the other's hand, only to hear a muffled groan, the man had been crushed. She pushed into the corner.

His back hit the wall, and the man's face turned pale.

Shen Yu hurriedly ran towards the door.

It's a pity that before she could escape, the quick-reacting man had already caught up with her, grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her in.

If the plan fails, Shen Yu knows that she has no second chance.

Simply give up resistance and let him drag.

"Tch—you can bend and stretch." The man wore a mask, revealing the sharp lower half of his face, as well as his gloomy and cold eyes.

At this moment, the eyes looking at Shen Yu were murderous.

"I surrender."

"You've already tried to escape, so how credible are your words?" As he spoke, he pushed her onto the sofa.

Shen Yu fell down, and the man stepped forward.

"Because you ran and knew you couldn't run away, you won't seek your own death. You should feel more at ease, not more suspicious."

The man's surprised eyes swept across her face, and finally looked into those clear pupils.

At that moment, he seemed to see a brilliant galaxy.

Suddenly returning to his senses, he snorted coldly: "Last chance."

Shen Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his life was saved.

"Get up." Shen Yu frowned and pushed him.

The two are in a dangerous position now.

A look of evil flashed in the man's eyes: "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you will be attracted to sex."

What Shen Hou said was straightforward, but the man was taken aback, and then turned into a sarcasm, sweeping across her face first, and down her neck, without covering up, without any restraint.

"Ordinary looks, ordinary temper, and a lot of courage. I might not even take a fancy to a woman like you who is delivered to your door naked."

"Really? That would be the best." Without shame or anger, Shen Yu pushed him calmly, "Go away, don't touch me."

"not now……"

Before the words were finished, the sound of hurried and chaotic footsteps came from outside, and the next second, the door of the private room was kicked open roughly.

Shen Yu screamed, as if frightened by the group of intruders, she quickly pulled off her half-faded clothes.

The man on her body turned his back to the entrance, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell what he was doing.

"It's not him, let's go!"

With an order, the intruders collectively exited the private room, not forgetting to close the door for the pair of wild mandarin ducks.

Shen Yu didn't move, neither did the man, he was catching the movement outside with his head tilted, his eyes were serious and murderous.


The private room door was pushed open again.

The man quickly grabbed her waist: "Call."

Shen Yu frowned, "Hiss..."

The intruders looked at each other and left quietly.

This time, he really left.

With a cold face, Shen Yu kicked the person off.

The man leaned back on the sofa and coughed lightly: "You woman, you are so cruel."

Shen Hou sat up, straightened her clothes, and walked towards the door.


"I helped you." She turned her head and said coldly.


"I want to leave."


The woman raised a sarcastic smile: "The teacher taught us since we were young that we can't push ourselves too far."

"I'm sorry, my family was poor when I was young, and I had no money to go to school."


Silently confronted, the man shook the knife in his hand, Shen Yu's eyes darkened, and he stopped in his tracks.

"Give me the phone."

Shen Wei handed it over.

The man dialed a number: "Zero Bar XX private room...slight soon as possible..."

After clearing the call history, he returned the phone, "Don't worry, I'll let you get out alive, but..." After a momentary pause, "We'll have to wait a little longer."

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

The man's expression froze, and he raised his chin to the side: "Go ahead and ask who it is first."

Shen Yu has no right to refuse.

After walking to the door, he said concisely, "Who is there?"

The people outside were stunned for a moment, and had no time to answer, as if they didn't expect to hear a woman's voice: "It's me."

Shen Yu turned to ask the "uncle" who was sitting on the sofa for instructions.

The latter agreed, and she opened the door.

A short and fat man was standing outside dragging a box. His appearance was ordinary, the kind that he couldn't find out when he was thrown in the crowd. When he saw her, surprise flashed in his eyes.

There are women...

"Come in."

Shen Yu made way and closed the door again.

The short and fat man walked towards the sofa and checked the wound for his master in a half-kneeling position.

With low eyebrows and narrow eyes, he is quite respectful from his demeanor to his actions.

After checking, he opened the box again, and it turned out to be a small first-aid storehouse, complete with knives, pliers, and medicine bottles neatly stacked.

It is expensive at first glance.

Only then did Shen Yu realize that the other party's identity might not be that simple.

"You—" the man suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her, "clean up here and then we can leave."

Shen Yu couldn't ask for more.

I went to the toilet to get a handle and mop bucket, and started to clean up the blood on the floor.

Fortunately, there is no wall.

After mopping it once, Shen Yu took the disinfectant solution and melted it into the water, and mopped it again.

It is not directly sprinkled on the floor to make the smell lighter and not give people the feeling of being deliberately cleaned.

In the end, she opened the ventilation window, and the cool night breeze came in. While dispelling the blood, it also completely covered up the traces of the man's presence.

After all this was done, the wound on the man's body had been healed, his thigh was wrapped in a thick bandage, and on the coffee table lay a bloodstained scalpel, a pair of surgical forceps, and a bullet in a medical waste tray... …

After Shen Hou got out of the bar, she started to run wildly, running for a long distance before stopping.

It's really not suitable to hang out in the middle of the night, and it's inevitable that something will happen again. She found a five-star hotel nearby. In addition to the comfortable living conditions, the security is stronger than that of ordinary hotels.

After completing the check-in procedures in the shortest possible time, Shen Yu took the room card and went straight to the room.

Close the door, lock it.

After taking a hot bath, she finally calmed down and began to recall the previous details.

In the end, Shen Hou still dialed Quan Hanting's cell phone number.

But it wasn't him who answered the phone.

The woman's sweet and soft voice came from the other end, "Hello."

A basin of cold water was poured over his head, and Shen Hou woke up immediately, with a cold voice: "Where is Quan Hanting?"

The other end was obviously taken aback, obviously didn't expect Shen Yu to call him by his first name, and acted as if it should be taken for granted, "Uh...Brother Ting is in the shower and doesn't have time to answer the phone, I can pass on what you need .”

With a sneer and pursed lips, Shen Yu's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Really? Then please tell him for me, now that the vixen is in power, it's better to be careful, I don't want a man whose soul has been seduced."

After finishing speaking, she hung up elegantly, and then her eyes sharpened suddenly, and she slammed the mobile phone against the opposite wall, and the intact mobile phone was instantly torn apart!
Well, you're a Quan Hanting, you've only been away for a few days, and you're having sex with another woman?

It's really good!

At the same time, in Quan Hanting's bedroom on Zhan'ao Island, Ji Feixuan held up her mobile phone and was lost in thought. Suddenly, a dark light flashed in her eyes and cleared the call history.

"What are you doing?" The man's voice came from behind him, indifferent and majestic.

The woman's beautiful eyes were full of light mist, she seemed delicate and angry, she turned around softly, a frail state flowed from between her brows, the delicate flowers shone in the water, the weak willows supported the wind, such a weak and pitiful person, I think every day A man can't help but rub her into his arms and hold her in his heart like a jewel like a treasure.

Unfortunately, she was facing Quan Hanting.

Ren Er Bai Mei Qian Jiao, I just want to be blind.

The man who just got out of the shower is wearing pajamas, with a natural hanger, so attractive no matter what he wears.

Ji Feixuan's cheeks flushed instantly, her eyes dodged in a panic, she looked like a flustered little white rabbit who wanted to look but couldn't, "Brother Ting, I..."

"Who let you in?" Quan Hanting's brows turned cold, and his tone was serious.

Ji Feixuan was taken aback for a moment, and she clenched her lower lip aggrievedly, "It's the old lady, she hasn't gone out after seeing you for so long, so let me come and have a look..."

"Go out." Quan Hanting pulled off the bathrobe on the side and put it on, turned around, and stopped looking at her, his handsome profile was indifferent and alienated under the light.

Lang's heart is like iron, that's all.

Ji Feixuan waved her hands in a panic, and staggered towards the man, "Brother Ting, listen to me, I didn't mean to..."

The man's eyes sharpened suddenly, he snatched the phone from her hand, and raised his eyes again, his eyes were as cold as ice, "Who gave you the guts to touch my phone?!"

The big palm was like iron tongs, pinching the woman's slender and tender neck, the anger in his eyes was burning, and at this moment he was like an angry lion.

Ji Feixuan's face was flushed red, and tears were streaming down her eyes, winding and criss-crossing her delicate face. No matter how you looked at it, it made people feel distressed, but the man in front of her didn't care about it at all. The sharp eyes are like the blade of a knife, piercing into the bone!

At this moment, the bedroom door was pushed open from the outside, "Yo? You look like you're going to kill someone, who messed with you again?"

 The last person, surnamed An... Guess who it might be.

  There are still three days left in the countdown to the explosion!Are you ready? ~(*^__^*) Hee hee...

(End of this chapter)

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