Chapter 448 Anjia Zizhao, drag it out and throw it away

The person who came was the next generation heir of the An family, the only son of An Jue, the current head of the An family - An Zizhao.

He is also Quan Hanting's cousin.

"Brother, grandma asked me to call you out. The banquet is over and we have to see off the guests."

The most important festival of the An family is New Year's Eve. All clan members will gather in the family on this day. It is called a festive reunion, but in fact it is for the benefit of exchanges.

Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of business will be traded at this banquet. During the conversation and laughter, there may be a strong alliance, or the mast and scull will fly away, and the global economic structure may change.

The An clan, full of elites, relied on the family's shadow and their own extraordinary abilities to make a fortune, become rich and prosperous, and firmly stand at the top of the world!

But after An Junhuang, the An family began to keep a low profile, and almost disappeared in the past 30 years.

Money still flows into Zhan'ao like water, but it won't give the outside world any chance to snoop.

However, today is an exception.

In addition to being the annual New Year's Eve banquet, it is also the old lady's birthday.

It's no secret among the various families that An Junhuang dotes on his wife like a demon. His birthday banquet can be low-key or even skipped, but his wife's banquet must be lively and grand.

Therefore, besides the An family members, celebrities and industry tycoons from all over the world came to the island this year.

In order to show importance and to manage contacts, the old man personally ordered that all the children of An Zizhao's generation, including Quan Hanting, must be present when the banquet is held and the banquet ends.

Quan Hanting made a quick decision and swung his big hand. Ji Feixuan, who was already weak, was pushed to the door by his strong force, and almost ran into An Zizhao's arms. on, with a muffled bang.

"Brother! You don't like it yourself, so don't push it into my arms?"

"Zizhao, you seem to be very free?" Quan Hanting said coolly.

"What, what?"

"It doesn't make sense that grandma only focuses on me. Speaking of which, you are also at the age to get married."

An Zizhao shuddered, and thanked Bumin: "Don't... I'm still young, a baby."

Quan Hanting sneered, "I think the girl from the Ji family is pretty good, you try?"

An Zizhao had a shit-eating expression on his face.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what the Ji family is thinking.

He just wanted to take advantage of his in-law relationship to settle down again and return to the center of power in Kyoto.

And Ji Feixuan is the most outstanding girl in Ji's generation.

No, he came to the island while the old lady was on her birthday. At first she failed to seduce him, and then she shifted her target to Quan Hanting.

According to his grandfather's love for his little aunt, he must also attach great importance to Quan Hanting.

Ji Feixuan obviously saw through this point, so she spared no effort to lure Quan Hanting into the bait.such a pity……

The brain is too stupid, the means are too clumsy, and in the end, he can only shoot himself in the foot.

An Zizhao would not even look at this kind of ambitious woman with extreme stupidity, so how could he let her fall into his arms?
Of course, as fast as it is, as fast as it flashes, so as not to stain the clothes, he has to change another set.


"I don't have the blessing to bear it, it's better to leave it to you." After finishing speaking, he pretended to run away.

Quan Hanting: "When did the security on the island become so lax? Any woman can break into my room."

An Zizhao's complexion suddenly darkened, but he didn't turn his head back. He only said in a deep voice, "I will deal with it, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

As soon as the words were finished, two black shadows appeared in the dark and dragged away the fallen Ji Feixuan.

It's like lugging a heavy snakeskin bag.

The woman seemed unable to believe that she was treated so rudely, she coughed violently, her plain white face was blue or purple, her eyes were red, and tears were winding down...

It's a pity that the occasion of the performance was wrong, the two men and the two shadows present didn't have the slightest bit of compassion.

"Brother Ting, brother Zizhao, you, how could you treat me like this?"

An Zizhao sneered: "What do you think Zhan'ao is, where you can run around and not obey the rules?" The man's face no longer had the smile on Quan Hanting before. At this moment, he is the next successor of the An family. The successor is the future owner of Zhan'ao Island and one of the hosts of this birthday banquet.

Quan Hanting was a guest, but the guest questioned that the security on the island was too lax, like a bright slap on An Zizhao's face.

He didn't solve Ji Feixuan by himself, it was because the deceased great-grandmother was also surnamed Ji, so he was willing to leave room for each other.

But the Ji family obviously hasn't recognized the reality.

Not to mention that the great-grandmother surnamed Ji is no longer in this world, as the saying goes, even if she is still alive, her relationship with her grandfather is extremely bad.

In short, the An family can completely cut off contact with the Ji family.

But in line with "leave a line in front of others, so that we can meet each other in the future", they didn't do so absolutely.

Perhaps it was this completely unnecessary kindness that gave the Ji family hope, which bred ambition, and even wanted to stuff their daughter into the An family.


In what age are you still engaging in "beauty offerings"?
The person surnamed Ji is only so promising. No wonder one generation is not as good as the next generation, from the first-tier family in Kyoto to the eighteenth-tier wandering.

Quan Hanting: "Then I will wait and see."

After speaking, close the door directly.

An Zizhao: "..."

"You, what are you going to do... let go... I am a guest invited by the old lady! Is this how you treat guests when you settle down?!"

It's not good to be soft, and the last sentence is a harsh word.

An Zizhao sneered coldly: "I thought Ms. Ji was really short-tempered. It seems that there are times when she can't pretend. As for the An family's way of hospitality, I'm sorry, it's only used for those guests who know themselves. As for you, it's not one of them. .”

Ji Feixuan shook her head crazily, tears streaming out like she didn't want money.

Do not……

She can't appear in front of people in such a state of embarrassment. She will not only be ashamed, but also the entire Ji family!

Fear made the woman cry.

An Zizhao winked at Heiying, and one of them professionally sealed Ji Feixuan's mouth.


The whole world is quiet.

"Drag away!"


Two black shadows dragged the tearful woman and quickly disappeared around the corner.

An Zizhao stood on the spot, his brows and eyes suddenly darkened, his thin lips were tightly pursed to suppress the overwhelming anger, his stern gaze went straight to a certain corner, there was no one there, and he seemed to speak to the air: "Surveillance is not good, go by yourself The punishment hall shall be punished."

As soon as the words fell, there was a slight breath fluctuation in the air, and the next second a tall figure stepped out from the shadows.

The man bowed his head and said, "Yes."

In the room, Quan Hanting has restored the deleted call records.

Sure enough, it was Shen Wei who called.

He called back—

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please wait a moment..."


With a low curse.

Not knowing what the woman said, Quan Hanting had a bad feeling in his heart.

 The countdown to the explosive update is three days, and today there are only 16 words to update. Everyone will read it. Remember to come and see Fat Boy on the [-]th~
(End of this chapter)

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