Chapter 458 I miss you very much, do you miss me (8 more)
"Aren't you going home for the New Year? What are you doing back in Ningcheng so early? It's delicious, delicious, and fun, and there are beauties by your side. Why are you looking for me? I won't pinch my throat and call 'Brother Ting'."

"Wu Hou, it's not what you think. After listening to the explanation, can you give me a sentence?" The man smiled wryly, suddenly feeling helpless.

"Don't listen. Not good." The woman didn't turn her head.

Suddenly, a low laugh rips away from him, Shen Lin is magnetic, and it sounds very nice...

Quan Hanting directly reached out to grab him.

The man's movements were strong and domineering, making Shen Yu stunned for a moment.

Only now did she really believe that this man just appeared in front of her out of thin air, holding roses and talking lame love words.

At that moment, Shen Yu suddenly had a sour nose and wanted to cry.

Once, she was not afraid of being alone, because she was born without a mother's love and a father's love, she has long been used to loneliness.

In her previous life, she had expected the warmth of her family, so she worked very hard to integrate into the Shen family, but the reality taught her a bloody lesson, and the price was her life.

So in this life, she vowed to sever love and never make the same mistakes again.

Since it is doomed not to get something, why force it?

But Quan Hanting squeezed into her life with a strong posture, and burned himself into her life bit by bit.

When Shen Yu woke up, she realized that she couldn't do without him.

Habits are a terrible thing.

When she gets used to the presence of another person next to her pillow and becomes accustomed to being dependent, she will no longer be able to continue living alone.

For example, a person who has suffered a lot suddenly picked up a candy and couldn't resist the temptation to eat it.The tip of the tongue began to get used to the sweetness little by little, so how could it be willing to go back to the days when it was full of bitterness?
The moment she saw Quan Hanting, Shen Yu was wronged and angry, but more of it was peace of mind.

He's back, back for her.

The anxiety and sorrow on his face did not seem to be fake.

At that moment, without explaining anything, Shen Yu had already chosen to believe him.

But it is one thing to believe, another to be angry.

She knew that Quan Hanting would not be seduced by other women, nor would she not answer the phone for no reason.

But he'd let a woman into the room while he was showering, and it couldn't be faked.

Quan Hanting turned her around, but his arms were tightly wrapped around her and never let go, as if Shen Yu would run away if he let go.

"I promise, there will never be a next time."

The woman snorted coldly: "Believe in a man's mouth, it is better to believe in ghosts in the world."

"I swear."

"If you really have the heart, just prove it to me with your actions. If you are just perfunctory, no matter how poisonous the oath is, no matter how much you promise, it will be nothing but empty words."

"it is good."

After a pause, he said again, "Wu Hou, I miss you very much..."

Shen Yu smiled, with tears welling up in his eyes.

The rough fingertips gently brushed the corners of the woman's eyes, "What about you? Have you ever thought about me?"

"I want to beat you, does that count?"

Quan Hanting: "..."

"You let go, my flowers haven't been planted yet."

"Not urgent."


Shen Yu never knew that Quan Hanting could be so gentle, no longer his original violent personality, just like caring for a piece of fragile porcelain, like a treasure he holds in the palm of his hand - love it, cherish it, cherish it .


Lights went out.

In the dark environment, they can only look at each other with the help of the moonlight outside the window.

Quan Hanting smiled softly.

Shen Yu pursed her lips, and the momentary beauty disappeared in the dark night: "Why do you send flowers?"


"You thought of it yourself?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "No."

"Who served as your military adviser?"

"Cough...grandmother." After a pause, "and grandfather, cousin."

Shen Yu's eyes showed surprise: "They... all know?"

"See what you mean?"


"But it doesn't matter. Whether you are my girlfriend or what made you angry, they all know."

Shen Wei: "!"

"You cut first and play later!"

He corrected: "It's called a confession."

"Then..." Shen Yu pursed her lips, "What did they say?"

"Grandmother praised you."

"The super actress who lives like a legend?"

Quan Hanting didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "My grandmother has passed away a long time ago."

"That doesn't affect my admiration for her."

"Grandma will be very happy to hear you say that."

Shen Wei: "Then your parents?"

"They don't care, as long as I like it."

After speaking, he lowered his head.

Shen Yu hurriedly dodged.

Quan Hanting paused, his eyes moved slightly.

Ding Dong!Ding Dong!
Someone rings the doorbell.

"Boss Shen? Huan? Open the door, you forgot to take a paper bag."

It's Miao Miao.

"It's perfume, from the G family!"

Ding Dong!Ding Dong!
"Huh? Where's the person? It's late, if you're not in the room, where else can you go?"

Just as Shen Yu sat up, someone pushed her back on the bed again: "Don't go."

"Miaomiao people are still outside..."

"She didn't get a response and left naturally."

Sure enough, seeing that Shen Yu didn't open the door for a long time, Miao Miao guessed that she might not have heard it in the bathroom, so she didn't knock again, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

Got it!
There is no need to open the door now.

Quan Hanting turned his back on the guest, put his hands on her sides, and kept a distance between them, staring at the woman intently.

Shen Yu's cheeks became hot from his eyes, "What's so interesting..."

She covered her face with her hands.

Seeing her shy look, Quan Hanting's heart softened.

Just as he was about to take further action, a text message sounded suddenly.

Because of the previous struggle, the phone fell from Shen Hou's pocket to the bed, and now the screen was facing up, and the content of the text message could be seen at a glance from the position of the two of them.

Miao Miao: 【Mr. Shen, you missed a paper bag. I left it at the front desk. Remember to pick it up.Also, the handsome guy who asked you for your mobile phone number at the bar did not give up and followed him directly to the hotel. When I went out just now, I saw him throwing up in the small garden outside, so you should be careful.Good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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