Chapter 459 Serve carefully, coax a good wife (9 more)
Shen Yu's eyelids twitched suddenly, and she raised her eyes suddenly, and found that the man's face was livid and extremely ugly.

"to bar?"


"The nightlife is very rich, isn't it?"

Shen Yu tried her best to look calm enough: "I can explain..."

God's fucking gentleness... She is clearly wearing a human cloak, but she does nothing like a beast!
Quan Hanting's remaining guilt and cautiousness have been thrown into a corner of the sky. This woman is really...

If you don't fight for a day, you will go to the house to expose the tiles!

How long had he been away before he went to the bar to hang out?It also attracted bees and butterflies, and everyone followed to the hotel.

What did the text message say?
handsome guy?

Shen Wei, you are really amazing!

Shen Yu blushed: "I refused. He insisted on chasing him to the hotel, what can I do?"

Quan Hanting gritted his teeth angrily.

Shen Yu's eyes flicked lightly: "People are just wandering downstairs, and you're upset. I haven't found out that you hid a woman in your bedroom, so shouldn't I be even more upset? It doesn't make sense to let the state officials set fires and not let the people light the lamps, right?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, the man was like a deflated ball, his eyes were full of helplessness: "Haven't they already been exposed?"

"You picked the stab first."

The implication is, don't blame me for turning over old accounts.

"It was an accident..."

"Accident?" Shen Yu's voice suddenly rose. She didn't like such excuses and rhetoric, and she even hated it.

"Someone came into your bedroom and said you were in the shower and didn't have time to listen to my phone. Whether it was intentional or unintentional; whether it was accidental or inevitable, she entered your bedroom and moved your mobile phone. fact!"

Quan Hanting was speechless, Shen Yu was right, it was his fault for lax defense.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, go to sleep!"

Shen Yu was still in a dazed state.

Don't you want to be reasonable?How to say change?

She was caught off guard at first, she was not prepared at all...

Quan Hanting leaned against the head of the bed, wanting to smoke, his heart itching unbearably.

But before taking action, I didn't forget to ask Shen Yu first: " it okay?"

This girl is the uncle, and she must be served carefully.

"I don't usually smoke, so now is the time?" What kind of bad behavior?


"What's the difference?"


There are nothing more than three things that a man pursues in his life——

Money, power, women.

The first two have Quan Hanting, and the last one has just arrived, but he cares most about it.

In addition to relieving fatigue, cigarettes also have a calming effect.

If he didn't give her a slow one, he was afraid that he would drag her to continue crazy, the kind of irrational and desperate.

Shen Yu met his dangerous gaze and nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

Soon, the smell of cigarettes penetrated into the nostrils, making Shen Yu's heart itchy.

She dug out the "Hei Shou" in her bag, took one, and reached out to Quan Hanting: "A lighter."

The man glanced, saw the lady smoking and didn't stop, grabbed the lighter and handed it over.


The flames soared high, Shen Wan approached with smoke in his mouth, his eyelids drooped slightly, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

Quan Hanting was stunned for a moment.

Some people, even flicking their hair casually are charming and charming.

Shen Yu's resistance to Quan Hanting was zero.

His hands were itchy, his heart was throbbing, and he wished he could pull her into his arms immediately.

"Here." She returned the lighter to him and leaned against the head of the bed.

In this life, Shen Hou didn't have much of an addiction to cigarettes, but in her previous life she had plenty of alcohol and tobacco.

So she can smoke, but not greedy.

Strong self-control requires her to strictly regulate her work, rest and living habits, with the sole purpose of maintaining a healthy body.

It's just that the atmosphere is so good tonight, and Quan Hanting is next to seduce her again.

I couldn't help but want to taste this long-lost taste.

There are only a few puffs of smoke, and most of the time I hold it in my hand, watching the white smoke curl up into the sky.

"Who taught you those words?" Shen Hou asked suddenly.

Quan Hanting looked at her sideways: "What are you talking about?"

"The few words after entering the door."

What all the doors should let you knock... Waiting for you in the next village...

"I found it online."

She couldn't help laughing out loud, "It's really earthy."


"Don't you know that these are called earthy love stories?"

Master Six: "..."


Let the soil be the soil, the way to coax a good wife is king.

"very funny?"

Shen Yu nodded, but what is the experience of a noble and glamorous man saying silly love words that are bubbling and sloppy?
Contradictory, hilarious, and a little... cute.

"I still have the strength to laugh, it seems that I haven't done enough." After saying that, she took the cigarette away from her hand and crushed it, and after a while, a woman's low-pitched complaint came——

"Why are you so bothered?"

"...not annoying."

Shen Yu had a dream.

In the dream, there was a volcano with blood-red flames, tongues of flames sprang up around it, and then the flames rose high, turning into bright red gold.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, and the whole body seems to be shrouded in heat, and every pore is screaming crazily.

All she could see was a sea of ​​volcanic flames, no matter how she ran, she still couldn't get out.


Opening his eyes suddenly, the gray-blue curtains moved in the wind, and the sky outside the window was bright.

Shen Yu woke up from the heat.

His hands and feet were hot, his body was soaked in sweat, and his hair was clinging to the sides of his neck, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Had a nightmare and broke out in a sweat.

"Morning." The man opened his eyes, the sharp black eyes like a falcon did not see the haze of early awakening.

"When did you wake up?" Shen Yu blinked.

"Earlier than you."

"Pretend to be asleep?"

"Not pretending."

"Hiss...not shaved! Pricked!"

Quan Hanting laughed loudly, "I'll stab you!"

"on purpose?"

"Yeah, on purpose, what's wrong?" Extremely arrogant.


The cool breeze enters the window, and the room is quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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