Chapter 460 Will take pictures, standard boyfriend (10 more)
"Defend against me?"

There was a chuckle from a man behind him, very happy.

Shen Yu turned her head and glared at him, "Shouldn't you be on guard?" After speaking, she turned and went into the bathroom.

The hot water washes over the skin, expels the weakness of the whole body, thinks of the man's domineering, and those love words that are extremely earthy but can still move her, a warmth pours into the heart, that feeling is like being on the beach, enjoying the sunbathing to the fullest, warm and Not hot, warm and bright.

When she came out of the shower, Quan Hanting had already changed, and was standing by the window smoking a cigarette.

Indoor heating is adequate.

The man looked out the window with a smile on his lips: "It's snowing."

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, walked over and stood side by side with him, the rustling white snow was pouring down like a curtain, the sky and the earth were vast, and the mountains and water were fresh and clear.

"Go out for a stroll?" the man suggested.

"Okay." She smiled.

Quan Hanting: "You change your clothes first."

Shen Wei opened the box and squatted on the ground. Unexpectedly, when her thighs softened, her calves also became weak, and she almost sat down after squatting.

And the culprit was still pursing his thin lips, with a smile that was not a smile.

Quite satisfied with the effect I have produced.

Shen Yu was so angry, she threw away the things in her hands, turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, raised her chin towards the man, like a proud queen: "Come here."

With an innocent face, Quan Hanting accepted his fate to take her place, rummaged around and said, "What do you want?"

"Give me the little things first."

The man looked up, and she took advantage of the situation to protect herself, and took half a step back, her eyes full of vigilance.

Quan Hanting let out a low laugh, and just grabbed it casually, and the thing she wanted was pulled out.

Shen Yu thought to herself: I found it quite accurately.but--



"For the whole set, replace that one with the black one."

The man thought for a while: "No one saw it." The implication is that there is no need to do anything extra.

Shen Yu pursed her lips: "Aren't you human?"

Quan Hanting smiled brightly: "It doesn't matter if you have it or not, I don't mind anyway."

"I mind."


"Can you find it?"


Still the same sentence, the ancestors gave the meat, who made him a hungry wolf?

When Quan Hanting was looking for it, Shen Yu had already replaced one of them.

That's right, just sit on the edge of the bed and change directly.

As for the atmosphere, there is no need to say more.

She smiled slightly, her two slender and straight long legs were so white that it was dazzling.

Quan Hanting felt that he was wrong and shouldn't find clothes for her.

The woman turned her head and smiled triumphantly from an angle that the man couldn't see.

Love always makes people childish.

It was already a quarter of an hour after Shen Yu finished dressing up.

Boots, coat, beret, a scarf of contrasting colors, young and beautiful, intellectual and elegant.

Apply light makeup for a more radiant look.

After leaving the hotel, a gust of cold wind hit, Quan Hanting grabbed her hand, "Is it cold?"

Shen Yu took advantage of the opportunity to rub against the man's chest, and a gust of heat surrounded her, "It's so warm..."

Quan Hanting simply stretched out his hand and held her into his arms, "How about this?"


On the third day of the first lunar month, many shops were still closed.

The two went to a food street in the city center, as a place for tourists to check in, it was really very lively.

Standing on the street, you can’t see the end of the street. There are a variety of restaurant stalls and a wide variety of food, ranging from French cuisine to Mediterranean snacks, Japanese cuisine to Chinese cuisine.

The two chose a less crowded store, ordered veal and grilled sausage, and ordered a cheese fondue with the mentality of giving it a try, um... and a pinch of craft beer.

While waiting for the meal, a foreigner came forward to ask for directions.

It's not English, nor is it another foreign language that Shen Yu is familiar with, but Quan Hanting can talk to him fluently.

The foreigner suddenly realized, nodded all the time, and finally wanted to shake hands with Quan Hanting.

He was rejected by the latter nobly and coldly.

Little brother regrets walking away.

Shen Wei: "Which country are you from?"


"Oh, it's Romance, no wonder I can't understand..."

"I don't understand you, but you know it's Romance?"

At this time, when the dishes were brought up, Shen Yu took out a pair of chopsticks and handed them to him.

The man reached out to take it, and listened to her explain——

"Switzerland has three official languages—German, French, and Italian, but the person just now spoke none of them. There is only one possibility: the Romance language that the Swiss can speak."

A thoughtful look flashed in Quan Hanting's eyes. Shen Wei's ability to rule out German, French, and Italian at least meant that she knew some of these three languages. She didn't look like a student who graduated from a technical secondary school.

She has a secret!

Quan Hanting has always known this.

But she didn't tell, and he didn't ask.

When she wanted to say something, he would sit down and listen carefully.

After half an hour, after eating, check out and leave.

"Hey—the handsome guy and the beautiful girl in front!" The proprietress's voice attracted many people to turn their heads, "Well, I'm calling you two."

Shen Wei: "?"

"The scarf has been removed."


Quan Hanting went back, took the scarf, and wrapped it around her.

The woman looked up at him, her cheeks flushed red from drinking became more and more beautiful, which aroused the man's astonishment.

Walk down the food street, about 10 minutes away, there is a park, and the artificial lake inside is also a place for Internet celebrities to check in.

It was noon, and the sun, which had been hiding behind the clouds, finally appeared.

Shen Yu felt a little hot, so she simply unbuttoned her coat, took off her hat, and let her long hair flutter in the wind.

Standing by the lake, facing the direction of the sun, she forms a beautiful picture scroll with the lake view behind her.

Quan Hanting took out his mobile phone, found the right angle, and clicked to take a picture, and the woman's smiling face was frozen.

Like the melting snow mountains under the sun, the clear blue sky after the floating clouds clear.

Shen Wei ran over to look at the photos he took, and unexpectedly found that both the composition and the lighting were well captured.

"Be honest, have you practiced secretly?"

"Cough... I watched the video."

"What video?"

"Haven't you got these photography skills yet? No wonder you don't have a girlfriend", "Are you still using eighteen tricks for chasing girls? Out! Learn these photography skills quickly"..."

Shen Wei: "...don't tell me that I learned it together with the rustic love talk."

The man paused: "It's true."

Shen Yu took out her mobile phone and pointed to the location just now: "You go over there."

"doing what?"

"I'll take a picture of you."

Quan Hanting's scalp went numb, "I don't need it."

"I want to try, why don't you go over..."

Shaking his head.

"Ah Ting..."

People who usually don't act like a baby, but once in a while act like a baby, it will kill a man!
In the end, of course, Quan Hanting compromised, otherwise what else could be done?
(End of this chapter)

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