Chapter 461 Ah Ting Kissed Me, Reusing Xiaoguan (11 More)

"Right... turn around, turn your head..."

Under the sun, the man was wearing a black coat, with the blue lake in the background, his handsome face was firm, his eyes were far away, and his whole body was coated with a layer of golden brilliance, as if a god had come to the world.

Shen Wei: "Come here and see how I take this picture."

Quan Hanting: "Not as good as mine."

Shen Wei: "..." Boss, you haven't practiced enough in the secrets of chasing girls, keep working hard, thank you.

The next second—

"Don't worry, I don't despise you." As he said, he hugged him and his mobile phone together.

Shen Wei's heart suddenly seemed to have been electrocuted.

Did not do well?
She took back the evaluation just now, which is quite in place.

The two stopped and walked, tired and crooked, and came to a lawn, not far from a white church.

Because there was still a distance, the two did not go in.

Shen Yu handed the mobile phone to another couple of tourists, "Excuse me, can you take a group photo for us?"

"Of course. How do you want to shoot?"

Shen Yu gestured while talking, Quan Hanting stood far away, couldn't hear clearly, only saw the movement, and the other party kept nodding.

"...that's pretty much it."

"Okay! Then I'll give it a try."

Shen Yu smiled and ran towards the man, accelerated, faster and faster, and finally fell into Quan Hanting's arms.

"Hiss... so excited?" Without retreating or avoiding, he hugged her tightly.

The woman raised her head, a pair of clear black eyes shone in the sunlight, her red lips parted slightly——

"Ting, kiss me."

The man was slightly taken aback.

Shen Yu simply stood on tiptoe, wrapped his hands around his neck, and then pulled down——

The moment the lips touched, the person taking the photo pressed the shutter.

The sun shines on the men and women embracing and kissing, as beautiful as a famous painting handed down from generation to generation.

In the afternoon, the two returned to the hotel and checked out by the way.

Back at Dongli Mountain Villa, I heard the sound of shooting from afar.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows: "Are they back?"

"Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun are both here. Xiaoqi may be kept at home for a while when he returns to Jingping for the New Year. Fifth brother is going to investigate the matter of the Sea Shark Alliance. Third brother is still the same as before, with erratic movements and occasionally comes back to stay."

The two walked in while talking.

"Why are you staying in a hotel?" Dongli Villa is empty, if she doesn't want to stay in Shen's house, she can come directly.

Shen Yu folded her arms and looked at him leisurely: "Are you sure you want to ask the question knowingly?"

The man's eyes warmed up, and he clasped his wrists and brought her into his arms: "Afraid of seeing things and thinking about others?"

"You are beautiful!"

"I knew it, it must be."

Standing at the head of the spiral staircase, Chu Yujiang happened to see this scene in his eyes.

Grandpa has achieved great success, and finally he doesn't have to keep a dark face all day long, which made him and Ling Yun worry. It's really gratifying.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Dongli Villa resumed its usual bustle.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Mingda officially went to work, and Shen Yu was no exception.

After Bai Yu was dismissed last time, the project department became much quieter. Everyone did not expect that Shen Wei would come up with such a trick, which would easily defeat Bai Yu.

Others began to look squarely at this "airborne" manager. When they really thought about it and wanted to get to the bottom of Shen Hou, they suddenly realized that they hadn't seen this controversial manager clearly all along. "Miss Shen San" is almost always echoing what others say.

The people below became cautious and vigilant. After all, Bai Yu and Guan Xintong have learned from the past. Who knows who will be punished by Shen Yu next?
In short, be a man with your tail clamped, speak and do things in a low-key manner.

knock --

Guan Xintong raised her eyes, followed the hand that was half clasped on her desk and tapped lightly, all the way up, Shen Yu's slightly deserted face came into view.

"Manager Shen?" She was slightly taken aback.

"Come to my office." After finishing speaking, he left first.

Guan Xintong looked at her back, only to realize that his palms were covered in cold sweat when he realized it.

Shen Yu looking for her?

doing what?
Before she could figure it out, someone beside her was already discussing——

"Have you settled accounts after the fall?"

"I think it's possible!"

"Xiaoguan is also unlucky. He just said a few bad words behind his back. Who would have thought that it would be such a coincidence that he would be caught."

"Yeah, not only is my face ruined, but I don't have much left for the year-end bonus! It's too cheap to pick up a project commission for nothing."

"How innocent do you think Xiao Guan is? Didn't she stab Bai Jie out, causing her to fall from the position of deputy manager? Don't hurt too much!" He kept calling "Bai Jie", but the workplace Who in the world takes who as a real sister?

It's just a matter of face, and everyone tacitly agrees.

This time Bai Yu climbed up and fell heavily, many people were sympathetic on the surface, but they were secretly watching a joke in their hearts.

As for Xiao Guan, an important promoter, while watching her good performance, they also commented on her, standing on the moral high ground, criticizing and crusading her.

This is human nature.

It is also the cruelty of the workplace.

The established default rules of the game follow the eternal truth of the survival of the fittest.

Guan Xintong kept a cold face, turned a deaf ear to everyone's comments, took a deep breath, and walked towards the manager's office.

knock knock --

"Come in."

"Is Manager Shen looking for something for me?"

Shen Yu looked at the document in his hand, but did not look up, "Guan Xintong, born in X month of XX, graduated from Kyoto University of Finance and Economics, had excellent grades during school, and won many scholarships..."

What she was looking at was Guan Xintong's personal file.

"you are excellent."

Guan Xintong was startled.

excellent?Did she hear correctly?

Shen Yu closed the folder, closed it with a snap, and put it aside: "You can see through Bai Yu's selfishness and sinisterness, which shows that you are not stupid; while being able to complete the project in hand well, you still have the energy to help Bai Yu's achievements, which shows that High efficiency and strong strength. I saw your preliminary investigation plan that day, it was very complete and accurate, which shows that you have a high vision and a good vision."

Guan Xintong was in a fog.

Maybe I haven't woken up yet, I'm dreaming...

"You have many advantages, but there are also many disadvantages. First, you have been used by Bai Yu for so long and have not reacted. You lack a bit of insight and sensitivity; second, after you realize it, you choose to bite back in public, which is ruthless." , but not wise."

"Manager Shen, I don't understand."

"Where do you not understand?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want to use you."


Until she left the office, Guan Xintong was still ignorant, unable to figure out what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd.

She has already offended Shen Yu to death, but why...

Maybe just to tease her?
With such doubts and apprehensions, Guan Xintong suffered from insomnia for three whole days.

It wasn't until the department's regular summary meeting on Friday that Shen Wei announced in public: "I have submitted an application to the higher-ups to promote Guan Xintong as the deputy manager of the project department."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderclap.

All the people present were buzzing in their ears, and their expressions were both horrifying and funny.

However, Shen Yu spoke lightly, dropped the word "the meeting was over", got up and left.

This is not a discussion, it's just an announcement.

(End of this chapter)

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