Chapter 469 You are so annoying, young man from the Ye family (19 more)
"Now you must listen to me." Shen Yu said, her commanding tone was like that of a high-ranking queen.

Quan Hanting raised his eyebrows, like the most loyal deacon, with a serious expression and pious eyes.

The hot springs in the underground palace are murmuring.

"Come closer." The man looked at her and said softly.


An arm pressed her so hard that she couldn't breathe, and Shen Yu didn't even have the strength to swing it away, so she could only let him hold it.

"woke up?"

The woman does not move or open her eyes.

Quan Hanting supported his head with one hand and looked at her sideways, "Are you angry?"


He wasn't annoyed when he didn't get a response.

Shen Wei's eyelashes trembled slightly, and they were slightly opened, unexpectedly, they happened to meet the man's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Why don't you continue pretending? Huh?" The ending sound raised, unprovoked.

That face, which was three points more delicate than a woman's, was full of smiles.

The woman pursed her lips and turned her head away from him.

I have no energy, I don't want to move, I just want to be a salted fish...

"Are you going to keep talking to me?"

"You are so annoying..." Shen Yu pulled the quilt over her head.

This action adds a bit of coquettish air.

"Don't cover it, it will be boring." He gently pushed it away, his movements and tone were somewhat flattering.

Thinking about it, I also know that I am too much.

Shen Yu turned over, feeling drowsy.


"what time is it now?"

"at noon."

"..." My God!For five full hours, Shen Yu didn't know what he was doing.

Shen Wei went directly to have lunch.

At the table, everyone looked at her strangely.

Shen Yu gritted her teeth, it was all Quan Hanting's fault!

Third Master: "Siblings."

Fifth master: "I have to remind Lao Liu some other day."

Chu Yujiang: "Drink more soup!"

Ling Yun scratched his head: "Then what."

Mr. Zou made up the last knife perfectly: "It's okay, come to me in a while, and I will prescribe you some traditional Chinese medicine, the warming kind."

Shen Wei: "..."

She was wrong, so she shouldn't be softhearted!
On the second day, Quan Hanting could come up from below, waiting for the second medicinal bath.

Originally, I thought this week would pass smoothly, but I didn't expect an unexpected guest to appear in the afternoon.

"Mr. Ye comes with me."

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, turned her head and asked Fifth Master, "Who is this?"

"Chu Yujiang led the way in person, he should be the guest of the sixth child." And the background is not small.

Half an hour later, this Mr. Ye came out of the study. Shen Yu thought he would leave, but he didn't expect Quan Hanting to let him stay.

So dinner is eaten together.

He said it was Mr. Ye, but he was only a young man in his early twenties. He was fair-skinned and somewhat shy.

However, he seemed to be preoccupied and said little, and his whole figure was wrapped in silence.

Only when he looked at Quan Hanting, did the light of hope flash in his eyes.


That was his life-saving elixir.

After nightfall, Mr. Ye was arranged to live in the next room.

The others gathered in the study.

Quan Hanting roughly explained Ye Mao's intention.

It turned out that he was the grandson of the Ye family in Hong Kong...

The most common surname on Hong Kong Island is "Ye", and he has been among the top rich people as early as a century ago.

Ye's father is now seriously ill, but he has not yet announced his will, causing the Ye family's hearts to fluctuate.As the youngest son, Ye Mao was still an illegitimate child, and he was struggling in such a wealthy family. He had encountered no fewer than five car accidents during this period.

Although in the end they managed to turn the danger into a blessing and escaped unharmed, they lived in fear all day long.

Hu Zhibei: "So why did he come to you?"

Quan Hanting: "Help."

"Are you going to help?"

"I have to help."

"Sixth, I don't understand..."

"Because he's looking for An's family." Ye Mao and An's family have a lot of connections, and they can even be said to be kind.

If what he is asking for is Quan Hanting, of course Quan Hanting can decide on his own whether to help or not.

But he asked An's family to come forward in the name of repaying his kindness, and the other brothers and sisters were far away in Zhan'ao. Seeing that Mr. Ye was here for a few days, the distant water could not save the nearby fire, so he could only ask Quan Hanting.

Shao Anheng: "But your body can't afford to go back and forth to Hong Kong Island at this time."

Chu Yujiang stood up: "I'll go."

Quan Hanting waved his hand: "The Ye family is not as simple as you think, and the old man is not a good quarrel, even though he is sick in bed and hangs his breath, there must be another trick."

Hu Zhibei: "Ye Mao means to ask you to help him fight for his family property?"

"That's not true, that child just wants to survive, and besides, he has an older sister, Ye Zhen, which is the key to his headache..."

From hearing this, it is clear that the Ye family's trip is very deep.

Chu Yujiang's ability is good, but the Ye family is not so easy to dismiss.

He is a servant of the An family. First of all, he is not equal to the Ye family in terms of status. Sending him there is not to solve the problem, but to form a hatred.

Naturally Ling Yun was also ruled out.

Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng are even worse, they have nothing to do with the An family, and their names are not justified.

Now only...

(End of this chapter)

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