Chapter 470 The Sixth Lord Reluctantly Leaves Hong Kong Island (20 more)
Shen Wei: "If you don't worry, I can take a trip."

She offered it.

Quan Hanting looked at her with deep eyebrows: "Wuhou, have you thought about it?"

"Why, are you afraid I can't solve it?"

"No..." Quan Hanting knew her methods and skills, and she was more than enough to deal with the Ye family.

"Well, it's decided, I'll take this trip for you."

A sigh escaped from the man's lips.

And the woman's eyes were filled with eager light.

That night.

Quan Hanting came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Under the light, the man was wearing a nightgown, his hair hadn't been dried, and water droplets slid down his forehead and cheeks.

Shen Wei opened the drawer, took the hairdryer, turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, "Come here."

Men can't ask for more.

"Lower, I can't reach..."

He simply lay down on Shen Yu's lap, face down, leaving only the wet, dark top of his head, "Is this so?"

"Uh..." I feel like a coquettish pig, so cute that it fouls, why is it swollen?

"Aren't you going to blow my hair?"


Then, there was the sound of a blower blowing.

Men with short hair dries faster.

"Okay." Shen Yu tugged at his ears, as if teasing a sleeping lion, oh no, a sleeping pig, "Get up."

My legs are numb.

The man didn't move, and rubbed his chin lightly against the woman's thigh. Unfortunately, the winter clothes were too thick, so he didn't get any real food.

"Tsk, why are you moving?" Shen Yu raised her hand to greet him on his back, "Be honest!"

In the whole world, there is only one who dares to treat Liu Ye like this.

The man with a cold personality was not annoyed, "Why don't you give it another slap?"

Shen Yu carefully distinguished the truth from the falsehood, and found that there was no water in it, "Are you serious?"

"When did Grandpa take a vacation?"

"In that case..." She gritted her teeth, the time for revenge has come, "Then I'm not going to be polite!"

The man was panting and moaning, not only was he not angry, but... enjoying it?
Shen Yu: "?" What is he whining about?
"Come again."


"Important." The hoarse voice is particularly sexy.

"You're crazy!" Shen Yu pushed him, "Get up quickly."

If you still can't see through what Quan Hanting is up to, Shen Yu will have such a brain in vain.

"Understood?" The man tilted his head, lying obediently on her lap, his eyes slightly raised, with a deep stream of light, "Didn't you keep saying you wanted to be S yesterday? You didn't even cherish this opportunity today."

Shen Yu gritted her teeth: "Don't ask me to play this kind of game in the future!"

"Wu Wan..." The man's voice softened, "Daughter-in-law?"

"Get up, I'm going to take a shower."

Quan Hanting could only sit up slowly, looking at the back of the woman leaving angrily, he reacted for the first time, did he overplay it?
Unfortunately, it was of no use.

Because if you give him another chance, he still can't help it...

After coming out of the shower, Shen Yu found that the suitcase had been packed, and she raised her eyebrows: "Did you do it?"

"Otherwise, who else? See if there is anything else to bring."

Shen Wei checked and found that it was more complete than what he packed.

"Come here." Holding a hair dryer, he stood beside the bed, hundreds of times more handsome than those Tony teachers in the hair salon.

A quarter of an hour later.

"It's done." He put away the hair dryer, and then hugged Shen Yu to the bed, "Shouldn't it be time to get down to business now?"

The topic changed too quickly, Shen Yu was a little confused, and supported the man's strong chest with both hands, "Business? Thanks to your words."

Quan Hanting raised his eyebrows, under the hazy light, the outline of the man's face became deeper and deeper.

He bowed his head and kissed her lightly on the forehead: "Just kidding, take a good rest tonight, go there, remember to be safe, I will send someone to protect you secretly, contact me immediately if you need anything. During the period, you contact Chu Yujiang directly."

"it is good."

The man tonight was very talkative, chattering, chattering, like an old father sending his daughter off on a long trip.

However, she likes such pure care and concern.


Early the next morning, Shen Hou and Ye Mao set off from Ningcheng.

At 37:[-] pm, the flight landed at Hong Kong Island International Airport.

A woman with a slender back walked out of the airport under the escort of a big man in black

Of course, the person was sent by Quan Hanting to protect her and Ye Mao's safety.

"Okay, let's stop here."


The wind stirred the woman's long ink-splashed hair, with a natural curly radian, faintly glowing light golden in the sun.

A white chiffon shirt, paired with a camel long windbreaker, and close-fitting pencil pants wrapped around two slender legs, revealing a fair ankle. Under her feet were the Christian Louboutin red-soled shoes that every woman dreams of. The height of [-] cm made her Her already outstanding height is particularly eye-catching, and she has a youthful and fashionable atmosphere.

Naturally, the return rate remains high.

Among the whispers, the civilized ones say "you are really beautiful", and the vulgar ones just open your mouth and say "you are so beautiful".

The two were waiting outside the arrival hall, Ye Mao was vaguely anxious, looking at the entrance of the traffic, why didn't he come?
Then look at Shen Hou next to him, calm and composed, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

"Sorry, I already contacted the driver, but..."

"It doesn't matter, in case there is a traffic jam along the way, it doesn't matter if you wait a little longer."

From the corner of Ye Mao's eyes, he secretly looked at the woman beside him. She was the same age as him, but had an extraordinary identity——

She turned out to be Quan Hanting's fiancée!
How did you do it?
As far as he knows, that master doesn't seem to be close to women...

Ye Mao's eyes were a bit inquisitive, and he stared at Shen Yu for too long, so that the person involved easily found out.

Shen Yu sighed, and thought to himself: Surely this handsome young man who doesn't hide and pretend is the cub raised by a super wealthy family like the Ye family?

The Shen family still has constant internal struggles, let alone the wealthy Ye family that often tops various wealth rankings?

Suddenly, a luxurious Rolls-Royce drove towards them, and finally slid towards them at a steady speed.

The driver's door was opened, the driver got down, went around to the back seat and opened the door, a pair of nude high heels first appeared in front of Shen Yu's eyes, but a pair of slender and straight beautiful legs.

The woman bowed out, first gave Ye Mao a big hug, and then looked at Shen Yu.

"Who is this?"

Ye Mao: "Let me introduce, this is...Shen Yu." He paused, but he didn't reveal Shen Yu's specific identity because of the presence of the driver.

Then she turned to Shen Wei with a polite smile: "This is my sister, Ye Zhen."

Oh, this is the "trouble" that Quan Hanting said caused Ye Mao to sway and hesitate.

Shen Yu nodded: "Hello."

Ye Zhen replied, "Hello."

The brothers and sisters of the Ye family are very similar, they both have white skin and oval faces, which are easy to be liked by others.

Based on the first judgment, Shen Yu had a good impression of Ye Zhen, she was beautiful and polite, although there was doubt in her eyes, she did not despise her in the slightest, she knew how to respect others.

Logically speaking, how could such a person be called "troublesome"?
(End of this chapter)

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