Chapter 473 Inheritance dispute, kidnapped (23 more)
Speaking of which, Miss Ye San is also a hard-working person.

At the age of 23, she got married to the only son of a well-known entrepreneur on Hong Kong Island. On the day of the marriage reception, the wedding car was robbed on the way to the church, and the delicate bride became a kidnapper.

Ye Junhao personally raised money to redeem his sister.

However, two months later, Miss Ye San was found to be eight weeks pregnant!

The marriage fell through and the reputation was ruined.

Ye Junhao asked her to get rid of the evil species, but Ye Hui insisted on refusing, and fled abroad with a huge sum of money, only returning to Hong Kong Island after giving birth to her daughter safely.

Ye Junhao finally accepted the child.

The outside world thought that Ye Hui must hate this daughter to the bone, but the fact is completely opposite. She gave her daughter all the expectations and happiness of her life, and raised her very well.

"Do you know dandelions?" Ye Hui said suddenly, "Gone with the wind, drifting with the current."

Shen Wei: "It is to spread the seeds and reproduce the next generation."

"Yeah...for the children. As parents, even if we don't want to fight, we have to try for the sake of our children."

Shen Yu nodded: "Yes, that is your own choice."

"But in many cases, fighting may not necessarily win. This is life, and there is no way to escape."

Shen Yu smiled, met the other party's gaze, and said frankly and frankly, "Since it is fate, you must learn to accept fate."

The woman's expression darkened, "Yeah, I should have accepted my fate a long time ago... But Cun Xin shouldn't be like me..."

Ye Cunxin, Ye Hui's daughter, is a well-known socialite on Hong Kong Island.

"Her surname is Ye, and you don't have to worry about her future at all."

"So what if you're surnamed Ye?" The woman sneered, the darkness reflected the strong sadness in her eyes, which made people feel an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

"It's just gold and jade on the outside, and it's ruined."

Shen Wei: "But at least you can eat and dress warmly."

Ye Hui: "Is this enough?"

She asked, "Isn't that enough? As long as people live..."

"Alive?" the woman murmured, but when she realized it, she saw that Shen Yu had already walked away.

Under the same night, Meng Jialing and Ye Qing's mother and daughter were also unable to sleep.

"Qingqing, did you find out? What is the background of that Shen person?"

"How can it be so fast? I have already asked my friend for help."

"You said that she is so young, what is so special about her? Your father is now like this, and he still wants her to come over."

"Hey... With her weak appearance, she can't even protect herself, and she still wants to protect Ye Zhen and Ye Mao? Dreaming!"

"Qingqing, you?"

"Mom, don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Since Dad is partial, don't blame me for not caring about family affection."

Meng Jialing was taken aback: "Don't do anything stupid!"

"I have a sense of proportion." Ye Qing shook the goblet in his hand, and a cruel smile gradually rose from the corner of his lips.

The next day, Shen Yu went to see Ye Junhao as agreed.

She represents Anjia, brings fruit baskets and gifts, and is well-mannered so that no one can find any faults.

Meng Jialing also came with her, but Ye Junhao asked her to avoid her.

Therefore, for a whole half an hour, no one knew what Shen Yu and he talked about in the ward.

"...Miss Shen, I will leave everything to you!"

"It should be, this is the love of An's family."


When Ye Mao categorically told Ye Zhen that he wanted not only his father's inheritance, but also the Ye family's company, the woman almost fainted from anger.

"Ye Mao! I forbid you to do this!"

"What about me? I just take what I get!"

"You are called ungrateful!"

"Whose debt do I forget and whose righteousness do I owe?"

Ye Zhen's throat choked.

Ye Mao smiled: "I know, you want to say aunt."

"Amao..." There was a pleading flash in the woman's eyes.

It's a pity that this time Ye Mao didn't give in as easily as before, but became more stubborn, "You clearly know how aunt treats us, but you just think her nice. Sis, sometimes I really don't understand you!"

Ye Zhen became angry from embarrassment: "Do you agree or not?!"


"Okay! Then don't call me your sister in the future, and I don't recognize you as a younger brother!"

Deep wounds flashed across Ye Mao's eyes, and he turned to Shen Wei for help, but the latter remained unmoved, as calm as an emotionless wooden man.

"Sister, in the current situation, we can't help but retreat..." Once we retreat, we will be in a deep abyss, and our bodies will be smashed to pieces.

Ye Zhen firmly believed that it was just an excuse for him to seek inheritance.

"Amao, you disappoint me so much!"

After speaking, he ran out.

Shen Yu made a phone call: " out...follow matter what happens, just wait for my order."

Ye Zhen hailed a taxi in a fit of anger. The current atmosphere in that house made her feel suffocated, and even her own brother had changed...

Is money really so alluring?
"Miss, where are you going?"

"Neon Square"

Looking at the receding scenery outside the window, Ye Zhen couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

Three to ten minutes later, the taxi was still driving forward, but the scenery could not be seen from the window. Except for the headlight column, the surrounding area was pitch black.

"This is not the way to the Neon Square!" Ye Zhen realized that he reached out to pull the car door, but did not move.

"Who are you?! What do you want to do?!" The sharp voice revealed her fear, and the straightened back still couldn't relieve her tension.


The harsh sound of brakes pierced the silence of the night, and a few dogs barked in the distance.

"I only realized it at this time, don't you think it's too late?" The driver turned his head from the driver's seat, and with a broken eyebrow, he seemed to know that it was not easy to mess with, and he looked fierce.

"I don't know you." Ye Zhen clenched her hands into fists, trying her best to restrain the urge to scream.

Since the other party dared to stop here, it meant that no one would come, and it was useless for her to shout her throat.

Broken-browed face heard the words, and smiled strangely: "You don't need to know me, I just need to know you—Second Miss Ye Family, Ye Zhen!"

Hearing the other party call out her name, Ye Zhen's heart skipped a beat, her nails dug into her palm, and the pain made her barely maintain her composure.

"I have no grudges against you."

The man sneered, laughing at her innocence.

Ye Zhen's heart moved slightly: "Who instructed you?"

"You have too many questions." After saying that, she directly covered her mouth with her hand.


The man rushed from the front seat to the back, his hands and feet were so fast that he didn't give her any time to react.

"Put... um..." Using hands and feet together, he began to struggle violently.


The man grabbed her by the hair, with a fierce look in his eyes: "Calm down for me, if you move again, you will tear up the ticket!"

Ye Zhen's whole body was stiff, and there was a buzzing in her right ear.

Broken eyebrows and eyes showed satisfaction, but when she was dragging her out of the car, she was kicked in the crotch by the woman.

"Ah—" screamed, "You bitch!"

Ye Zhen didn't care about her knees that were worn out by the stones, so she quickly got up and ran away.

Duanmei covered his crotch with one hand, and chased after him fiercely.

"Help—" she called out instinctively.

What responded to her was the sobbing cool wind and the empty echo.

(End of this chapter)

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