Chapter 474 Threatened to submit, the rich and powerful forced the palace (24 more)
Ye Zhen didn't speak anymore, this place is like a suburb, the quieter it is, the more remote it is, the louder the echo...

"You stop for me!"

Seeing that the man was about to catch up, she bowed and jumped into the nearby bushes.

The weeds, which are half a head taller than a person, hide her in it.

Ye Zhen unconsciously held his breath as the man approached with cursing sounds mixed with labored panting.

"Don't hide, I've seen you—"

Her whole body was stiff and her hands and feet were cold.

Broken Eyebrow flipped around in the grass, his cheek was cut by a jagged blade, blood dripped down his cheek, terrifying like a ghost.

"I'll count to three, if you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude!"


Ye Zhen bit her lower lip tightly.


His fists were clenched tightly, and his arms were bulging with veins.


She closed her eyes resignedly.

The man didn't notice her, and walked away cursing and looking for another place.

Ye Zhen let out a long breath, and moved back with a bent waist.

Just when she thought she would be able to escape, and started to straighten up and run wildly, the man shouted loudly, rushed up from behind, and pushed her to the ground

"Run! I'll let you run!" Duanmei tugged at her long hair and knocked her forehead on the ground.

Ye Zhen was dizzy from being hit, and in a trance, she felt warm liquid gushing out. Under the last slam of the man, she screamed, and immediately her eyes darkened, and she completely lost consciousness.

Same night, hospital ward.

Ye Junhao was lying on the hospital bed, his face pale, but his chest heaved sharply: "You... Get out!"

He barely uttered two sounds, although his expression was resentful, but it was only at the end of his strength, without any deterrent effect.

Meng Jialing gritted her teeth, she was unwilling to do this, but the situation was pressing, her daughter had already made a move, so she could only cooperate!

Ye Junhao's unfeeling has made her completely chilled, disappointed to the extreme, hated and cried, and the rest is only indifference and numbness.

"You want to leave the company and most of the property to those two bastards, why?!"

Ye Junhao pursed his lips and his whole body trembled, but unfortunately he was speechless.

"I know what you want to say. Yes, this is your property and you have the right to distribute it, but I am your wife! Have you ever considered me a little bit?"

Ye Junhao's eyes widened in anger, his two cloudy eyeballs were sunken in the protruding eye sockets, which made people feel inexplicably frightened.

Meng Jialing pursed her lips: "No, not at all. You have even considered your three younger sisters, but you have excluded me and my daughter. Have you considered how we feel? Qingqing is also your daughter, Regardless of appearance or ability, how is she not as good as Ye Zhen?"

The man on the hospital bed tremblingly raised his hand, trying to push off the oxygen mask on his face, but was unable to drop it halfway.

The fear of death and the ruthlessness of his wife cut his heart like two steel knives, dripping with blood.

"You forced me to get to where I am today!" Meng Jialing burst into tears, hysterical.

"The will must be changed!" Her eyes turned hard, and she leaned into his ear, "Even if you don't change it, I will force you to change it!"

Ye Junhao's eyes were bloodshot, since there was grief and sorrow, it was more powerless and decadent.

The woman turned her head away and didn't look at that look, she was afraid that she would not be ruthless.

"Think about it... I will bring a lawyer over tomorrow morning..."

The moment the door was closed, a drop of crystal fell from the corner of Ye Junhao's deeply wrinkled eyes, moistening his gray temples.

"Mom, what did he say? Did he agree to amend the will?" Ye Qing didn't even want to call "Daddy", that man was not worthy at all.

Through a door, she heard everything she should hear and what she shouldn't hear.

Meng Jialing shook her head, two lines of tears flowed down, as if all her strength had been drained, "I gave him an ultimatum, and brought the lawyer over tomorrow morning."

Lying inside was her husband, the man she had loved for 40 years, and Meng Jialing even wanted to just let him go and be a ghost couple in hell!

But Ye Junhao didn't care, that man's only thought was his first love, that bitch who ruined their marriage!

Now even her children are coming to grab her Qingqing.

Meng Jialing clearly knows that she cannot be weak, her daughter still needs her!

Ye Qing pursed her lips: "Mom, you've done a good job! Don't cry, when we get the inheritance, you will feel that everything else is not important, only the money is yours!"

"Okay, Mom listens to you and will always be on your side. But I really can't bear to force him, he... he's going to die!"

Ye Qing's nose was sore. She used to look forward to father's love, but when Ye Junhao gave his toys to those two bastards without asking, she didn't expect extravagantly.

Anyway, I can't ask for it.

It's better to be a wicked girl, so bad through and through.

"Mom, you can't back down at this time! If even you give up, no one can help me! Don't you want to watch those two evils take money and live happily ever after?"

Anyway, she couldn't bear it no matter what!

Meng Jialing's gaze became firm until it was finally completely cold.

"Mom, you bring the lawyer here early tomorrow."

"But your father may not agree..."

"It's okay, just arrange it, I have a way to make him nod."

Meng Jialing was taken aback, "What can I do? You won't..."

"Trust me, OK?"

"Don't do illegal things, the Ye family has become what it is now, and it can't stand the slightest trouble..."

Ye Qing pursed her lips, and a cold light froze in her eyes: "Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion!" She would neither die nor lose her arms or legs.

"Don't be stupid!" Meng Jialing repeatedly urged.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, her daughter is too stubborn, she dares to do anything when she goes crazy...

Meng Jialing's heart was up and down.

Ye Qing curled her lips: "Am I the kind of person who would do stupid things?"

Meng Jialing took her into her arms, her eyes were empty and she didn't know where to look: "Your father is gone... The only thing I can count on is a daughter like you..."

"Mom, I promise, there will be no less things that should belong to us!" Ye Qing's almost weird smile appeared on his lips.

"Let's go, go home first..."

"I still have something to do, you go back first, I have already called the driver to pick you up."


"Mom, I'm leaving."

Ye Qing directly took the elevator down to the parking lot on the first floor, and dialed a number on the way——

"What about people?"

"Warehouse No. [-] at the northern pier, remember to bring money."

After putting away the phone, Ye Qing sneered and pursed her lips, and drove away.


an hour later.

The sound of high heels hitting the ground gradually approached, Duanmei put down the instant noodles in his hand, and dodged behind the rusty iron door.

Lower your voice: "Who?"

"it's me."

He opened the iron gate.

The woman was wearing sunglasses, her red lips were enchanting, and a look of amazement flashed in her broken eyebrows and eyes.

Suppressing the restlessness from deep inside, he probed outside and scanned around, and only let Ye Qing in after making sure it was safe.

(End of this chapter)

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