Chapter 475 Sisters Are Enemies, It’s Not Too Late To Awaken (25 more)
Ye Qing, on the other hand, didn't take it seriously for Broken Eyebrow's excessive caution.

It's just Ye Zhen, now Ye Junhao is lying in the hospital, and Ye Mao is a wimp, who can save her?Maybe they don't even know the news of her disappearance?
"Okay, don't look around, no one will come." She took off her sunglasses and put the combination box in her hand on the ground.

"After it's done, the money will be yours."

Duanmei's eyes lit up, 100 million is just to kidnap a woman, these rich people really don't take banknotes as money.

It just so happened that it was cheaper for him.

"You open the box first and let me have a look, otherwise how do you know whether it is money or paper?"

"Don't believe me?"

Duanmei laughed, short and urgent, and an invisible oppression began to spread in the air: "Miss Ye, you know, a person like me who licks blood with a knife can survive until now, and he has to be more careful than ordinary people." .”

"Okay." She walked a little farther away and printed her fingerprints on the sensing area. The top layer of aluminum metal was gathered towards the sides, revealing a layer of transparent tempered glass, and she could just see the stacks of hundred-yuan cash stacked neatly inside. .

"Here is the cash withdrawal receipt from the bank this afternoon. I wonder if this can reassure you?" The woman chuckled.

"Of course." Duanmei nodded, under the light, his broken eyebrows became more ferocious with his smiling expression.

Xindao: This woman is not stupid, she also knows how to use combination locks and double insurance under bulletproof glass.

He had to be cautious.

"Do as I said before. After the work is done, the money will be yours." Ye Qing put the lockbox back to its original place, clapped her hands,
Duanmei raised his trousers, and his anxious eyes fell on her face, which was a little meaningful.

This woman is more delicious than the sleepy one in the corner, if she can play a double-fly...

Ye Qing has had boyfriends and girlfriends, and slept with each of them, how could she not understand the meaning of this look?
I felt extremely sick in my heart, but the smile on my face didn't change, "You don't want to do it? It's okay, I can change to someone else..."

"Wait! Miss Ye is so pretty, but she has a bad temper..."

The woman raised her eyebrows, her eyes were slightly cold: "I don't need to worry about this, just do your own thing, take the money and leave."

Duanmei was not angry, "I have a question to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

"You should be the young lady of the Ye family, right? The one who was originally born with..." He pointed back at Ye Zhen, "And this is your younger sister, who is related by blood."

"Oh! There are some things that you shouldn't know, so don't speak casually. I'm afraid that if you have the courage to take money, you will die to enjoy the blessing!"

The man narrowed his eyes half-closed: "Are you threatening me?"

"Not to mention. I'm just kindly reminding you, after all, we're working together. Also, I'm in a hurry, so hurry up."

"What's the rush?" He took out the camera from the nylon pocket hanging on the chair, and inadvertently shook Ye Qing when it was fixed.

"What are you doing?! I asked you to pat her, not me!" Ye Qing stretched out her hand to cover her face.

"It just flashed by accidentally, what are you afraid of?" The man turned around and adjusted the position of the camera, but there was a successful smirk in his eyes, but unfortunately, Ye Qing didn't see it.


In fact, Ye Zhen woke up when she was dragged into the warehouse, she just didn't open her eyes.

Unexpectedly, I heard such a "wonderful" conversation!

Miss Ye?Original born...

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and Ye Zhen finally understood the meaning of his younger brother's sentence, "In this situation, we can no longer help us to shrink back."

If you retreat, you will die!
It's ridiculous that she forcibly instilled such thoughts into Ah Mao for the worthless nobility and dignity in her heart.

God, what the hell did she do? !

Looking back on my previous behavior now, apart from being stupid, there is only one word "stupid" to describe.

Duanmei adjusted the camera, gave Ye Qing a half-smile look, and began to take off his pants.

When the dark and strong muscles were exposed in front of her eyes, Ye Qing coldly looked away.

I thought to myself: It's cheaper than that bitch!
Ye Zhen's eyelashes moved slightly, opening a slit, and the man's naked body came into view, and his eyes glanced at the fixed camera not far away. It was self-evident what the other party wanted to do.

A wave of resentment welled up spontaneously, and she wanted to ask why they still refused to let her go even though she had retreated to this point?That person is her sister!Half the same blood, with the same father!
But why?
Why did she use such a humiliating way to hurt her?
Could it be that she, Ye Zhen, was born to be trampled? !

Do not……

She is not reconciled...

If she can escape this catastrophe, she will definitely not run away cowardly and let others bully her!Duanmei walked towards Ye Zhen naked.

Ye Qing smiled even more, with her chin raised, as if she was watching a play.

Didn't Daddy dote on this illegitimate daughter?
Well, let's exchange the company shares for this videotape!
Comparing her daughter's innocence with dead things like shares, she believed that Daddy would know how to choose. Who made him always be a loving father who "emphasizes love and righteousness"?
In the past, the image of her father was so high in her heart; now, her hatred is so deep!

Just as Broken Eyebrow reached out to take off her clothes, Ye Zhen suddenly opened her eyes. She should be thankful that this is a very conceited and arrogant man, but he just knocked her unconscious and threw her into a corner without binding her hands and feet. That gave her the courage and reliance to fight back.

With a scream, Ye Zhen stunned the man who was rushing forward, and decisively stretched out her foot to kick the other's crotch.

Duanmei was hit again, which can be said to add injury to injury.

Ye Qing's complexion changed, Ye Zhen in front of her was like an angry mad cow, not only kicking the man's lifeline, but also hitting the man's side with his head, the madness and cruelty in his eyes was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, which made people Don't dare to look directly.

That is the instinct to survive in a desperate situation, with the solitary courage to risk your life and fight to the death, trying to kill a bloody road-if you fail, you will be benevolent!
It turns out that dogs really jump over walls when they are in a hurry.


The man's eyes turned hard, "Bitch, kick me! I'm going to kill you today..."

Ye Zhen had already run to the door, as long as she opened the door, she would have a chance to escape.

It's a pity that she miscalculated the weight of the iron door, and she couldn't easily pull it open with her own strength. Seeing that Duan Mei was getting closer and closer to her, the door didn't move at all.

Ye Zhen was desperate.

There has never been a moment of resentment towards the Ye family and everyone in the Ye family.What kind of demon lair is this, and what kind of devil lives there? !If she had the choice now, she would rather not be the daughter of this wealthy family, at least she would not see these dirty and ugly things in the orphanage.

Annoyance, remorse, resentment and all kinds of emotions rushed up and surrounded her.

The man's hand had already grabbed the back of her neck, her eyes were spinning, and by the time she realized it, she had already been thrown to the ground.

This time, there was no chance to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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