Chapter 478 Onion video, Mingda crisis (28 more)
You take one bite and I eat the toast for an hour.Quan Hanting continued to work, while Shen Yu sat on the other side and started packing the boxes.

She dug out a document and handed it to Quan Hanting.


"Company low-price transfer agreement."

"Given by the Ye family?"


Quan Hanting pulled her to sit on his lap, Shen Yu turned her head, her clear black eyes fixed on the man, her eyes fell on the hands they were holding, and then nestled into the man's arms.

Shen Hou narrowed her eyes slightly, like a lazy kitten, she rubbed her hands and changed into a comfortable position.Feeling the rising and falling tension of the man's chest, accompanied by the steady breathing from the top of her head, she felt a peace that she had never felt before, just like a sailing ship finally found a harbor for rest after experiencing a storm.

After eight days of tense work, after dealing with the affairs of the Ye family, he felt tired for the first time.

Fortunately, with this man, there is a port to call and inhabit.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the sky is burning with fire and clouds are surging, but the room is rarely quiet, and silence is better than sound.

Quan Hanting reached out to put his arm around the woman's waist, and stroked the hair with the other hand, and kissed the woman's cheek tenderly, with a faint distress in his eyes, "Is it very hard?"

The woman narrowed her eyes lazily, enjoying the tenderness of the man at the moment, "It's hard work, but it's worth it."


"Look at this document."

Quan Hanting opened it, and the next second, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Onion Video's share transfer letter?"

Onion Video, a new video website on Hong Kong Island five years ago, is personally controlled by Ye Junhao, the helm of the Ye family. It is developing well and its annual income is increasing.

"He is generous."

Shen Yu nodded. She didn't want this video site at first, but saw that the development momentum of another one was not so good, and the probability of successful negotiation with Ye Junhao was higher.

Unexpectedly, he gave the onion directly.

It can be seen that the sincerity is full.

"That's what you call 'harvest?'"

"Well, how is it, not bad?"

Quan Hanting nodded with a smile, and returned it to her, but Shen Yu didn't answer: "What are you doing for me?"

"If you don't give your things to you, who will you give them to?"

Shen Yu was slightly stunned: "...You should keep it."


"I'm here to help An's family. Ye Junhao is not because of me. He is doing this to curry favor with you and An's family. Have you ever seen bribes swallowed up by pawns? They are all handed over to the top." Respect to the big brother."

This is the face of the An family, and it is only because of An's love that Shen Yu is greedy, because she has been looking for a suitable video website for a long time, but every price counts for one, and she can't take it for herself.

Otherwise, eating looks too ugly.

Quan Hanting directly stuffed the transfer letter into her arms: "Just take it if you tell me, why are there so many nonsense?"

Shen Wei: "..."

"This is a reward. You have done a good job with the Ye family."

"Alright?" She blinked.

"Why not?" He smiled.

"Then... I'll take it?"


Shen Yu wrapped her arms around the man's neck, kissed him on the lips, and then quickly backed away, smiling slyly, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Ah Ting, thank you..."

"Fool! Mine is you." After saying that, his brows darkened, and the hand around Shen Yu's waist tightened, "One mouthful is not enough, let's take a few more."

During a trip to Hong Kong Island, Shen Wei got "Onion Video" by accident.

She changed hands and handed it over to Gu Qing and Zhang Yang, asking them to take over as soon as possible. When the time is right, Onion Video will be merged into Qihang's name.

Gu Qing: "I feel like Mr. Shen is painting a big picture."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I guessed it."

"Husband, do you think the pan-entertainment industry will be Qisail's world in the future?"

"It's not impossible."

"That's right, with President Shen here, it seems like everything is possible."


On Monday, Shen Yu went to work normally.

After leaving for nearly ten days, the project department is operating normally.

Even if she is not around, Miao Miao always pays attention to personnel trends.

As a result, on the second day she went back to work, something went wrong.

Miao Miao: "The customs found a batch of undeclared drugs on our cargo ship, which was initially defined as... smuggling."

Shen Wei's expression turned cold, the word "smuggling" is not for nothing, it can be big or small.

"What's the specific situation?"

"We don't know yet, because the ship and its employees have been detained for investigation, so the information we have now is still reported by the media."

Li Fu suddenly said: "I have seen the photos in the newspapers, and these smuggled drugs all have one thing in common, that is, through a series of processes such as extraction and purification, the main ingredients for making hallucinogens and methamphetamine - methamphetamine and coffee can be obtained. because!"

Shen Yu's eyebrows tightened suddenly.

Miao Miao gasped.

Now not only smuggling, but also drug-related?

"Why didn't you submit a report to the top when such a big incident happened, but report it to me?"

"I reported to the PR department at first, but the PR department said that the incident is still under investigation and has not aroused public criticism, so it is not in their professional scope, and they can't manage it if they want to." Li Fu paused for a moment, and adjusted the frame of the mirror, "After all The matter is of great importance, and although the PR department was unable to resolve it, it was forwarded to the board of directors."

"As for..."

Shen Yu's expression was cold: "Go ahead."

Li Fu: "As for how to transfer from the board of directors to you, I don't know. Maybe the senior management is optimistic about your personal ability and thinks that you can handle this matter well? Or, for other reasons..."

Shen Yu pursed her lips, and a sneer crawled up the corner of her mouth.

The group of old guys on the board of directors just wanted to get through her to settle such a difficult matter, and then use the hand of Quan Hanting to settle it. Zero cost, zero risk, how cost-effective?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

They want to get through her hand, okay, then Shen Yu won't tell Quan Hanting.

Seeing things fermenting and news spreading indiscriminately, who is more anxious.

Miao Miao: "Now the matter has been transferred to our project department, so... what should we do?"

Shen Yu spread his hands together: "I can't do anything beyond the scope of my ability. Let's wait for the results of the customs investigation. If I really haven't done it, I believe the higher-ups will be clear about my innocence."

The implication is that it is broken.

If the broken can is of good quality, it will definitely not break.

If it breaks, deserves it.

Miao Miao swallowed, "So, we don't have to do anything?"

Even Li Fu couldn't help but glance at Shen Yu.

"Wrong," she said solemnly, "this is called—wait and see."

Miao Miao: "..."

Li Fu: "..."

"Okay, let's put this matter aside for now. Anyway, the board of directors is not in a hurry, and it doesn't matter if we think about it. We don't need to scare ourselves, just work normally."


(End of this chapter)

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