Chapter 479 Mr. Shen is too skinny, public opinion explodes (29 more)
When the matter came to Shen Hou, she dealt with it coldly.

The next day, she called Li Fu, "Yesterday you were able to analyze and integrate the information from the news reports, and finally came up with the commonality of these smuggled drugs, which shows that you are a meticulous person. Although we have decided to wait and see what happens, we still need to have first-hand information at any time to make the most correct decision in the shortest time and to respond most effectively, so..."

The front is all nonsense, and the focus is on the back. Shen Yu smiled and continued: "So, I decided to let you be in charge of the real-time investigation. The work at hand can be put aside for a while and urgently handed over to Miao Miao. Secretary Li agrees. How about next?"

The man's face twitched twice, and then he raised a refined smile: "Yes, the task must be completed."

Shen Yu looked satisfied and nodded: "Then it will be hard work for you."

Inquiring about news, to put it simply, is a tiring job. If you want to get useful information, you must deal with all kinds of religions. It is commonplace to be angry and scolded, and there are many people who are chased and hacked.

No wonder Li Fu's complexion was so bad.

But this person could bear it, and he returned to normal in such a short time.

No wonder the old man took a fancy to her and sent her over to monitor her every move.

"Okay, nothing else, you go out first."

Li Fu nodded slightly.

The instant he turned around, the gloomy look in his eyes could hardly be suppressed.

"Huh? Secretary Li, are you feeling well?"


"Why is that face so ugly?"


"Ah, I won't chat with you anymore, I'll go in and deliver a document." As he spoke, he hurried inside.

The emotions of the two, one is high and the other is depressed, the contrast should not be too obvious.

"Hahahaha... Boss Shen, did you do it on purpose?"

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows and spread her hands, but she didn't deny it.

Miao Miao laughed more cheerfully, and asked: What should I do if my boss is too skinny?
Then follow along!
Three seconds of silence for Li Fu.


On the third day of the drug incident, the media reported more and more, and the news began to ferment. Seeing that Shen Yu hadn't moved, the boss finally couldn't sit still.

First, Shen Chunjiang called her to the office early in the morning.

Shen Wei asked Miao Miao to buy a bag of steamed buns, and happily went to find her father.

knock knock --

"Come in!"

Shen Yu pushed the door open, walked to Shen Chunjiang's desk, and before the other party could speak, she yelled——


She acted like nothing happened, but instead disturbed Shen Chunjiang's footsteps.

Shen Wei: "Have you had breakfast? I bought Xiaolongbao, and brought you a copy by the way. It may be a little cold, but it should still be edible."

With that said, he took out the bag of xiao long bao.

To be honest, it would be out of place for this kind of dough packaged in a plastic bag to appear in the spacious, bright and modern CEO's office.

But her daughter's expression is so sincere, her eyes are so devout, it just so happens that Shen Chunjiang is hungry again...

Well, let's take it.

"Wu Wan has a heart. Sit down."

Shen Yu smiled shyly.

Shen Chunjiang wondered if she knew what kind of impact the drug smuggling case would have on Mingda once it was confirmed.

"Dad, don't you want to eat it while it's hot?"

"Cough...don't worry, I'll ask you something first."

"Okay, tell me." Shen Yu suddenly became serious.

Shen Chunjiang felt that his daughter's attitude was so good that he had nothing to say...

"Oh, I know about the drug smuggling you mentioned. It was transferred to the project department a few days ago and told me to handle it."

"Yes! So how are you doing now? What's going on?"


Shen Chunjiang's eyes brightened: "Is everything going well?"

Shen Yu nodded: "It went well."

"Are you sure about it?"

"Pretty big."

The conversation ended happily, Shen Chunjiang was satisfied, and Shen Yu also smiled.

Another two days passed.

The board of directors urged Shen Chunjiang to come up with a complete set of solutions, and Shen Chunjiang was so confident that he passed the word directly——

"Master Liu's intervention is the best solution!"

The board fell silent.

On the eighth day since the incident, something happened.

Major media reported that Mingda Group did not return smuggled drugs, fearing drug involvement!
The titles are more shocking than the last.

This is after the "Radiation Jewelry Incident", Mingda was once again involved in the center of public opinion.

Some people in the company are talking about——

"Has the position of the project manager been cursed? Come and kill one, and make things so big every time."

"Don't say it, it's really possible."

"Leave a Shen Ru, come a Shen Wei, I'm afraid that the next one will leave, and I don't know who will take over next, so it's unlucky to continue to follow."


The low-level employees were busy watching the excitement, but the high-level employees were already burning their buttocks and scratching their heads.

"What the hell did Shen Yu do?!"

"It was agreed that the sixth master would intervene and solve it smoothly? What a fart to solve it! Now things are getting worse and worse, and the reputation of the group is completely gone!"

"Mr. Shen, what do you promise? You have to give us an explanation! Who can bear the continuous shrinking of stocks?!"

Shen Chunjiang was about to be forced to death by these old fellows.

There was no way, in order to divert the firepower, he pushed Shen Yu out without psychological pressure.

Tell the secretary: "Go! Call me Shen Yu quickly! See what she is doing!"

Some of the old directors were used to his routine of looking for the blame man, and felt wronged for his daughter in their hearts.

How many lifetimes of bad luck will there be for such an overjoyed and selfish dad?
When Shen Wei arrived, the meeting room was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Before the director could speak, Shen Chunjiang was the first to attack: "How on earth did you do things? Now newspapers and magazines are reporting it, and the Internet is also bombarded! What do you mean by everything going smoothly? Ah?!"

He got angry with the old guy and couldn't go back, what should he do?
He can only vent to someone lower than him.

Unfortunately, Shen Wei became that punching bag.

"It's going well. Let's wait and see what happens. Just sit and watch. What else can go wrong?"

Shen Chunjiang: "..."

Directors: "..."

OK!This is the first time I got this answer.

What a wait and see!
"Okay, the most urgent thing is to come up with a solution as soon as possible, there is no point in shirking responsibility!" The old director stood up and ended the frantic father-daughter battle.

Shen Chunjiang was silent, if he had a way, could he still sit here and be scolded?I scolded back a long time ago!

The old director had no hope for him at all, and looked at Shen Wei who had been calm since entering the door: "What does Manager Shen think about this? Or, can you find someone to solve this matter?"

Shen Yu secretly scolded the old man for being shameless, and she was just about to ask Quan Hanting for help.

Tsk, a group of pustules, who can't support themselves on the wall, go to pester others, it's shameless!

"I have some ideas, but I just find someone to solve this matter. Sorry, I don't have that much ability yet."

"But Master Six..."

(End of this chapter)

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