Chapter 494 Shuo Kai takes over, Chen Mo steps down

In the end, Jiang Shuokai chose AirAsia Advertising.

The reason is that she can stay in Ningcheng to take care of her mother conveniently.

The decision to leave before was mainly to avoid Xia Kai, but now it seems that there is no need for this.

Then another question ensues.

AirAsia Advertising already has a CEO, and now that Shen Yu wants to push Jiang Shuokai to the top, he has to pull Chen Mo down.

Although Chen Mo hasn't done much since he took office, he hasn't made any major mistakes either.

Under such a premise, if Shen Yu directly demoted him, it would be unreasonable, and it would easily chill the other party's heart.

"Mr. Shen, actually I have never quite understood your attitude towards Chen Mo." Miao Miao held back this question for a long time, and finally asked.

To say that it is important, it is not enough, otherwise Jiang Shuokai would not have the chance to be in the top position.

But if he didn't value Chen Mo, how could he have entrusted him with the CEO position of Hangya and sent him to Jingping to attend training courses?
You must know that Hangya is Shen Yu's first company, the first property in his hands, just like a mother, although she will have many children, her feelings for the first child will be different after all.

After all, being a mother for the first time.

Since Shen Yu handed over the power of Hangya to Chen Mo, it means that she is very optimistic about Chen Mo, at least she was optimistic.

Since when did Shen Yu's attitude gradually change?
Miao Miao's eyes were empty, and her brain tried her best to trace back.

Suddenly, there was a pause on his face, as if he remembered something...

When "Hangya" was not "Hangya" at the beginning, but "Mingya" existed as a subsidiary of Mingda, once the news of the acquisition came out, everyone in the company was panicked, and there was a frenzy of resignations soon. At this time, we still stick to The inseparable Chen Mo came into Shen Yu's sight.

Miao Miao believed that Shen Yu really admired him at that time.

He directly promised the high position of CEO, and Chen Mo lived up to his expectations and returned from Jingping, but on the day of receiving the wind, he brought Wei Wanyang to see Shen Wei on his own initiative without asking.

Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages of Wei Wanyang's visit, let's just say that Chen Mo's unclear behavior is really annoying.

One must know that Shen Yu, as the buyer of Mingya, is undoubtedly grabbing the meat from Mingda's bowl, plus her sensitive identity, she may be caught by the Shen family if she is not careful.Under such a premise, all information about Shen Yu must be kept strictly confidential.

Miao Miao, Cai Yun and Chen Mo were the only ones who knew about it.

This is trust in them and a sincerity of "not deceiving each other".

But Chen Mo actually told Wei Wanyang, even how Shen Yu operated and the process of acquiring Mingya, he opened his mouth and told the whole story.

Shen Yu was very calm at the time, and she didn't blame Chen Mo afterwards, but Miao Miao could tell that she already cared about it.

Regardless of Chen Mo's mentality and considerations to tell Wei Wanyang, his carelessness, brainlessness, and low EQ are all facts.

Although in the end Wei Wanyang was subdued by Shen Yu and became his own, and Chen Mo's actions did not cause any major impact or bad consequences, but the risks in this process cannot be ignored.

If there is no agreement, Wei Wanyang is unwilling to work for Shen Yu, and makes this matter known to everyone?

Once it is passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, and finally to the ears of the Shen family, what kind of predicament will Shen Hou face?
These are all hidden dangers.

Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It seems that since that time, Chen Mo has gradually "fallen out of favor".

But this was not enough to be the main reason why Shen Yu wanted to take him down.

At the end of December last year, the annual reports of the three companies Qihang, Mingya, and Feiyang were sent to Shen Yu.

Among them, the one with the most revenue and the best reports is Qihang, which has attracted money crazily with a "Fox Fairy", and its daily turnover is still rising steadily until now; followed by Feiyang Entertainment, under the leadership of Wei Wanyang, it has produced several A popular little flower.

The worst was Minya.

The main income can barely be seen, and the project cooperation is still eye-catching, and the company's operating conditions are not up or down.

Stability is really stable, but too stable.

No vigor, no vitality, just dragging on like this.

Although the staff structure and management system have undergone essential changes compared with the predecessor "Mingya", the overall image has not changed much.

If the Mingya that Shen Yu expected was an energetic young man, then Chen Mo turned him into an old man who lived a comfortable life.

But changing to Jiang Shuokai is different...

There is a force in him-to put death, to save life.

So far, this kind of Miao Miao has only been seen on Shen Yu.

And the "catfish effect" mentioned earlier is not aimed at others, but Chen Mo!

He had been at ease for too long and really needed some stimulation.


The matter of Jiang Shuokai was settled like this, and when Shen Yu was still thinking about how to appease Chen Mo, she didn't know who leaked the news.

"I want to see Mr. Shen." When Miao Miao received the call, she was terrified, completely out of drowsiness.

She glanced at the time, and the corner of her mouth twitched: "Brother, do you know what time it is?"

But the other end insisted stubbornly: "I want to see Mr. Shen."

"Where can I find Mr. Shen for you in the middle of the night?"

There was a pause, as if he woke up instantly.

Miao Miao's voice was a little slow: "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"Oh, you follow her all day, don't you understand?"

Miao Miao already had guesses in her heart, but she still couldn't lose her superficial skills: "What do I know? You make it clear."

"...You really don't know?"

"Should I know? Besides, I'm at a loss as to what you're referring to."

"Mr. Shen wants to change someone to take my seat."

Miao Miao secretly said: Sure enough!
There was no words for a moment, the two sides were silent, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward.

"...Where did you know that?"

"Oh, it seems that I'm the only one kept in the dark." The man laughed at himself.

Miao Miao didn't know what to say.




Any man with a bit of self-respect, no matter how embarrassed he is, doesn't need such a handout.

Chen Mo is gentle and relatively Buddhist, but he is not useless, otherwise Shen Yu would not be distressed about the arrangement for him, just kick him out and fire him.

Before Shen Hou actually made a decision, it was meaningless for Miao Miao to pass any news to him.

I can only comfort——

"This matter hasn't been fully settled yet, all you can do now is wait, don't make trouble, it's not only useless, but also counterproductive."

Miao Miao didn't know if he went in or not. After a while of silence, there was only a soft "um".

It was too late, and when the call ended, Miao Miao thought about it, and then called Shen Yu——

Shut down.

That's right, otherwise, why would Chen Mo call her here.

It can be seen that Chen Mo should have just heard the news and was impulsive, so he rushed to ask for a certificate.

Whenever he calms down for a while, he will not want to call Shen Yu, because it is not a wise way.

After Jiang Shuokai appeared, what Chen Mo can rely on now is not his ability to work, but the little guilt left in Shen Yu's heart.

As for guilt, if you don’t fight or snatch it, it will make people more sympathetic; once you expose your ugly face and ugly eating, even if you have it, it will be wiped away...

 I'm really sorry everyone. I originally had a [-]-word small explosion today, but it happened suddenly. My mother turned somersaults while exercising today, from the middle of the bed to the bottom of the bed, and then her left waist fell on the edge of the bed. I rushed to the hospital with my dad, and stayed there all afternoon, and never came home. This chapter was coded on my mobile phone, and the manuscripts are all saved on the computer. When I get home tomorrow, I will explode together with the computer
(End of this chapter)

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