Chapter 495 A touch of alienation, the principal is depressed (1 more)
The next day, when Shen Wei learned about this from Miao Miao, there was no surprise, she only paused for a while, and ordered:

"...Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

The calm tone shows a strong heart.

For this, Miao Miao was very convinced.

Because it was Saturday, she had to go to Shen Chunhang's apartment to cook, get up early to wash up, and then drive to the supermarket to buy vegetables.

On the way, she also found time to call Shen Chunhang——

"Is there anything you want to eat in particular?" Polite, polite, but also slightly alienated, it is difficult for people who are not careful to find out.

Because this kind of alienation is not pretending to be indifferent, but to keep a distance between the two quietly.

She didn't want to alarm him, so she tried to be as low-key and cautious as possible.

Who is Shen Chunhang?

As soon as I heard it, I noticed the change in her body, but I couldn't figure out why it happened.

Could it be...

He didn't look very dignified when he came out in a bathrobe after taking a shower that day?

Or was there some behavior that offended her?

My thoughts turned sharply, but my voice was as gentle and calm as ever: "Is it okay to braise pork with pickled vegetables and steamed pork ribs?"

"Okay. Any more?"



Shen Chunhang: "..."

Before he could speak, the call was over.

The young principal was sitting on the bed, his handsome face still had sleep marks from when he first woke up, and his expression was dazed.

Miao Miao acted quickly, bought the vegetables, paid the money, and drove towards Shen Chunhang's apartment.

It was exactly ten o'clock when we arrived.

She knocked on the door without touching the spare key under the cushion.

Soon, the door opened from inside.

Shen Chunhang met her smiling gaze, "Principal, good morning."

He paused for a moment, and suddenly doubted his previous judgment. She was obviously normal, regardless of her expression or tone of voice.

"...Good morning." She said, taking the shopping bag in her hand.

Miao Miao didn't refuse his kindness, and obediently handed it over, but she had to carry the other bag by herself anyway.

The two put the things in the kitchen, and Miao Miao put on her apron and started to work.

Shen Chunhang stepped forward: "No rush."


"Take a break, you just walked in."

Miao Miao smiled and waved her hands: "I'm not tired, there are still two hours left for dinner at twelve o'clock, so hurry up."

"Then eat later."

"Have you not had breakfast yet?" She suddenly changed the subject, making the man stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he shook his head.

He really didn't have time to eat breakfast.

Miao Miao sighed: "Then let's not delay lunch. You go out first, I can do it by myself."

"Don't need to start? I can wash vegetables, pick vegetables, and serve dishes."

"The cabbages I bought today don't have anything to wash. As for serving the dishes... I have to prepare the vegetables first."

Shen Chunhang always knew that Miao Miao was eloquent, but he didn't know that it was so good that even he himself could not refute it.

Everything is safe, and everything is thoughtful, with the gentleness and warmth of "I'm for your own good, you are obedient" between the lines.

Shen Chunhang admitted that he was convinced.

"Then... I'll deal with work first."

Miao Miao had already lowered her head and began to tear the cabbage. Hearing this, she said softly without raising her eyes, "Okay, you are busy."


This name is strange and uncomfortable.

But obviously it was called like this before...

The man shook his head, laughed at himself for being inexplicable, and turned to leave the kitchen.

Miao Miao breathed a sigh of relief and concentrated on what she was doing.

Dried plum vegetables are bought ready-made in the supermarket, and they can be washed once without much treatment.

Boil the pork belly in water, add scallions, ginger, cinnamon, star anise, and a few drops of white wine. After boiling, turn the heat to low. This process takes 10 to [-] minutes.

After it comes out of the pan, the meat is already cooked, and it will be colored with dark soy sauce.

Because Shen Chunhang doesn't like greasy meat, and his stomach can't bear such a heavy mouthfeel, so Miao Miao specially fried it once when processing it, so that the fat in the fat meat overflowed.

Then deal with dried plums.

Finally, slice the pork belly with its back down and place it on the bottom of the bowl, and spread a layer of preserved vegetables on top of the meat.

Steam for 10 minutes and turn it upside down with a plate.

This process requires sharp eyesight and quick hands, and you have to hold back the hot bowl. If you shake it, the whole dish may be crooked, and the sauce will be spilled.

But Miao Miao is very stable, once the bowl is removed, the preserved vegetables and braised meat on the plate are in order, and the sauce does not splash or stick.

After 10 minutes of steaming the pork ribs with rice flour, they are also out of the pan.

Two hard dishes are done, and small dishes are much easier.

At twelve o'clock, dinner is on time.

"Not eating together?" Shen Chunhang paused.

Miao Miao had already taken off her apron and was walking towards the entrance. Hearing this, she kept on stepping: "I still have something to do, I'll go back first."

A look of astonishment appeared in Shen Chunhang's eyes for a moment.

This is the first time she cooked a meal and didn't stay.

No, actually there was another time, the day Hu Wen came, Miao Miao had already left after he had dealt with this troublesome cousin.

"Let's go after eating," the man's voice was a little hoarse, probably because he had been working for too long and didn't have time to drink water. He was afraid that she would refuse, and he added, "I will wash the dishes, and you will leave after eating. Don't worry about it."

Miao Miao still shook her head and began to change her shoes: "It's really unnecessary, you can eat slowly, goodbye."

The door closed softly.

Shen Chunhang looked at a table of delicious food, and suddenly lost his appetite.

 Thank you for your concern. My mother took a photo. Her bones were fine. After lying down all night, her body was able to move slowly, but her waist was red and swollen, and she needed to rest in bed. But she just patted her chest and told me and my dad proudly, She has to go to work tomorrow, chatting with others while eating melon seeds, it is said that she will get better sooner this way.

  My heart:...

  Yesterday at the hospital, the doctor asked her what happened to you.

  My mother said with a smile that she turned somersaults.

  Anyway, all the doctors, nurses and patients queuing up outside laughed.

  Auntie, don't do this in the future, how old are you - the doctor's words.

  I didn’t translate it well this time—my mother’s original words.

  There is really no one in the family who is skinnier than her.

(End of this chapter)

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