Chapter 496 Losing forty pounds, the principal calls (2 more)
Miaomiao didn't lie, she really had something to do.

After leaving the apartment, I drove to Hangya. Cai Yun worked overtime today and was at the company.

"How did you come?"

Miao Miao leaned against the desk, tilted her head, and smiled: "I came to see you."

Cai Yun also put on a smile: "That's really rare."

"Hey, Miss Cai, what do you mean by that?"

"No... I just feel that you came to look for me instead of following Mr. Shen around. It's a little... um... flattered."

"Wash me up, right?"

"Praise, don't think about it."

Miao Miao pouted.

Cai Yun continued with the work at hand.

"...The company's CEO has changed, you should know about it, right?" Miao Miao suddenly became serious.

Cai Yun snapped the folder in his hand, raised his eyelids and looked at her: "I'm in charge of personnel affairs. Do you think I can't know about such a big job change?"

"What about the rest?"

Cai Yun took a deep look at her: "What you want to ask is whether I have leaked the news, right?"

Miao Miao didn't play around, and nodded to confirm her guess: "Chen Mo called last night, his tone was very angry, and his emotions were out of control."

"I didn't tell him, but he came to the Human Resources Department during the day yesterday. I happened to be away at that time. He came into my office and sat for a few minutes. He should have found something."

"No wonder..." Miao Miao thought about it, and the people around Chen Mo who got the first-hand news of the personnel change didn't think about it except Cai Yun.

That's why she will testify in person today.

As expected.

Cai Yun: "How does President Shen plan to accommodate him?"

Miao Miao shook her head: "I don't know either."

"Really? Are you not a close minister of 'Shang Da Tian Ting'?"

"Get out—call me a eunuch?" Miao Miao couldn't help laughing.

Cai Yun shrugged: "It may also be a personal court lady."

"Why isn't it a personal lady?"

"You can describe it that way if you like."

Miao Miao: "..."

"To be honest, I'm not surprised that Chen Mo will encounter such a situation."

Miao Miao raised her eyebrows.

Cai Yun twitched the corners of his mouth: "Why do you look at me like this? After being a personnel manager for so many years, I have a good eye for people. Especially this person's ability and performance at work."

"Why, you also have a problem with Chen Mo?"

The word "also" is used very well.

At least the next words, Cai Yun said a little less scruples.

"He is a keeper, but it is difficult to be a pioneer. The current living conditions of Hangya are far from the time to maintain stability." The sword should be sharp when it is out of its sheath.

Miao Miao nodded in agreement: "That's the reason."

"By the way, who the hell is that 'Jiang Shuokai' that can make President Shen spare no effort to make room for him?"

"He..." Miao Miao thought for a while, but it's hard to say how to describe it specifically, "Anyway, you'll know it when you've seen it."

"It seems that the ability is good."

"A strong general has no weak soldiers under his command. Do you think Shen will always support the useless?"

Cai Yunshen took it for granted, "Then I'll just wait and see."

"Okay, then I'll take a step first."

"Wait—" Cai Yun looked Miao Miao up and down, then circled her three times, "Have you lost a lot of weight recently?"

"It's not much. It's only about forty catties since the beginning of sailing."

"……Depend on!"

After leaving Hangya, Miao Miao drove home.

She wasn't planning to go to Shen Chunhang's side in the evening, and the meals she cooked at noon were enough for him to eat two meals.

Weekends alone are boring.

However, for a stay-at-home girl like Miao Miao, it is a daily routine and a habit.

Home can make her dependent and feel safe.

Even though the house is rented, she has carefully arranged it, and staying in it is like shrinking into the safest shell.

Tranquility, calm.

After processing the emails and sorting out several contracts that need to be handed over to Shen Yu for signature on Monday, Miao Miao turned off the lights and went to sleep.

On the next Sunday, she was going to cook a delicious meal for herself at home.

Losing weight for such a long time, although it is mainly exercise, but some imported things still cannot be indulged, avoid big meat and oil.So during this period of time, Miaomiao has figured out a lot of healthy food by herself, and there are more than 20 kinds of salads alone...

She likes fresh vegetables, and even if there are leftovers in the refrigerator, she is not going to use them again.

I took my wallet and went out to visit the vegetable market.

That's right, it's not a supermarket or a store, but a vegetable market.

Along the way, there are no food labels for different categories, and no signs with clearly marked prices. Vendors, large and small, are lined up on both sides, leaving room for pedestrians to move around in the middle.

Most of the stall owners are farmers from the outskirts of the city and surrounding towns, and they sell what they grow themselves.

Today happened to be a market, so there were especially many vendors, and of course there were also many buyers.

For example, live chickens and ducks that cannot be seen in supermarkets can be bought here.

A young girl like Miao Miao can be said to be a different kind.

Mixing among the uncles and aunts, she looks extraordinarily beautiful.

Pick the vegetables and meat you want to buy, it's already 10:30.

When Miao Miao was about to leave, the phone rang.


"When did you come over?"

It was Shen Chunhang.

Because Miao Miao had a lot of things on hand and the crowd was crowded, she answered the call without looking at the caller ID. At this moment, she heard a familiar voice pause.

"Are you outside?" the man continued to ask.

She hummed lightly.

"doing what?"

" buy vegetables."

(End of this chapter)

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