Chapter 498 Watching a movie, a woman in my arms (4 more)
This was originally a literary film, but because of the box office skyrocketing after its release that year, it was regarded as a typical case of the symbiosis of a commercial film and a literary film, and it is still recorded in the internal teaching materials of the Film Academy.

The story presented in the film is very simple and ordinary.

Xiao Qing, the anchor of the late-night emotional interaction column, received a call from a lovelorn man during a connection.

Through the conversation, it was learned that the man's girlfriend cheated on his boss and insisted on breaking up with him, and after the call was hung up, he would choose to commit suicide.

There was a climax at the beginning of the story, which grabbed people's attention first, and easily aroused the appetite of the audience.

That man died, he jumped from the top of the radio station and landed in front of Xiao Qing, his face was covered in blood.

As the plot progressed, Xiao Qing gradually discovered that something was wrong with her husband, Yuan Xichen. After some research and reasoning, she discovered that the boss whose girlfriend cheated on the deceased was most likely her husband!

Such a blow made her on the verge of collapse.

In the film, after uncovering the ugliness of her husband, the heroine sits on a chair in a nightgown, sad and calm, painful and numb.

There is not a single line, and even the action is pitiful. The camera keeps switching between the woman's white but stooped back and sometimes empty and sometimes fiery eyes.

Miao Miao: "It's hard to imagine, this is the debut film of Queen Ye Daying, and she doesn't act like a newcomer at all."

Shen Chunhang chuckled lightly: "The actor's job is God's reward."

"No wonder she can become a god in the international film industry..."

When Xiao Qing stood in front of the police station, struggling in her heart whether she should report her husband's murder, her husband Yuan Xichen stood not far from the corner, his eyes were as calm as ever, and under this calmness he hid With a fiery love, it is so rich that it cannot be separated.

All signs indicated that her husband had killed the woman named Huang Xi because of his affair, and after many years, Shen Kuo, Huang Xi's college boyfriend, wanted to expose everything through a radio connection, but fell to his death. That day, her husband Yuan Xichen was also on the top floor of the radio station!
Xiao Qing couldn't accept that her favorite husband betrayed her, let alone that the person next to her pillow was a murderer!
Suddenly, a policeman returning from handling the case spotted her lingering outside the police station, "Miss, what do you want?"

Xiao Qing's eyes were deeply hurt by the police uniform representing justice and fairness, are you willing?Send your husband to prison with your own hands?

"Do you want to report the crime?" the policeman asked again.

Xiao Qing's eyes were flustered, full of struggle and fear, "I..."

The policeman looked at her encouragingly.

And the moment she opened her mouth, what popped into her mind was the beautiful time she and he had experienced together, the youthful high school time, it was this man who sweated profusely with her on the campus playground; The man waited silently by her side; in the warm married years, it was the man's lingering good morning kiss that woke her up from her sleep every morning.

He said, Qingqing, I will never lie to you.

He said, wife, I will never do anything to be sorry for you.

He said, Xiao Qing, is our love and trust really so fragile?

He also said, I haven't done it!
At that moment, the woman smiled, and she told the police: "My husband and I, we will be fine. In the future, we will have our own children, and we will always know each other and grow old together..."

At the corner, the resolute man could no longer hold back his tears, "Qingqing..."

The movie ends here.

From the beginning to the end, this is a woman's picture of a prison, from being trapped to being trapped, and then breaking free.

The heroine is the epitome of a woman trapped in marriage in the world of mortals.

They love their families and their husbands, but they are insecure, afraid of expectations, afraid of betrayal, and even suspicious because of this.

Miao Miao: "If marriage can't give people an absolute sense of security, it's better not to get married."

Shen Chunhang glanced at her in surprise, but couldn't help showing admiration.

"It seems that heroes see the same thing."

Miao Miao's eyes showed curiosity: "So did the husband in this movie cheat? Did he push the person who fell down?"

"These two questions were clearly answered in the first version of the movie, but later the second version was changed and when it was re-released, the director Wang Shi cut this part out, thinking it was superfluous. The part that happened to be cut out I have favorites..."

Miao Miao's eyes shined.

Shen Chunhang pressed a certain button on the remote control, and the screen that had been blacked out instantly lit up again.

Miao Miao looked up.

On the screen, a disheveled woman stumbled and walked on the deserted street against the heavy rain. The vehicle sped by, and all the splashes fell on her. At this moment, her expression was aggrieved and ashamed.

"Why reject me... Even if I stand in front of you naked, you can be so indifferent... Is she really that important to you?"

The camera cuts to the next scene.

Shen Kuo stood on the top floor of the radio station, with his arms outstretched, as if he would fall into the embrace of the earth in the next second. Yuan Xichen, who came in a hurry, tried to reach out to hold him, but he was one step too late, and a fresh life fell before his eyes.

All the truth is clear here.

"So this tells us that marriage is still to be expected." Shen Chunhang chuckled.

Miao Miao was startled.

What to look forward to?
What does he mean, will get married one day?

That's right, how long can you be single?

There is always a time when a tired bird realizes its return.

Suddenly, there was a sound of the door lock turning, and the next second, the door was opened.

Miao Miao watched dully as a woman rushed from the porch to the living room, and then plunged into Shen Chunhang's arms, her eyelids twitched suddenly, and she took two steps back without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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