Chapter 499 Like it or not, you think too much (5 more)
But Shen Chunhang, aside from the initial astonishment and surprise, quickly raised his arms to embrace the woman, with a helpless expression: "What's wrong with you?"

"Unhappy, Chunhang, you must help me teach that bastard a lesson!" Hu Wen gritted her teeth.

No need to guess, that bastard must be his brother-in-law.

"The principal still has something to do, so I'm leaving first!" After speaking, Miao Miao quickly ran to the entrance, changed her shoes, took her bag and coat, and ran faster than a rabbit. 
Hu Wen woke up and returned to her senses. She withdrew from her cousin's arms, looked at the wall where the movie was playing, and then turned her head to look at the half-open door.

"Then what... did I bother you to find a sister-in-law for me?"

Shen Chunhang's brows that were subconsciously frowned because of Miao Miao's departure gradually relaxed, turned around and walked to the sofa to sit down: "It's nothing, don't guess."

Plain tone, cool tone.

Hu Wen bit her lip, unable to judge whether he was lying or not for a while.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind——

"If there is nothing between you, then why did she show up at your house?" This cousin, tall and not easy to get close to, rarely brings people home, let alone women.

Hu Wen wanted to catch his pigtails all her heart, and even forgot that she was still angry, and devoted herself to spying on gossip.

"Besides, the two of you are still watching a movie. Funny, romantic and ambiguous things like this can only happen between lovers."

"Interesting? Romantic? Ambiguity?" Shen Chunhang disagreed.

Watching a movie to pass the time, how did you become a couple?
"Hey! Tell me the truth, do you like that girl just now?" Hu Wen leaned over and sat with him, holding her back.

Shen Chunhang shook his head.

"do not like?"

"You think too much."

Hu Wen curled her lips, suddenly lost interest, this expression did not look like she was interested in other girls.

"Hey, after you broke up with the last one, do you plan to cultivate immortality completely, or Buddha? Look at this posture, don't you plan to look for it again?"

Shen Chunhang's eyes suddenly sank: "Just take care of your own man, I don't need you to worry about it."

"Bah——" Hu Wen wasn't sad at all, because she had heard more hurtful words from the other party before, otherwise, how could it be said that getting used to it came naturally?

The man's face darkened.

Her mouth crackled and she said, "I am your sister. When my aunt passed away, she took my mother and me by the hand and asked us to take good care of you and not let you learn to be bad. Why, you have grown up now, The wings are stiff, my words won't work, and my aunt's last words won't work either?!"

Shen Chunhang had a headache, and the veins on his forehead twitched violently: "Are you still finished?"

"It's not over!"

"I'm calling my brother-in-law..."

"How dare you!" As she said, she came to snatch his mobile phone, her actions were rough, without any consciousness of being a pregnant woman.

Shen Chunhang was afraid of hurting her, so he didn't take it seriously.

"Small sample!" Hu Wen grabbed it and threw it far away.


The siblings calmed down, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

After a while, Hu Wen touched her slightly protruding belly, stretched her legs and kicked Shen Chunhang: "Hey, brother."

"...for what?"

"Sister, I'm hungry."

"Go home and eat."

"Okay... You are so cruel, don't you care if your nephew is hungry? You will never let him call you uncle in the future."

Shen Chunhang helped his forehead helplessly: "It's not that I don't give it to you, but you can see what I can give you here, oh no, give it to my nephew?"

Hu Wen didn't believe it, opened the refrigerator, and was stunned for a second——

"Oh my god! Shen Chunhang, get over here and see for yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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