Chapter 500 Gentle and unfeeling, ordinary friends (1 more)
Hu Wen's expression didn't seem exaggerated.

Shen Chunhang walked over with a skeptical attitude: "What the hell..."

The next second, it stopped abruptly.

In the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, the plates of dishes were sealed with plastic wrap and placed neatly.

There are shredded beef with pickled peppers, braised pork trotters, boiled chicken...

"Is there nothing I promised? What are these?"

Shen Chunhang ignored it, picked up the plate, sure enough, there was a sticky note underneath——

[Pickled pepper beef, please heat for 3 minutes. 】

"Ah!" Hu Wen exclaimed, "There are also these two sets."

[Braised pork trotters, please heat for 4 minutes. 】

[Sliced ​​chicken, take out in advance, cool at room temperature, do not heat. 】

"...Look at this thought, it's really meticulous." Hu Wen sniffed the plate of shredded beef, and immediately couldn't help swallowing, "It's so delicious! Is it the girl's handicraft just now?"

Shen Chunhang didn't speak.

But such an attitude seems to be the default.

It turned out that she not only made a salad at noon, but also prepared his dinner and put it in the refrigerator.

For a moment, the man was filled with emotions.

She is considerate and meticulous to her, but also careless to herself.

If she found out earlier, it would be good to say thank you in person. In the chaotic situation just now, she left in a hurry, maybe...

Shen Chunhang's eyes sharpened suddenly.

His eyes fell on Hu Wen.

The latter shrank his neck subconsciously, and stepped back a little, "You...why are you looking at me like that?"

"When you came in just now, you threw yourself into my arms?"

"Yeah, yeah...what's the problem?"

"no problem."

Hu Wen could hear a gnashing of teeth.

No way?She was hurt by her husband, so she could lean on her younger brother's arms, wouldn't that work?

"Chunhang, I know, my sister is getting old, and you are starting to dislike me."


"It's okay, anyway, you men are like this, you like the new and dislike the old, I've seen it through."

Shen Chunhang: [Black question mark face] jpg.

Hu Wen turned around with the plate of shredded beef, rubbed it next to the microwave oven, and gestured to remove the plastic wrap on the surface.

In the next second, the hand was caught in mid-air.

"doing what?"

Hu Wen smiled flatteringly: "Brother, sister... No, your little nephew is hungry."


"This shredded beef, and..." She glanced at the other two plates in the refrigerator, with obvious hints, "Can you..."


"No...can you let me finish my sentence?" Hu Wen rolled her eyes depressedly.

"It's useless to finish, because—I don't agree."

"Okay! It's just a few dishes, you are so stingy, what a treasure, and you said it has nothing to do with that girl, I think it has a lot to do with it!"

Shen Chunhang had an indifferent expression on his face, you can say whatever you want.

Hu Wen: "..." Oh my god, I'm so angry!
Suddenly, her eyes rolled, "It's fine if you don't eat, but you have to tell me who that girl is and what's your relationship."

"Student Qihang, what do you think we are related?" Shen Chunhang gave her a sneer look.

Hu Wen, however, seemed to be greatly frightened: "Oh my god, brother, when did you start attacking female students like those 'beasts'?"

Shen Chunhang: "..." This may be a stick.

"Let me tell you, this is wrong! How old are you, how old is that girl? Do you have the heart to delay people's youth like this? Also, are you abusing your power? What kind of exam is not suitable for you, and you won't be paid? The graduation certificate threatens others?"

Shen Chunhang snatched the plate from her hand, turned around and put it in the freezer, patter——

Close the refrigerator door.

"Since you can't stop your mouth if you eat it, don't eat it."

"...You didn't intend to feed me."

The man's face suddenly darkened.

Hu Wen is not afraid, Shen Chunhang has been this virtuous since she was a child, she would still feel shy at the beginning, after a few more times she got used to it.

"Yo yo yo, you are going to get angry from embarrassment after being hit by my words?"


"If you like a little girl, just tell me straight up. If you're coy, you won't admit it."

Shen Chunhang's temple twitched suddenly, and he pressed his finger, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"If you don't like someone, you let her come to your house? Let her cook for you? And let her watch a movie with you? I've never seen you be so close to any male friend. She's a girl, why don't you know how to avoid suspicion? "

Shen Chunhang is a modest gentleman.

Gentle and polite, never cross the line.

Especially when it comes to dealing with women, he is quite good at measuring.

Since he will not embarrass the other party, he will always keep a safe distance, leaving no room for any woman to imagine.

And this kind of "warmness" is not another kind of "unfeeling"?
But to the girl just now...

A flash of understanding flashed in Hu Wen's eyes, and a little bit of narrowness.

As the saying goes, the authorities are fans.

Let her, a bystander, see clearly.

Just about to open his mouth to wake up this unconscious "person in the game", Shen Chunhang suddenly became serious: "Sister, you think too much, she and I are just ordinary friends. Don't make jokes about such things in the future, if there is a second It would be embarrassing for all three to be there, or to be heard by a third person."

He was serious.

Hu Wen didn't dare to pretend to be crazy and teased anymore, and her smile also restrained.

"You..." Really don't like her?

Before the second half of the sentence could be uttered, Shen Chunhang stopped him with a cold look.

(End of this chapter)

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