Chapter 518 Female college students, blocked by the school gate


Suddenly being called by name, the man hurriedly returned to normal from watching a movie: "Dad."

Shen Zongming frowned and glanced at him: "How is Houhou recently?"

"This...I don't know."

"How did you become a father?"

Shen Chunjiang smiled wryly: "She seldom goes home now, I want to care about it, but I don't have this chance..."

"She didn't go home, didn't she even go to the company?"

Shen Chunjiang choked.

"If you serve snacks, you can create opportunities even if there is no opportunity!"

"..." The old man's mouth was so sharp that he was speechless.

However, people in their forties are still a little embarrassed to be taught by the old father by pointing their noses like this.

Now, the person watching the play became Shen Chunting.

Shen Zongming's shrewd old eyes couldn't tell that the elder son was unhappy, but he had to say something: "Wuhou is the only link that maintains the Shen family and the sixth master, Mingda and Phaeton, and now we can still have the strength of the sixth master. To put it bluntly, it's 'Zhun Yue's family', and it's not easy to call it 'nepotism', but even so, many people are jealous."

"It would be the best if the relationship between Wan Hou and Liu Ye can last forever; but if they break up one day, where will you let the Shen family's face go?"

Shen Chunjiang's heart skipped a beat: "Impossible? I don't think Liu Ye has no interest in Wan Wan..."

"Men all pursue novelty, especially when it comes to Quan Hanting's position. No matter how strong his self-control is, he can't escape the common problem of men. Looking at the same face for a long time, even a fairy-like face, will always get tired of looking at it." That day."

"You must know that both the Zhang family and the Ma family have daughters, and each of them is better educated than the other. If they really succeed in clinging to Quan Hanting in the same way, then the Shen family will become a complete joke!"

"Dad..." Shen Chunjiang felt that the old man's words were too serious, "It's normal for couples to separate and reunite now, even if they break up someday, it's your love and I can't say who is right and who is wrong."

Shen Zongming's old face suddenly sank: "It's about Liu Ye, and even the entire Phaeton Group behind him. Do you think it's a love game between ordinary men and women?"

Shen Chunjiang drooped his eyelids and raised his hand to touch his nose.

"Remind Shen Yu at all times, and tell her to catch Liu Ye firmly. I don't want anyone to point fingers and talk about the Shen family behind their backs in the future."


Shen Zongming: "Go and investigate the woman who made Liu Ye and A Rang fight. If necessary, we will directly solve it here!"

These words reveal an iron-blooded chill.

The brothers Shen Chunjiang and Shen Chunting looked at each other.

However, the old man let out a cold snort and rushed out of his nostrils: "I'm not satisfied with seducing the Shen family's grandson, and even wants to rob the Shen family's son-in-law. She has a big appetite, and she's not afraid to eat it!"

Shen Chunjiang responded: "I'll do it as soon as possible."

"Well. Is Arang awake?"

Shen Chunting: "Not yet."

"It's good to learn a lesson, so as not to cause more disasters in the future! A person in his twenties has not decided yet, and he will do it if he says it. In the public, does he have a brain?!"

Shen Chunting didn't dare to refute, so he could only lower his head in obedience: "I will discipline that brat well..."

"I hope so!"

The words are divided into two parts.

On this side, the Shen family was on the run because of Quan Hanting's pressure; on the other side, a few gangsters ordered by Wei Mingxin squatted at the gate of G day and night.

"Brother Lun, my eyes are blurred, but I still haven't noticed this girl!" Huang Mao pinched the photo in his hand, looked left and right, feeling depressed.

And this photo is not high in pixels, and even a little blurry.

Because it was cut directly from the surveillance video, the colors are only black and white, and the shooting angle is wrong, most of the frontal face is blocked.

"You have to be patient!"

"Brother Lun, it's not that I can't calm down, but how long will we be looking for a needle in a haystack and casting a wide net? The detective agency only gave us three days, and if we can't find out the identity of the woman, we won't get a dime. We have spent time and energy, and we can’t afford to suffer this kind of loss!”

The person called "Brother Lun" also looked irritable, "Then what do you say?"

"Let's just take the photo and ask, there must be someone who knows her?"

"That's a good idea!"

Just do what you say, the two no longer hide and hide like mice, but walk over swaggeringly.

"Hey, wait a minute, classmate, do you recognize the person in the photo?"

"do not know."


"Hey, beauty, have you seen the person in this photo?"

"A student from G University?"

"Well, if you think about it carefully, do you have any impression? What's your name, and which major is it?"

"Sorry, I don't know much about this either."


"Excuse me, can I borrow 2 minutes of your time? Have you seen the woman in the photo?"

"I've never seen it. There are many colleges and departments in G University, and there are many departments. There are not [-] students, but several thousand. How can you have an impression of all of them?"


The two took advantage of the rush hour to arrest some students and asked them, but unfortunately, they all said they had never seen them.

"Damn it!" Huang Mao snorted, "This face is not ugly, why does no one know?"

"Okay, let's retreat first."

"Ah? Stop asking?"

"At this point, eat lunch first, and continue in the afternoon."

"Hey..." Huang Mao smiled flatteringly and obsequiously, "Brother Lun is more considerate, I'm really hungry..."

(End of this chapter)

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