Chapter 519 In vain

It is said that it is lunch, just a bowl of noodles, with two or two small wines.

There were a few pieces of bacon in it.

The two ate and drank enough and continued to work.

"...Brother Lun, my mouth is dry."

He kept talking, and Huang Mao's voice was already hoarse.

Brother Lun took out ten yuan and handed it to him: "Go to the opposite side and buy two bottles of water, I can't take it anymore... remember to ask for ice!"


Another two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and there was still no gain.

"Is this woman a student of University G?"

"The news over there should not be wrong."

Huang Mao's eyes rolled: "If we are really blocked, you want to do something?" With a wretched smile, he was gearing up.

"Hey...look at your sculpted face!"

"Anyway, they said they would get the whole set together. I haven't touched a woman for half a month. This time I must make a mess! Brother Lun, don't you want to?"

"Think, why don't you want to?" The man took a puff of cigarette, slowly puffing out the clouds, "I haven't met a female college student before, maybe I'm still a baby."

"Okay! After a while, you finish having fun first, and I'll come again."

"Then you have to block people first before talking."

"Sooner or later! As long as she is a student of G University, I don't believe she has been out of school!"

The two continued to lurk.

On the first day, nothing came of it.

But not discouraged.

Same day the next day.

"Brother Lun, see if it's that girl!" Huang Mao's eyes lit up, pointing at a girl with long hair and shawl in front of her, with a slim back.

Brother Lun took out the photo from his pocket, and the more he looked at it, the tighter his brows became.


"But I look a bit like..."

"Not tall enough. The woman in the photo is at least 1.7 meters."


In the afternoon, the two of them were already tired.

"If this continues for three days, the deadline will be up. We will not be able to complete the task, nor will we be able to get the money."

"What's the rush? Isn't there another day?" The man took two deep puffs of his cigarette and said so, but his expression was extremely serious.

"Brother... mine is gone, you share one with me."

"help yourself."

"Thank you brother! Shall we continue to stay here tomorrow?"

Lango shook his head.

The yellow-haired eyes asked.

"There is only one day left, waiting is not an option."

"Then... rely on—"

Huang Mao was sitting on the edge of the flower bed outside the school. The cigarette had just been lit, and before he had time to take it out, a hand wrapped around his neck from behind, tightly covering his mouth, and dragged him into the grass.

Brother Lun on the side was not much better, the cigarette fell out, his hands were cut back, and his mouth was sealed.

No matter how hard the two struggle, they cannot escape.

Obviously, the opponent came prepared, and he was still Lian Jiazi, whose skill was far above them.

Huangmao was frightened and struggled violently, and was slashed on the neck by the opponent's hand knife. He wanted to faint, but he could no longer resist, and could only be dragged around like a rag bag.

In comparison, Brother Lun is much more aware of current affairs.

After realizing that he was no match for the opponent, he stopped his physical resistance, but his eyes rolled quickly, thinking about ways to escape.

It's a pity that I couldn't come up with any idea after thinking about it. I could only watch the other party drag me into a remote alley.

It is the most suitable place to kill people in TV dramas.

"Brother Jiang, someone brought it here."

"Only two?" A deep voice flowed slowly, with a hint of carelessness and condescending superiority.

It seemed that everything that happened in front of him was as simple and easy as moving his fingers casually, so he didn't bother to deal with it.

"We have been following for two days, but we have not found other accomplices for the time being."


Brother Lun was pushed into a dead corner, and the back of his head hit the wall with a muffled thump. He slid to the ground with stars in his eyes.

Suddenly, under a shadow, he raised his eyes slowly, only to see a man with an extremely good appearance walking up to him, dressed in a gray suit, he looked like a white-collar executive working in an office building, but in fact he was doing what a hooligan would do .

No, he should be higher than a rogue.

Because he doesn't need to do these things himself, the younger brother can do it for him directly.

"Zhao Lun?"

His eyes froze: "Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

"The one who taught you a lesson."

After speaking, he backed away with a smile, and the group of "little brothers" behind him swarmed forward, and started punching and kicking without saying a word.

Zhao Lun put his head in his hands and left his back to the other party.

This is a subconscious self-protection action in the face of danger.

He used this trick to save his life when he was beaten before, and he thought it would work just as well this time, but when those people's fists and feet landed on his back, thighs, and waist, he realized how completely wrong he was.

The strength is really ruthless.

The pain is really painful.

Soon, the man's face was pale, and he tasted blood in his mouth.

On the other side, Huang Mao's screams resounded throughout the alley.

"Stop hitting... Please stop hitting... I, I don't know you at all..."

Zhao Lun gritted his teeth: "Shut up!"

He was a bit stubborn, but unfortunately, the other party was Chu Yujiang.

The lives in his hands are already countless, and he has seen a lot of tough bones. What is Zhao Lun's little stubbornness?He will not see it at all, nor will he appreciate it at all.


No matter how cruel the scene was, he had seen it before.

No matter how hard the bone was, he had broken it with his own hands.

He sneered, but didn't speak to stop.

"Brother Lun, I... can't take it anymore... I'm going to die... I don't want to die yet... Please help me... It hurts... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Zhao Lun choked violently and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chu Yujiang's eyes were calm and his expression was neither sad nor happy.

Those people didn't receive the order, and continued to strike ruthlessly, perhaps their eyes were red from the beating, and their strength increased instead of diminishing.


Zhao Lun gritted his teeth: "Stop beating..."

 The past few days have been a bit turbulent, not much more. From today on, fish will have to learn from it!Code well!There will be an update in a while, it is recommended to watch it tomorrow morning~
(End of this chapter)

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