Chapter 526 You deserve it, lower your posture

Zhao Lun frowned subconsciously.

Huang Mao tightly hugged the computer bag in his hand. He brought this thing purely to transfer money, but he didn't expect to be targeted.

The other three videos were indeed stored in it.

Why did this old woman suddenly have a brain?

Wei Mingxin is not stupid.

The initial anger and fear dissipated, and she gradually regained her savvy, which she had learned from Shen Chunting subtly during the years of getting along.

"In order to make up the 300 million, I have tried my best. If you still have the idea of ​​blackmailing me again, well, then I don't want this video, so do what you like! Anyway, you won't be able to pay in the future I will still be threatened by you, and I will be exposed in the same way. If this is the case, it is better to let you expose it at the beginning, and it happens that the 300 million is also saved."

Zhao Lun frowned more and more.

Huang Mao stared at her angrily: "You bastard—"

"shut up!"

"Brother Lun?"

"give her."

Huang Mao was startled: "What, what?"

"Give her the mobile phone and computer."

No matter how reluctant, Huang Mao didn't dare to refute, he stepped forward and stuffed his mobile phone and the computer in his arms to Wei Mingxin, and when he finished, he gave her a vicious look.

Cursed sentence: Bitch!

If the woman didn't see her, she took the good things and looked at Zhao Lun solemnly: "Your mobile phone?"

The man sneered, took it out of his arms and threw it over.

"You have already got the things, give me the card."

Wei Mingxin opened the car door, sat in the driver's seat, threw the card out through the half-down window, and locked the car door.

Huang Mao picked it up, and there was a dusty but usable ATM next to it. He quickly operated: "The amount is correct, there is no password..."

It wasn't until the transfer was successful and the 300 million was in hand that Zhao Lun stepped aside to make way.

Wei Mingxin started the engine, stepped on the accelerator as if fleeing from hell, kicked up a cloud of dust.

"Brother Lun, has this woman changed her mind? She is much smarter than before..."

"is it?"

"The rest of our backup videos are in the computer, and she took them all away. It will not be so easy to ask her for money in the future."

"Who said that?" Zhao Lun snorted and took out a new mobile phone from the other trouser pocket.

Huang Mao's eyes lit up: "Yeah, brother, you are the smartest, considerate..."

"Playing with my mind, she is not enough to see!"

"From now on, who will be our ATM." Huang Mao rubbed his hands, unable to contain his excitement.

"Let's go, the ship is arriving, let's go to other places to avoid the limelight."

Huang Mao followed suit: "Will the old woman vomit blood in anger if she knows that we still have another trick?"

"Don't say it, it's very possible."

"Thinking about her, she is quite pitiful..." Huang Mao shook his head, seemingly merciful, but every word was gloating.

Zhao Lun stepped on the splint and cast his eyes on the vast river: "She was the one who had a wrong heart first, but she was not capable enough. She deserved it for being turned against the general and being robbed by us!"

If Wei Mingxin hadn't troubled that female student, she wouldn't have attracted that "Brother Jiang";
Without Brother Jiang, they wouldn't have turned their guns on Wei Mingxin;
Now that the pits are all pitted, what's the difference if there are more pits?
After all, I made it all by myself, so what right do I have to blame other people?

There was no mercy in Zhao Lun's heart, not even a trace of sympathy.


"Wu Wan, come back and take Master Liu with you."

After receiving Shen Zongming's call, Shen Yu was already surprised enough, but after hearing him finish speaking, she was even more puzzled.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" The voice was soft and soft, making people who heard it subconsciously think that she might be smiling when she spoke, with an expression of peace.

There was a silence at the other end: "...Ah Rang has been discharged from the hospital."


These two words are neither salty nor bland, neither sad nor happy.

She said congratulations instead of asking why she was hospitalized, which means that Shen Yu knew about Shen Rang's hospitalization, and she also indirectly acquiesced in Quan Hanting's action. She was the insider.

Secondly, the alienation and indifference revealed between the lines silently expresses the position——

She couldn't forgive Shen Rang's offense.

After hearing this, Shen Zongming was stunned for a moment.

Since when did this granddaughter, who was despised by the Shen family, also learn the tricks of deviousness and calmness?
At that moment, he actually saw the shadow of sixth master.

Is it subtle?

Or, deliberate tuning and training?

"We have already learned about the general process of this incident, and have seen the video at that time. Ah Rang did go a little too far. It is reasonable for the sixth master to teach him a lesson."

After a few words, put the attitude to the lowest, still in front of Shen Yu, the granddaughter.

The old fox is worthy of being an old fox, able to bend and stretch.

Shen Yu didn't answer.

Shen Zongming sighed softly: "Ah Rang has realized his mistake and learned a lesson, and plans to personally apologize to you and Liu Ye."

"Apologize?" This rhetorical question was filled with astonishment, astonishment, and sincerity, and the tone was just right, completely in line with Shen Yu's "little white flower" personality.

On the other side, the old man heaved a sigh of relief.

Although this granddaughter has changed a lot from when she first arrived, she is still under control...

Shen Zongming's tone was kind: "A Rang did something wrong, so naturally he should apologize to you. The sixth master also needs to have an explanation. This weekend, you remember to take him back to the old house..."

The last sentence has a commanding tone.

Shen Yu sneered, but her voice was as gentle and soft as ever...

 There is more, about 01:30~
(End of this chapter)

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