Chapter 527 Respond calmly, I will listen to you

"I'm fine, but Liu Ye..."

Difficult tone.

Shen Zongming paused and was speechless for a while.

Since Shen Yu kicked the ball over, it is naturally impossible to welcome it back, so she also remained silent.

For a while, the atmosphere froze.

Although Shen Zongming made this call to Shen Hou, the drunkard's intention was not to drink, and his ultimate goal was Quan Hanting.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter if Shen Wei forgives or not, the key is that Quan Hanting is willing to let go.

Otherwise, even if Shen Rang leaves the hospital, he can live back in minutes.

Shen Zongming originally didn't want to intervene, but Shen Chunting came to beg in person, and because Quan Hanting was involved, he dared not be rash, so he put down his old face and made the call.

It also indirectly means that Shen asked the old man to take care of this matter.

But the current situation is that Shen Yu doesn't seem to be very willing to reconcile.

"Wu Hou, I always thought you were sensible and reasonable. Ah Rang did something wrong, but seeing a little matter between the cousins ​​escalate to the entire Shen family, do you think it's necessary?"

"Grandpa, it sounds like I'm preventing the Shen family from reconciling with the sixth master?" Shen Yu said in a hurt tone, "As long as I can get in the way of this matter, it wouldn't have turned into what it is now from the very beginning."

She took a deep breath: "I can't be the master of the sixth master, just like I can't stop him from sinking, even though it's all because of me. It's never Shen Wei being bullied that makes Quan Hanting grieve It's his women who are being bullied. If you still don't understand, I can put it more bluntly—"

"My weight in Master Liu's mind is far less than what you imagined. I can't persuade him to stop, and I can't change any of his decisions. So Grandpa, you have found the wrong person."

On the other side, Shen Zongming only said one sentence, but was blocked five or six sentences.

Suddenly feeling depressed, but she also had to admit that what Shen Yu said was true.

In the huge city of Ning, who would dare to be the master of Quan Liuye?
"Wu Hou, I understand your current situation very well, and I don't have any intention of persecution. But as a member of this family, you just have the heart to watch the two sides reach an impasse? One side is the family, and the other is the boyfriend. What should you do when Jie Shi where?"

Shen Zongming's tough tone has changed, but if you want to talk about softening, it may not change much. After all, he still can't let go of his face.

Seeing that coercion and temptation are useless, in a blink of an eye it will be replaced with reason and emotion.


Pretending to sigh helplessly, Shen Yu said slowly: "I have no way to influence Quan Hanting, but it is still possible to give a word or a few words of persuasion, but there is no guarantee that it will work, I want to declare to you in advance .”

Seeing her let go, the old man also smiled: "That's good."

After finishing the call, Shen Yu held the phone in his palm, and turned to look at the man who was eavesdropping: "Are you going or not?"

When Quan Hanting heard the words, he smiled softly, accompanied by a heavy vibration in his chest, and brought out a pleasant resonance: "Do you want me to go?"

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, and asked with a smile, "If I tell you to go, will you go?"

"Of course. I listen to my wife."

She turned around and walked upstairs, her tone lightly said: "Forget it."

"The reason?" His brows tightened suddenly.

"From the outside world's perspective, the dignified Sixth Master would not obey a woman."

Quan Hanting chased after him, and hummed a little aggrieved: "Isn't that why you insist on acting? You don't know what the master's attitude is towards you? The sentence 'I am in the mind of the sixth master is far less important than imagined." Won't your conscience ache when you say 'heavy'?"

"will not."

"Hiss..." He stretched out his hand to pull her back, but the man couldn't break free with all his strength, "Is it really exciting?"

"Be civilized! What are you dragging? I'm not an object."

"Isn't that civilized? Then there's something more excessive—" After speaking, amidst the woman's exclamation, he hugged her horizontally and walked quickly towards the bedroom.

Kicked the door open, and after entering, kicked it back again.

Shen Yu was put on the edge of the bed and sat down. The man stood in front of her condescendingly, with a bit of flaunting power.

"You just rely on your brute strength to bully me, a weak woman."

"You're the only weak one?" Sixth Master expressed disbelief, and stretched out his hand as he spoke.

Shen Yu hurriedly turned sideways to hide, "Don't make trouble, listen to me."

"No trouble, tell me, I'm listening." Reluctantly gave up, his gaze still staring intently.

"Did you attack Wei Mingxin?"

Quan Hanting was playing with a lock of her hair, when he heard this, he paused, "How can you see that?"

Shen Yu squinted her eyes, and some things from her previous life came to mind: "My second aunt's most precious thing is her only son. When Shen Rang was beaten, according to her vengeful character, she must investigate thoroughly, and then hibernate quietly Get up and wait for an opportunity to get revenge. She used this method to settle many things for Shen Rang before, and she thought it would be the same this time... "

"Unexpectedly, kicking your old iron plate not only failed to take advantage, but also hurt your feet."

"Are you old?" The man's eyes darkened, "Try to say it again?"

"You are old, you are old, you are old..."

Quan Hanting: "..." Is Master that old?

At the age of 28 and nine years old, at the peak of a man's life, Shen Yu actually called him old? !

"You just owe a lesson!"

After finishing speaking, a cheetah-style pounce...

(End of this chapter)

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