Chapter 660 Goodbye Hu Wen, Miao Miao Misunderstood

"... You are very capable, you? You haven't stared at it for a few days, so you just give me this?"

Hu Wen had a big belly, with her hands on her hips, as if the dean was lecturing.

"Before, there was a problem with the stomach, and now there is also a problem with the intestines. Tell me, how do you have to die to be happy? When will it stop?"

Shen Chunhang listened helplessly, and sighed softly: "It's not what I want..."

"You don't want to?!" The woman's voice suddenly rose, "You don't want to be able to make it like this?"


"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, I don't care about my body, who else do I want to worry about? Fuck is useless!"


"Now you are courageous and hard-hearted. You don't say anything about such a big thing as being hospitalized. What do you think of me? Huh? An outsider?"

"I do not have……"

"You said no?!"

Shen Chunhang: "...I'm not afraid of you worrying? Besides, there are children, how can you be willing to let the little guy suffer along with it?"

While talking, gently stick your palms on the woman's belly, feeling the movement and temperature of life.

The man's expression is soft, and his eyebrows and eyes are full of doting.

Hu Wen took a deep breath and finally calmed down. Pia opened Shen Chunhang's hand with a sound, and said with a cold face, "Don't try to change the subject! What did the doctor say?"

"Raise for a few days."

"anything else?"

"Cooperate with treatment."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to train you now..." Hu Wen lowered her hands on her waist and sighed softly, "Didn't you have dinner? I came in a hurry and didn't do it. I'll go back and get it now and send it over later ..."

"No, I ate it just now."

Hu Wen was taken aback: "Have you eaten? What did you eat?"

"Millet porridge."

"Who cooked it? Don't tell me that the nurse bought it from outside. With your mouth, you usually like to pick and choose. Now that you are sick, I'm afraid it will get worse and even worse."

"Yes..." Shen Chunhang's voice paused, and suddenly he looked towards the entrance, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Who is it?" Hu Wen followed his gaze.

The next second, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful woman with a wasp waist and long legs walked in.

Hu Wen has seen Miao Miao before, but it has been several months, and she has no way to distinguish between the slightly plump woman wearing an apron in the apartment and the sexy woman in front of her in a white shirt, one-step skirt, and long legs wrapped in black silk. Beauty linked together.

Whether it is appearance, figure, or overall temperament, they are completely different.

Therefore, for a while, Hu Wen really didn't recognize it, and guessed it was Shen Chunhang's new girlfriend.

For the future sister-in-law, it was the first time to meet her, and her gaze was inevitably stained with scrutiny and scrutiny.

After all, in the eyes of my sister, no matter how stupid my younger brother is, he is still cute. What's more, Shen Chunhang is really not stupid. .

It's not that Hu Wen is lenient, eats carrots salty and doesn't worry about it, and it's not a girlfriend who wears colored glasses to look at her younger brother. woman?

While Hu Wen was looking at Miao Miao, Miao Miao was also looking at her calmly.

The first thing I saw was not the woman's face, but her tall belly. I couldn't help but feel dizzy, and I couldn't tell what it was like.

And easy?
It turned out that not only did he have a real girlfriend, he even had children.

Miao Miao knew that such a day would come, and she was mentally prepared for it.

Therefore, her demeanor and expression are very normal.

At least, on the surface, it looks like this.

(End of this chapter)

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