Chapter 661 Miao Miao broke through, the green hat principal

"This one?" Hu Wen withdrew her gaze, and turned her questioning gaze to Shen Chunhang.

"Didn't you see it?"

"When?" It shouldn't be, once you see a big beauty like this, it's hard to forget.

Shen Chunhang supported his forehead, and was about to speak, but Miao Miao took a step ahead——

"I've seen it before. In the apartment, I cook for Principal Shen..."

"So it's you!" Hu Wen was taken aback.

Up and down, he looked her over carefully, unable to conceal the astonishment in his eyes.

"I remember you didn't look like this at that time..." After finishing speaking, I felt that something was wrong, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I have no other meaning..."

Miao Miao smiled, "It's okay, it means I lost weight successfully."

"It turned out to be thinner, no wonder I feel like a different person." As she spoke, she glanced at the thermos and thermos in her hand from the corner of her eye, and the smile on the woman's face became even wider, "Come on, put the things down first, blame the weight of."

Miao Miao was flattered: "It's not heavy..."

Hu Wen is a man of action. Although she has a big belly, she quickly took the things, put them aside, and asked Miao Miao to sit down.

Like a hostess.

God knows, Hu Wen didn't think so much at all, what kind of hostess is not a hostess, she is just a worrying big sister...

It's just that Miao Miao is too tired to carry these things, so she just lends a hand.

"Are you coming to see Chunhang too?"

Miao Miao nodded. Although she kept smiling, the corners of her mouth were a little stiff. Fortunately, no one noticed except herself.

"It's hard work for you to make a trip, and you even made food and sent it over."

"It's not hard..."

"Well, you shouldn't have eaten yet, let's go out to eat something now and chat by the way."

Miao Miao's heart tightened, did she leak some emotions that shouldn't have been discovered?

Is it necessary to teach her a lesson by asking her out?
"No," Miao Miao stood up abruptly, "Talk slowly, I, suddenly remembered something, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, he ran away.

Hu Wen, who has not yet reacted, stared blankly: "...Did I say something wrong? Scared people away?"

Shen Chunhang frowned, looking thoughtfully at the direction Miao Miao left.


Miao Miao walked halfway and found that she didn't take her bag and was still in the ward.

She looked up at the sky speechlessly, wanting to slap herself.

Since following Shen Yu, she rarely made such low-level mistakes again.

Because whether you are an assistant or a secretary, your job is to take into account the details that the boss easily overlooks, and prevent any possibility of carelessness. Checking for omissions and filling in vacancies is the most basic requirement.

Keys, wallets, ID cards, and bank cards are all in the bag. There is no choice but to go back the same way.

Walking to the entrance of the hospital, Miao Miao suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the scene not far away, with a puzzled expression and blank eyes.

I saw a man and a woman walking out of the hospital hall with a smile. The man was wearing casual clothes, slender and handsome, while the woman was leaning on his arms with a big belly and a bright smile.

Miao Miao doesn't know the man.

But the woman, I met just now.

It was Hu Wen!

The two walked and talked, with smiles on their lips, the man supported the woman's waist, and the woman looked like cuddling with her whole body.

At first glance, they look like a pair of ordinary parents-to-be, loving and affectionate.

If this woman is not Shen Chunhang's girlfriend, then Miao Miao will not be surprised at all.


Who can tell her what is going on with all this?

This woman cuckolded the principal?

Does Shen Chunhang know?

Do you want to tell him?

 The fish is no longer a waste, so come and update it, this is an update, and there will be more

(End of this chapter)

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