Chapter 662 Driving His Car, Cooking Together (Part [-])

At that moment, various thoughts flashed through Miao Miao's mind.


She suddenly realized that if it was cheating, why did these two choose to hang around under Shen Chunhang's nose?
Looking at the appearance of unscrupulous affection, he is aboveboard and upright, without the slightest guilty conscience and shrinking of "cheating".

What is the relationship between Hu Wen and this man?
What is the relationship with Shen Chunhang?
Miao Miao suddenly had a bad feeling that she might have made a mistake from the beginning...

At this moment, Hu Wen also found her: "Hey——"

Opening his voice, he waved his arms towards Miao Miao, his belly trembling, making people tremble with fear!
Miao Miao lowered her doubts, forced a smile, and walked in front of Hu Wen: "We meet again."


"I left the bag in the ward and forgot to take it." Miao Miao took the initiative to explain the confusion. While speaking, she moved her eyes to the left, scanning the man's face, "Who is this?"

"Oh, look at me..." Hu Wen patted her forehead, "I forgot to introduce. This is my husband, and this is Ms. Miao..."

husband? !
Miao Miao almost blurted out, but fortunately she held back, but the surprise was still hard to hide on her face.

After a while, I found my own voice: "... hello."

The man nodded slightly in return.

Hu Wen: "Chunhang praised you for your good cooking skills, and you are considerate and meticulous. You know, my cousin seldom praises people like this, and even I am often disliked by him. You are the first one, which is strange... ..."

"It's getting late, you need to rest." The man reminded me in a low voice.

In exchange for Hu Wen's depressed eyes, she turned to Miao Miao with an apologetic smile: "Don't mind, he majored in engineering, his IQ is not bad, but his EQ is low. Anyway, I'll leave my picky and hard-to-serve brother to you , when I unload the goods later, my belly is loose and I can move freely, let's meet again for dinner, I have to thank you very much..."

Cousin Hu is a chatterbox, once she starts, she can't stop.

What can Miao Miao do?
It's not just about listening obediently, cooperating occasionally, and nodding.

"... Hurry up and go up. If you have time, sit with Chunhang for a while. If he doesn't say anything, he's still quite lonely in his heart..."

"Why do you talk so much? You can't stop talking, hurry up."

"Hey, don't push me..."

"It's not that you have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, who would dare to push you?"

"You said you didn't push, but now you are..."

"I call it 'support' and 'tuo', which are completely different concepts from 'pushing'."


Miao Miao watched the two walk away from their backs. Although they were stumbling and refusing to give in, the man's arm was always firmly supporting the woman's waist. As they walked away, their voices could no longer be heard.



Shen Chunhang heard the sound of the door opening, thought that Hu Wen had gone and returned, without raising his head: "Why, brother-in-law hasn't arrived yet?"

"……it's me."

The man suddenly raised his eyes, "You..."

Miao Miao stepped on high heels and walked to the hospital bed, her long legs were like waist, although she didn't twist deliberately, she still couldn't hide her charm.

She was standing, Shen Chunhang was lying down, and for the first time looking down from a high position in front of him, Miao Miao seemed pretty good.

"Why are you back?" He whispered softly.

"You're not welcome?" It's a smile that's not a smile.

Shen Chunhang could clearly feel that the woman's mood was much better now than when she left, the corners of her mouth were raised, and a smile entered her eyes.

"How come?" The man raised his eyebrows, "I can't ask for it."

The corners of Miao Miao's mouth rose.

"Well... can you sit down first?"


"My neck is a little sore."

Miao Miao: "..."

"Did you run into Hu Wen when you came back?"

"Yeah. Do you want to eat apples? I'll peel them for you." After speaking, without waiting for Shen Chunhang to answer, he picked up the fruit knife by himself.

The man paused, and then the corners of his lips rose: "...Thank you."

"Then have you seen her husband?"

"I see." Miao Miao raised her eyes and said lightly, without the surprise or astonishment that the man imagined.

For some reason, Shen Chunhang felt a little disappointed.

"...she is my cousin."

"I know." Miao Miao kept moving her hands.

Shen Chunhang: "..."

"The doctor said, when can I leave the hospital?"


Miao Miao: "Do you want me to pick it up?"

"you do not need to work?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday."

"……it is good."

The next day, the sun was shining.

Miao Miao got up at seven and set off at 07:30. As soon as she got into the elevator, Shen Chunhang's call came.

The timing was just right.


"go out?"


"You don't need to drive here, mine will be parked at the hospital and drive mine."

Miao Miao was slightly taken aback.

It's not that she has never driven Shen Chunhang's car before, but she reluctantly acted as a substitute driver on the premise that he had been drinking and was unable to do it himself.

It was also that time that she met Ye Xuanzhi for the first time.

The two stood together, the handsome man and the beautiful woman, a match made in heaven.

Now, he didn't drink alcohol, and he wasn't so sick that he couldn't even drive a car, yet he let her sit in the driver's seat.

Miao Miao once heard such an argument from a male colleague——

The more decent and expensive a man is, the more "enclosure consciousness" he has.

They will show a strong desire for exclusive possession of their own things, especially those things that represent power and speed, such as guns, or cars.

Usually it is not easy for other people to sit in the driving seat and touch the steering wheel.

This is the same reason as the ferocious beast enclosure.

Standing far away is easy to say; but once it crosses the border and invades its territory, it will attack the intruder frantically.

Shen Chunhang let her drive his car, does it mean——

Didn't treat her as an outsider?
This thought flashed through Miao Miao's mind, and was soon forgotten.

She laughed at herself at the shiny and reflective metal door panel, what was she thinking about?
It doesn't make any sense at all.


When he arrived at the ward, Shen Chunhang had already put away his things and even completed the discharge procedures by himself, so he sat by the bed and obediently waited for Miao Miao to pick him up.

Seeing her, eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you here?"

I don't know if it's because of his illness, but the man's eyes are less stubborn and more tender, and the edges and corners of his entire face are weakened, becoming gentle and peaceful.

"The doctor..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Chunhang took the conversation away——

"It's all done, let's go."

Miao Miao: "...Oh."

So, what is she here for?

The two took the direct elevator and went down to the parking lot. Shen Chunhang handed the key to Miao Miao.

"Do you really want me to drive?" She raised her eyebrows to confirm again.

"Otherwise?" He said, he had consciously opened the passenger door, and sat down.

Speeding all the way, Miao Miao sent him into the community, the car stopped, and was about to leave.

Shen Chunhang dragged her back: "Where are you going?"

"Go home."

"What's the hurry? Go upstairs and sit for a while."


The last two words were in my mouth, and before I could say them, someone took them into the elevator like a tornado, bang——

The metal door closed.

Shen Chunhang pressed the floors, and went all the way without hindrance.

Miao Miao has only one thought in her heart, it turns out that being thin is not necessarily all good, at least, when she was still fat, she would never be dragged into the elevator so easily.

Shen Chunhang, who knew nothing, looked at the two figures reflected on the metal door, and suddenly felt good.

Arriving home, entering the door, the man walked to the sofa and sat down.

Miao Miao stared straight at him: "You ask me to come up, and then what?"

"Then what?"

"Is there anything to explain? Or, is there anything to do?"

Shen Chunhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you so restless?"

Miao Miao didn't find it funny at all: "It's okay, then I'll go."

The moment he turned around, his wrist tightened, and in the next second, Shen Chunhang pulled him to sit beside him.

The corner of Miao Miao's mouth twitched, feeling again that she was too thin.

"It's still early, let's go after dinner."

She was helpless: "Then you also want me to go shopping first?"

"No need to buy it, it's in the refrigerator."

Miao Miao looked at him suspiciously: "Are you sure?"

"If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself." Only then did she slowly loosen her strength and let her go free.

Miao Miao got up and went to the kitchen.

Looking at the woman's back, Shen Chunhang couldn't help rubbing his fingertips, which was the hand that clasped her wrist just now.

Suddenly, a light smile came to the corner of his mouth: "Tsk..."

The refrigerator is full, and there are vegetables and meat, and they are still fresh.

"When did you buy it?"

Miao Miao probed and asked him.

Shen Chunhang got up and walked towards her, rolling up his sleeves while walking: "It should be bought by the part-time worker aunt this morning. What are you doing for lunch?"

Miao Miao pondered for a moment: "What do you want to eat?"

"Porridge." After a pause, he added: "Millet porridge like yesterday."

"What about the food?"

"It will be all right."

Miao Miao probably had a plan in mind, so she took out the ingredients to be used from the refrigerator and was ready to do it.

Shen Chunhang: "I can also help."

As he spoke, he took off the apron and handed it over.

Miao Miao put it on, and when she was about to tie the strap with her backhand, someone took a step ahead.

Shen Chunhang stopped her hand that went around behind, "I'll do it."

When tying it, it needs to be tightened first, and then knotted again. Only then did he realize that Miao Miao has really lost a lot of weight. When he stretched it lightly, his waist suddenly appeared, which was at least half thinner than before.

"You're too thin..." He blurted out like a ghost.

Miao Miao froze, and then a smile came into her eyes: "As the saying goes, thinness hides all ugliness."

"You are not ugly."

As soon as these words came out, both of them were taken aback.

Apart from doubt, Miao Miao's eyes were only blank.

Shen Chunhang coughed unnaturally: "It's finished."

"...I'm going to chop onions."

"Then what can I do?"

Miao Miao glanced away: "You washed the rice."

The two are on one side of the counter, but they are not far apart, about one step away.

As for the sentence "You are not ugly", the two chose to expose it in a very tacit understanding, neither mentioned nor asked.

There was silence in the air, slipping into embarrassment a little bit.

At this moment, Shen Chunhang suddenly spoke——

"I heard that Shen Yu licked her father and became the president herself?"

"Well, Boss Shen is very powerful." The tone of fangirl worship.

Miao Miao thought that he would inquire about the specific situation, such as how Shen Hou planned all this, and made those calculations before and after the event, but Shen Chunhang didn't, the topic was not about Shen Hou, but directly settled on Miao Miao——

"Then didn't you follow the tide and get promoted?"

"That is required."

The atmosphere returned to relaxation.

The meal was completed by two people working together. Although Shen Chunhang could only do rough work with little technical content, with Miao Miao at the helm, it was delicious and easy to eat, so it was not a problem at all.

"Drink the soup first, or eat first?" Shen Chunhang asked.

Miao Miao: "Drink the soup."

He filled two bowls, pushed one in front of Miao Miao, and kept the other for himself.

The two chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After the meal, Shen Chunhang took the initiative to collect the dishes and wash them, but Miao Miao was free instead.

She simply took apples and oranges and made a beautiful platter in two or three strokes.

After Shen Chunhang finished washing, he happened to see the finished product, and sighed in his heart: the same pair of hands, how can there be such a big difference between people?

"Here, Principal Shen, would you like to try it?"

"Can you change your name?" Hmm... a little irritable.

Miao Miao paused, and cautiously asked, "What?"

Shen Chunhang: "..."


"Forget it, call it whatever you want." It's just a title, he told himself, it doesn't matter.

Miao Miao nodded, "Oh."

Her indifferent look made the man's chest tight.

As for boredom?Why boring?

Shen Chunhang himself couldn't tell why.

Just be bored...

Miao Miao stayed until two o'clock in the afternoon, and supervised Shen Chunhang to finish taking the medicine before leaving.

As soon as she left, Hu Wen chased after her on the phone——

"Tell me, what is the relationship between you and Miaomiao? When I first met, I was so angry with your brother-in-law that I didn't realize it and let you escape. Don't try to get away with it this time."

Shen Chunhang's eyes were dazed, and he was at a loss: "What's the relationship?"

"Stop pretending to be stupid!"



Shen Chunhang: "..." Don't say no, it's still no good, what should I do?

He is also very helpless, okay?

 Four thousand words.

  Event awards:
  ① Grab a red envelope
  Congratulations [Qingjin Qinghuang] for getting a pillow

  ②Monthly ticket list
  No.1: [baby Hengxi]—54 sheets—get a customized pillow + a postcard

  No.2: [Yu’s An’an An’an]—17 sheets—get a customized cup + a postcard

  No.3: [Whether the moon looks like the person at the time] - 12 pieces - Get a custom handbag + a postcard

  ③Fan list feedback
  Champions: Heng Xi [baby Heng Xi], An An [Yu's An An An An] each got a custom-made water glass + a custom-made pillow + a custom-made umbrella!
  Above, please privately chat with the manager [Yuwen] in the group with your contact information and address so that rewards can be issued~
(End of this chapter)

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