Chapter 664 Catch the reporter and interrogate Yao Yunling

"You..." The two words expressed helplessness and doting.

In many cases, Quan Hanting is not like a lover, but more like a tolerant old father, who is obedient, responsive, and even protects his shortcomings without principle.

Whatever Shen Yu wanted, he would give her. He tried his best to satisfy every request.

Her goal is his goal; her pursuit is also his ambition.

"You'll spoil me." Shen Wan's eyes were dark, and she paused every word.

She knows Quan Hanting himself far better than himself.

but the man said—

"No matter good or bad, as long as it is you, I will love you."

In the flowers not far away, Lu Shen trembled, goosebumps all over the ground.

Lolita creaked and creaked to imitate him, making a sound of electric friction, but fortunately, there was not much movement, and the two people in front of you and me were not disturbed.

"Hush! Keep your voice down."

Lolita turned her head and looked at him.

It was obviously a robot, but Lu Shen saw an emotion called "confusion".

"don't know?"

creak creak ~
"Forget it, you don't need to understand, just follow my instructions."

creak creak ~
"Now you just turn on that chameleon mode and move outside..."

Lolita: "That's called camouflage cover mode, not chameleon..."

"Hey! No matter what kind of dragon it is, you just need to open it anyway. It's important to escape."

Lolita ran the program, and it took only two seconds to load it. Her whole body gradually changed from metallic texture to greenish red, constantly adjusting the depth, and finally blended with the green grass and red flowers in front of her.

Hide yourself perfectly in the environment.

And Lu Shen moved behind her, and quickly escaped from the garden under the cover of Lolita.


Pulled a safe distance, was not found, Xiao Qiye let out a long sigh of relief.

Look at Lolita again, just like a walking flower basket, "Hahaha..."

He couldn't help laughing.

creak creak ~
"I said little loli, do you know what is funny?"

Lolita quickly searched the knowledge base, and soon: "Know!"

"tell me the story?"

"Funny ratio = Lu Shen."


creak creak ~
"You, you... say it again?!"

Lolita is an obedient and good boy: "Doubi = Lu Shen, Lu Shen = Doubi."

Xiao Qiye stared fiercely. At a certain moment, he really wanted to punch him down, but in the end it was himself who hurt.

So angry.

"Who set up the program for you? Is it Shao Anheng's faint soul?!"

"You are not allowed to scold the master! Creak! Creak!" The small universe was about to explode.

Seeing that the display screens of her eyes had burst into flames vividly, Lu Shen quickly turned around and ran away.

Lolita chased after him: "You stop—"

Standing at the door, Ling Yun looked at the man and the machine chasing each other with distaste, and couldn't help but sneer.

Immediately retracting his gaze, he folded his arms and chest.

What's so good about peeping when you talk about love?

It's not as beautiful as the sunset...

When the last ray of sunlight disappears in the sky, night falls.

Chu Yujiang returned with the lights on.

"Found it," he said.

Shen Yu withdrew from Quan Hanting's embrace, stood up, and walked in front of her: "Go to the study to talk."

His brows are serious, and his tone is cold.

Chu Yujiang followed closely behind.

Inside the study.

Shen Wei: "What did you find?"

"Shen Qian is very careful. I called the internal monitoring of Mingda Group, but found nothing. I stared at who he met, who he answered, and where he went. Normal again."

Shen Yu was not surprised at all, because Shen Qian was such a person.

Step by step, carefully.

Because of this, she was sure that something must have happened before boarding the plane, which made Shen Qian give up the trip to Beihai immediately.

Chu Yujiang: "Mingda's surveillance video did not find any problems, and I asked the two brothers to find a way to get the surveillance at the airport. You guessed it right, Shen Qian was normal when he changed his boarding pass, but he was queuing up to go through the security check. At that time, I met a woman, said a few words, turned around and left in less than 2 minutes."


Chu Yujiang opened the file bag in his hand, took out a stack of photos, and handed them over.

Shen Yu glanced down.

Although the screen captured by the surveillance video has been optimized to improve the clarity, the pixels are still not high in general.

But enough to see the faces inside.

"Yao Yunling?" Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, held the photo, and looked up at Chu Yujiang.

The latter nodded: "I checked, she didn't have any plans that day, and she left the airport after meeting Shen Qian and saying those few words."

In other words, she and Shen Qian did not meet by chance, but the result of sitting on the sidelines!
Speaking of Yao Junling, if this incident hadn't happened, Shen Yu would have almost forgotten about this person.

The two had a grudge at Shen Qian's birthday party. Yao Yunling blocked her in the corridor outside the bathroom, mouthing an "illegitimate daughter" with a needle hidden in the cotton. In the end, Quan Hanting caught her and taught her mercilessly in front of everyone. .

Afterwards, Yao was targeted and gradually stretched out, revealing his embarrassment.

The second meeting was at Mingda and Jinglin's signing reception. Yao Yunling pretended to be soft and weak, and incited Zhang Kaixin to fight against Shen Yu. In the end, not only was she slapped in the face, but she also lost a good sister who was sincere to her.

Shen Yu's last impression of her was the scene where she and Zhang Kaixin had a big fight, and her face was covered in blood.

and so--

Why did this Ms. Yao, whose family was in decline and was no longer glamorous, suddenly seek out Shen Qian?

What did she say again, to easily retain a man who was extremely cautious?
Shen Yu's eyes were fixed, and her sharpness suddenly appeared: "It seems that I should treat Miss Yao to a cup of tea and chat."

Chu Yujiang understood: "I'll do it right away."


City center, night bar.

Under the blurred lanterns, the bar counter is reflected in various colors, and the shiny and reflective glass panels reflect the drunken lotus face of a woman.

Yao Yunling held the goblet with one hand and shook it gently, staring at the rippling wine in the glass with lazy eyes.

In the next second, he raised his head violently, and quickly bottomed out.

And there was a smear of light red wine at the corner of her mouth, which was seductive and provocative.

"Hic! Another drink, David."

"Miss, you can't drink anymore." The bartender looked helpless, and his name was not David, but Jack.

"Why, are you afraid that I won't be able to pay for the drink?" After finishing speaking, he sneered, "I'm telling you, don't be so damn... hiccup... a dog's eyes look down on people!"

The bartender waved his hands again and again: "...Dear guest, I definitely didn't mean that."

"I don't mean that?" Yao Yunling raised her hand to support her head, "Then what do you mean? Ah? What do you mean?"


"Oh, you think I didn't give a tip, right?" As he said, he opened the bag and took out a stack of red tickets from inside. According to the visual inspection, the thickness was not five thousand, but three thousand.

"See? Miss Ben has plenty of money! Money that can't be spent!"

The bartender was silent. To a drunk, no amount of words equals humming, no matter how big the reason is, it is no different from farting.

So, talk less, listen more, and keep smiling.

Obviously, Yao Yunling was quite satisfied with his sense of humor, pulled off the other party's bow tie, and stuffed all the money in his hand into the man's white shirt.



"Then pour wine? What are you doing in a daze?"

The bartender took out a glass bottle from under the cabinet, which was filled with a transparent liquid. He filled it with a red glass to [-]% full, and then pushed it to Yao Junling.

The woman stared blankly: "What is this...?"

"The latest cocktail, try it?"

"Okay," she nodded, "then, try it!"


Yao Yunling frowned, pushed the cup aside, pointed at the bartender: "You lied to me, this is soda, not wine."

"It's alcohol like soda, so it's still alcohol."

Yao Yunling was confused, "Soda? Wine?"

She wasn't drunk at first, but she seemed really a little drunk at the moment.

My mind went blank, and the heavy bass with a dull rhythm came from my ears, and even my heartbeat followed, one after another.

The bartender thought he had calmed her down, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, two big men in black suits suddenly appeared behind Yao Yunling, stepped forward, held her arms one left and one right, and pretended to leave.

"Who are you?!" the bartender exclaimed, "Put people down, or I'll call the bodyguard."

One of the big men gave him a sneer look: "Idiot, shut up!"

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Yao Yunling was dragged between the two like a Shar Pei, her eyes were blank.

It is estimated that she still does not know what happened, let alone what this situation means, and how she will be treated.

The bartender has already grabbed the phone, ready to call the bodyguards at the door and ask them to stop him.

Unexpectedly, after pressing two numbers, he stretched out a hand from the side to stop his behavior: "Manager, just now..."

"I saw it all."


"Do you know what is the most important life-saving principle in our business?"

"Manager, just now two men in suits carried away a female guest, there is still time to call..."

"It seems that you still don't understand."


If you want to save your life, just mind your own business.


The night is gloomy, and the river wind blows.

All the lights in the unloading warehouses at the pier have been turned off, and the workers have fallen into a deep sleep, except for one, which is still brightly lit, and people shake from time to time.

Shen Yu sat on the chair and had been waiting for quite a while.

In normal times, it was always others who waited for her, and there was no reason for her to wait for others, but tonight, she was surprisingly patient.

"Brother Jiang is back—"

With a yell, Chu Yujiang stepped inside, walked to Shen Yu's side and stood still, lowering his eyes and narrowing his eyes: "The man brought it, it's outside."

"Come in." The red lips parted slightly, as casually as if catching a chicken or catching a duck.

Chu Yujiang winked, and immediately the younger brother turned around and went out.

About half a minute later, two big men in black came in with a sack on their shoulders.

The sack was still moving, whimpering like a small animal from time to time.

"Brother Jiang."

"Brother Jiang."

The two of them didn't recognize Shen Wei, so they just nodded to Chu Yujiang: "This girl is dishonest, and she yells too much, so she just put it in a sack. Give me a break—" As they spoke, the two of them dropped their hands at the same time .

There was only a muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the sack, which was still twisting, stopped moving for an instant.

The two big men looked at each other, and one of them came out and kicked the sack hard: "What are you pretending to do?!"


This whimper was steeper than any previous one, and it seemed to be extremely painful.

Chu Yujiang was expressionless: "Take off the sack."

Yao Yunling didn't know what happened at all, and by the time she knew, it was too late.

He could only let two strange men drag him into the car, unable to resist.

During this period, she didn't struggle, but she got punched and kicked in exchange.

When she was in the car, she tried to snatch the steering wheel, but before she could get close to the driver's seat, she was slapped backhand by the man in the passenger seat, her eyes were black and her tongue was fishy.

In addition, after all the nonsense in the bar, now that her stamina has come up, she is limp and weak, and can only be slaughtered.

When they got out of the car, the two men thought she was in the way, and packed it in a sack, like a worthless animal, about to be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Seeing the light again is now.

The sack was roughly ripped off, and the sudden light made her squint her eyes subconsciously.

After getting used to it, I slowly saw the surrounding environment clearly.

Warehouses, silhouettes, sticks, and that... the woman sitting directly opposite her with a half-smile, who was so busy!

"Shen Wei! It's actually you!"

Yao Yunling gritted her teeth, the hatred in her eyes was like a flood breaking a bank, out of control.

If hatred could really turn into water, then Shen Yu would have already been drowned thousands of times.

"Meet you again, Miss Yao."

"You can still laugh? How can you laugh?! After you killed Yao Shi and me, how can you still laugh?!"

"Did I harm Yao Shi? Did I harm you?" Shen Yu seemed to hear a big joke.

"Isn't it? Without your instigation, Liu Ye would not have attacked the company, my family would not have gone bankrupt, and I would not have fallen from the daughter of a thousand gold to what I am today!"

There was no wave in Shen Yu's eyes, and his expression was calm: "Oh, it turns out that the Yao family has gone bankrupt."

The fluttering tone is like saying "oh, the moon is really round tonight".

Yao Yunling was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

In the next second, he swooped up and made a gesture of choking someone's neck with both hands.

It's a pity that before he touched a piece of Shen Hou's clothes, he was pinned down from behind, his face pressed to the ground, and he was in a panic.

"Want to start?"

"Shen Wei——you should die! You should die!"

"You said that I harmed the Yao family and the Yao family. I'm surprised. How can you call out a thief?"

"What do you mean?!"

Shen Yu: "It's clear that you were the one who harmed the Yao family, yet you blame me instead?"

"Nonsense! I'll tear your mouth apart..."

"If you hadn't provoked me first, I'm afraid Liu Ye wouldn't even know who you are, so why would he be targeting Yao Shi? You were trying your best to hit the muzzle of the gun, but you couldn't hold back. Something happened, and you still wanted to Shirk responsibility? This is your first mistake."

"Since I know that Liu Ye is eyeing your company, and I know that only a word of apology is enough to show my attitude and make a big deal smaller, but you don't want to. At the signing reception of Mingda and Jinglin, you incited Miss Zhang's family to target me, In the end, stealing chickens won’t make you lose money, this is your second mistake.”

"The Yao family is bankrupt. Your father is in his 50s and is still running around trying to save him, but what about you? What are you doing?" Shen Wei sniffed the smell of alcohol in the air, and a sneer crept into the corner of his mouth, "You It is the third mistake to spare no effort to hold him back while being drunk and dreaming of death."

"Having tasted the bitter fruit, but committing the same crime again, provoking me again and again, conspiring with others, and tipping off Shen Qian, this is the fourth mistake!"

Hearing the first three sentences, Yao Yunling's eyes never dodged, and his hatred for Shen Yu was justified.

In the last sentence, her eyes were dimmed...

 The two updates are updated together~ I am too lazy to divide chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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