Chapter 665 It's a joke, there's someone behind it (one more)
"I don't understand what you're talking about!"

"Shh, don't deny it too quickly, lest your back hurt."

Yao Junling suddenly fell silent.

At this time, there are many mistakes, and only silence is the best choice.

Shen Yu pursed her lips, but the smile didn't reach her eyes: "Show her the things."

When Chu Yujiang heard the words, he nodded to the people below, and then a younger brother stepped forward and threw a stack of photos at Yao Yunling.

Leaving aside the moment, the photos scattered and fell to the ground in all directions.

It happened to be convenient for Yao Junling, who was suppressed on the ground, to see clearly that it was all the scene of her meeting and chatting with Shen Qian at the airport.

His eyes widened suddenly, "How could you?"

She thought, no matter how powerful Quan Hanting is, he can't do whatever he wants with the airport land and the huge airlines, if he wants to monitor, let him monitor.

That's why Yao Junling decided to meet at the airport instead of asking Shen Qian to a certain place, such as a coffee shop, club or the like.

did not expect……

still found.

Facing Shen Yu's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Yao Yunling suddenly understood that since she was sitting here and brought her to this place by means of coercion, it was enough to show that Shen Yu had sufficient evidence and had insight into the truth of the situation. Part of the truth.

All that was left to her was "admission" and "confession", nothing more.

All denials and sophistry are no longer meaningful, just like a prisoner sentenced to death, the arraignment is to find out what happened to the crime, not to hear his exoneration.

The previous denial of death was simply a complete joke.

And her cleverness has become the biggest laughing stock.

Wanting to understand the twists and turns, Yao Yunling fell on the ground as if out of strength, no longer resisting, unable to struggle, and even her expression became numb.

"Since you know all about it, why did you arrest me?" No longer hysterical, she was a little abnormally calm.

Shen Wei: "Ask for proof in person."


"Tell me, what did you tell Shen Qian at the airport that made him suddenly change his mind not to go to Beihai."

"Sure enough, it was a trap you set up to trick him into going to Beihai to miss Mingda's board of directors, so that you can take the opportunity to seize power. It's a pity, hahaha..." Yao Yunling laughed tremblingly, with malice in his eyes.

Shen Yu was unlucky, but she was happy.

When Shen Yu is not going well, she is comfortable.

"Didn't you think so? He couldn't go to Beihai, but appeared on the board of directors to join your army."

Shen Wei: "It seems that you know a lot. Let me guess, with your simple mind and ordinary IQ, you probably can't consider such Zhou Xiang."

The woman's eyes flickered slightly.

"So," Shen Wei watched her reaction calmly, "There is no lack of expert advice behind the scenes. Who is it?"


Shen Yu leaned forward, half-closed her eyes like a smile: "Miss Yao, why don't you tell me frankly?"

"Your imagination is too rich!" 
"So there is no expert?" Shen Hou sat back with her back straight.

Yao Yunling was lying on her stomach, which was convenient for her to look down from above.


"Are you sure?" He said softly.

Yao Yunling wouldn't find it strange if she roared furiously, because this was an emotion that a normal person should have in the current environment, but Shen Hou didn't. The smile on her mouth was even brighter than before, and her eyes became more gentle.

Eerie tenderness.

The air became more and more tense, the oxygen seemed to be drained little by little, it became difficult to breathe, and the scalp became tighter and tighter.


Yao Yunling couldn't bear the pressure anymore, she screamed and became hysterical: "Shen Wei! What do you want? Do you want to force me to death to be reconciled? Ah?!"

"If you tell the truth and confess, I can let you go now, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

The corners of Shen Yu's mouth slightly raised, revealing a meaningful smile...

 Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
  The second watch is tomorrow daytime

(End of this chapter)

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