Chapter 673 Do you want a massage? Shen Qian sees it

Shen Yu pushed the door open and entered.

The man's stern expression softened instantly.

"Are you talking? Did you bother you?"

Quan Hanting stretched out his hand towards her, with a smile on his face, and Shen Yu walked over with a questioning look in his eyes.

Under the man's persistent gaze, he hooked his lips helplessly and handed him his hand: "Is it okay for me to stay?"

"It's over."

Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun looked at each other, "Master, let's go out first."


The two exited the study room, and when the door was closed, they heard Shen Yu asking, "Is the island you mentioned Zhan'ao? What's wrong with Zhan'ao?"

"Small things." The cloud was calm and breezy.

As soon as Quan Hanting finished speaking, the door closed with a snap, blocking sound and sight at the same time.

Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun stood outside the door and exchanged glances with each other.

"Master did it on purpose?" Ling Yun's eyes showed doubts.

Chu Yujiang nodded: "I think it looks like it."

If it is still called a "little matter" when a traitor comes out of the impregnable Zhan'ao, then it may not be a "big matter".

"The reason?" Ling Yun didn't understand.

They can see how good the relationship between Shen Yu and Ye is. It makes no sense for Shen Yu to hide something from her after she already knows about Zhan'ao's existence.

Chu Yujiang pondered for a moment: "If one more person knows, there will be more danger."

"You don't trust her?" Ling Yun expressed surprise.

"It's not mistrust, but worry."

"?" What's the difference?

Chu Yujiang sighed softly: "Don't worry that she knows too much, which will add to the troubles; let alone worry that she knows what she shouldn't know, and cause trouble."

"With our master's ability, can't we still protect a woman?"

"Whether you can protect it or not is not at ease are two different things. Even if you have great abilities, you don't want to take Shen Yu to risk, do you understand?"

Ling Yun's eyes revealed deep thought, then he slowly shook his head: "... I don't understand."

Chu Yujiang: "..."

In the study room, after the two left, Shen Yu was pulled onto her lap by Quan Hanting and sat down, wrapping her arms around her slender waist, buried her head in the hollow of her shoulders, and took a deep breath.

"It smells so good..." He sighed.

Shen Yu supported his shoulders and said softly, "Tired?"

"A bit."

"Then..." She rolled her eyes, stood up suddenly, took a step back and stood still, then lowered her eyes and bowed at 45 degrees, pinched her throat, and whispered: "Excuse me, does this gentleman need massage services?"

Quan Hanting was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up, just like a hungry wolf seeing food.

Soon to be back to normal.

Obviously itchy, but still pretending to be unmoved, the ascetic eyes and cold expression are three points more upright than a gentleman.

"Massage? What do you use? Where do you massage?" The corners of his eyes were raised, and there was a slight smile on his lips, which seemed ironic but not ironic.

Now, the excited person became Shen Yu.

Look at this look, this expression, this line, enter the play in a second!
The four eyes met, and the tacit understanding was fully reflected at this moment.

Shen Yu took half a step forward, brushing his fingers across the man's cheeks, rolling them to the neck, making a circle at the Adam's apple, all the way down to the collar of the shirt.

Undo the first button.

Then, the second one.

During this period, the woman looked straight into the man's eyes, as if she wanted to look into the depths of his soul, her eyes were charming and coquettish.

"You can use whatever massage you want, wherever you want to massage, are you satisfied?"


Shen Wei shook off the man's overheated hands, walked around behind him, put his hands on his shoulders, and exerted himself forcefully.

Quan Hanting felt his scalp numb, and an electric current seemed to jump up from his shoulders, and it spread to his whole body, even his bones were crisp.



The man squinted his eyes halfway: "It's comfortable."

Shen Yu pursed her lips, put his shoulders close to his ear: "Do you want to focus? Huh?"

That "um" is soft and long, with several different meanings, like a kitten's meat pad scratching Quan Hanting's heart again and again.

"...Okay." The voice was hoarse.

Shen Wei pursed her lips and increased her strength.

Due to long-term exercise, his shoulder muscles are hard and tight, and the strength is too light, so I'm afraid he doesn't feel much.

After pressing it for 2 minutes, Shen Yu started to sweat.

Quan Hanting grabbed her hand, "Don't press it when you're tired."

"Why, do you think I'm uncomfortable?"

"You—" the man shook his head, his eyes showed helplessness, "If you feel distressed, treat it as dislike, and beat him up, are you capable?"

"So, is it comfortable or not?" She whispered softly into his ear.

"I feel comfortable, I'm afraid your hands will be sore!"

"In your eyes, am I just that useless?" Shen Yu curled her lips.

"It's okay to use your brain, but your physical strength is..."


Quan Hanting: "Ahem... It's almost a horse away."

"Hiss! How dare you say—" He pinched him hard on the shoulder.

"Isn't it? Who calls out tired after moving twice on the bed? Can you faint even while lying down?"

Shen Wei: "..."

"Why don't you talk anymore?" The man smiled happily, his eyes full of teasing.

"What do you say? Admit that you are good, or praise you for your strength?"

"If possible, I would choose the latter." Praise him for being great.

The corner of Shen Yu's mouth twitched: "You are so beautiful!"

"That's the truth, if you don't believe it..." Halfway through, she stopped abruptly.


Quan Hanting: "You can try it now!"

After finishing speaking, like a cheetah leaping up, it grabbed Shen Yu's waist and placed it on the desk in front of him.

leaning down...

Shen Yu's eyes were bewildered.

Isn't it cosplay?
Why did you sail directly?

In the end, she still had no choice but to beg for mercy...


"Hey, I love you..."

"Done yet?"

"hold on."


The sun shines into the study room, which can't drive away the ambiguity and charm in the room.


Central Hospital, VIP Ward.

Shen Qian put fresh lilies on the bedside table and stood them up, a faint fragrance filled the air.

He pulled out the chair and sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes sweeping across the woman's peaceful sleeping face.

"The door is locked, no one will come in, how long do you want to pretend?"

After speaking for about half a minute, the person on the hospital bed still did not respond.

Shen Qian frowned: "I don't have time to play hide-and-seek with you, since you don't want to talk, then don't force it."

Get up, make a gesture to leave.

"elder brother--"

The man's back froze, and he turned his head slowly: "You really woke up."

Shen Yan sat up, skillfully pulled out the tube on her body, and threw it aside, her dark eyes looked straight at Shen Qian: "When did you find out?"

"What, it's a surprise?" He sat back, smiling unobtrusively.


"Since you asked Yao Yunling to report the letter, you should have guessed that such a day would come, shouldn't you?"

"Brother, you are still the same as before." She curled her lips coolly.

Shrewd and experienced, he sees the truth without telling the truth, knows everything clearly, and every decision has a certain chance of winning.

"Before?" He raised his eyebrows, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

Shen Yan stopped talking deeply, and looked away calmly.

Shen Qian: "When did you wake up?"

"Can not remember."

"Why are you pretending to be unconscious?"

"Don't pretend, wait for the police to come and arrest me and go to jail? Don't be ridiculous."

The man's face darkened suddenly: "That shouldn't be hidden from us! Do you know how many tears Mom has shed for you, and how much she has worried about you? Since you are awake, you must also know that every time she visits you, she also hears her words. What did you say, but you are not moved at all?"

Shen Yan sneered, her eyes were cold.

"After all, I walked through the gate of hell once, and my patience has improved, my temper has hardened, and my heart has become ruthless."

"Are you blaming me?"

"So what?"

"Why?" Shen Yan suppressed her smile, her face sank like water, she was no longer that brash little girl, her aura was more mature and sophisticated.

Can an illness really change a person's temperament?

There was a flash of thought in Shen Qian's eyes.

"Because you are clean and have a bright future? Or is it because you were born as the heir of the Shen family and all resources are tilted towards you? Or because your gentle skin is wrapped in a wolfish ambition?"

Shen Yan opened her mouth, word by word: "You are not me, you don't have a sick body, you don't bear the notoriety of a criminal, and you don't have a prison sentence hanging over your head! Your so-called accusation is nothing more than standing up and talking. Lumbago, the painless pity of living in a high place, and the disgusting sense of superiority!"

Before Shen Qian came, he already had a premonition that there would be discrepancies between the awakened "Shen Yan" and the innocent and straightforward little girl in his impression.

After all, Shen Yan used to be reckless, she didn't know how to turn around, and she didn't know how to pretend to be a vegetative state to avoid criminal responsibility.

For one thing, she didn't have that brain.

Second, she didn't have the guts.

Thirdly, she lacks that perseverance and patience.

Vegetative people can't speak, can't move around, if they don't have a hard mind and can endure loneliness, they will definitely not be able to persist until now!

But Shen Yan did it.

This is where Shen Qian was puzzled and terrified!

"Even if you are justifiable for doing this, how long can you pretend?"

Shen Yan: "After five years and three months in prison."

Shen Qian looked at her.

Shen Yan didn't dodge or evade: "Why, you think I can't do it?"

"Can you guarantee that the doctor won't find out?"

"So what if I find out? As long as I don't open my eyes, who dares to say I'm awake?"

Only then did Shen Qian dare to be sure that she was really different!

The former Shen Yan absolutely did not have this kind of wisdom!
"You've changed a lot." He said bluntly, his tone still calm.

The woman hooked her lips, and a winding scar on her pale face extended from her cheekbones to her upper lip. Although it had been so long, traces of stitches could still be seen.

When she smiled, she moved her facial muscles, and the scar was like a wriggling centipede.

The skin is so white, but the scar is so ugly.

"Brother, people grow up, don't you change?" His eyes were deep and meaningful.

In his previous life, he was not so kind to Shen Yu. He knew about the plan of organ replacement from the very beginning, and never interfered or prevented it.

Silence is tantamount to acquiescing, doing nothing and watching Shen Yu die.

Although he did not do it himself, he is also an accomplice and the biggest beneficiary!
Once Shen Yu dies, no one can compete with him anymore, the Mingda Group and even the entire Shen family belong to him!
Now, Shen Yu was reborn with hatred. In this life, she was the first to capture Shen Qian's pity, and then personally planted the sinful love in his heart. In the end, she would definitely become soft-hearted and unbearable.

Really high!
That devil Shen Hou neither destroyed his body nor crushed his pride, but just held his emotions tightly!
But love comes from the heart, the so-called killing and punishing the heart, nothing more than this!

Poor some people are in the game, but they don't know it, and they let their sinking go straight down, and they will never recover.

"Brother," Shen Yan smiled, "I know both what you know and what you don't."

"Really?" The man's brows furrowed even tighter.

Shen Yan in front of her eyes was like a cloud of mist, she couldn't see clearly, she couldn't figure it out.

Meeting his scrutinizing gaze, the woman smiled slightly, neither embarrassed nor flustered.

"Exactly, I have a question for you to answer."

"What question?"

"What do you mean by those two sentences you asked Yao Yunling to say to me?"

"With this departure, I'm afraid Mingda will become Shen Yu's alone—is that the sentence?"

Shen Qian stared at her deeply.

Shen Yan: "Or--Shen Yu will become your worst enemy?"

"What do you know, don't beat around the bush, just say it."

"Brother, do you have doubts yourself? Otherwise, according to your personality, you won't choose to stay just because of two sentences."

Shen Qian: "You know my temper very well."

In two lifetimes, if she still can't figure it out, she will be living in vain.

"In your subconscious mind, Shen Yu's abnormality and duplicity have long been enough to arouse your suspicion. For some unknown reason and consideration, you have always chosen to deceive yourself and others."

Shen Qian listened to her quietly, neither agreeing nor refuting.

"At this time, no matter who expresses the same opinion as you, the doubts in your heart will be infinitely magnified, and finally drive you to believe, and then make countermeasures!"

Even though Shen Qian's attitude towards Shen Yu has changed a lot compared to his previous life, but at the critical moment, he cares most about himself!
A businessman who seeks profit is inherently selfish.

His "kindness" and "kindness" to Shen Yu were far from being able to offset his "doubt" and "warning" towards her.

In the end, Shen Qian chose to stay, which just proved this point.

"Who are you?"

The man suddenly opened his mouth and said something.

Shen Yan was stunned, her face suddenly darkened: "Brother, what do you mean?"

"Now you can't see the shadow of the past at all. If you didn't have such a face and kept calling me brother, I would think I was facing a stranger."

"Having experienced life and death, do you think I will still be the old me?"

"But it won't change so completely."

"There's no point in arguing about that."

Taking a deep look at her, Shen Qian said, "Okay, let's not argue about this issue, and return to the question just now, how did you know that Shen Yu would attack Mingda? How did you know that I was trapped in the ward and unable to contact the outside world News about going to Beihai?"

"Not only do I know that Shen Yu wants Mingda, but I also know that she will ruin the Shen family and all of us!" The woman paused every word, as if mixed with blood and hatred, and there was a trace of panic and fear hidden in her tone. She didn't even notice it herself.

Shen Qian was startled, "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Nonsense? Heh... I knew it... I knew it..." A look of madness flashed across the woman's face, her expression twisted.

Everyone doesn't believe her!

Even if she tells the whole story about her rebirth and exposes Shen Hou's sinisterness to the sun, no one will believe it.

They will only treat her as a lunatic and her words as a joke, such as Shen Qian!

"why are you laughing?"

"Laugh at your ignorance!"

Shen Qian's tone was cold: "When you wake up from sleep, you can't even speak well?"

"Why do you have to say it? You don't believe it anyway. How can you trust people? You never trust people. Ah—" She pretended to be dazzled, and tilted her head with a smile, "You tried to believe in Shen Yu, but she let you Disappointed, right?"

 The answer to the last question is - B, no

  "Talk about Love: A Wife Is Not Good to Be Pampered" by Fifteen Strings of Roasted Meat 
  Just when Gu Yun, a front-line criminal policeman, thought that he would slowly grow into an old girl in the days of solving cases, arresting people, and serving the people, God threw a Qin Huai on her head. He would not only help her investigate the case, but also Deprived her of the happiest single time in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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