Chapter 674 Three Prohibitions, Jingping on a Business Trip

The man's complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes also turned cold, as if he was pretending to be in the cold winter.

"Hahaha... brother! You are so pitiful!"

You killed her in the previous life, but you can't get her in this life. In the past and present, you are destined to be enemies.

Shen Qian: "Instead of ridiculing me, it's better to think about yourself."

The woman narrowed her smile.

"Vegetables are not as easy to pretend as you think. There will be a long time to come. How much patience do you have to consume?"

After speaking, he sneered and strode away.

Shen Yan stared fixedly at his back as he walked away, a haze flashed in her eyes.


At the end of June, the sun is like a fire.

In the third week of Shen Yu's tenure as president, she ushered in her first business trip.

Mingda's largest partner in the north, Yonglin Group, will share the development rights of "Jinling Plaza", and openly seek partners with comparable strength to jointly complete this large project worth [-] billion yuan.

Right now, Shiquanwan Plaza is under construction, and it is expected to become the benchmark project of Mingda this year, and it will occupy a strong spot on the "report card" at the end of the year!
But it's just "this year", that's all!

The company needs long-term development, so it is impossible to only focus on one project, but also to develop and dig in multiple fields and in all directions, and this is also a compulsory course for a company leader!
Since Shen Yu sat in this seat, it was impossible not to worry.

"...Shen Qian is going too? Who did you hear from?" After a pause, he slowly raised his eyes.

Miao Miao: "You two's names are written on the invitation letter."

Shen Qian can't help but go, right?

At lunch time, Shen Yu met him in the staff canteen, and the man also confirmed this with himself: "...see you at the airport tomorrow morning."

Shen Wei: "..."

It's night, Dongli Villa.

Shen Yu took a shower and came out of the bathroom. While wiping her hair, she was thinking about how to tell Quan Hanting that he never concealed his concern for Shen Qian in front of her.

Because of this, she couldn't fool around casually, or simply conceal it.

But if I say so, there is no guarantee that the vinegar jar will not be turned over...

This turn, will make Ning Cheng half the sky sour!

Quan Hanting also seemed to have something to say tonight, he hesitated to speak several times, but he swallowed it back when the words came to his lips.

The two had their own concerns, and neither of them noticed that the other was strange.

Until Quan Hanting finished washing and came out wrapped in a bathrobe, his hair was still dripping, winding across his neck, across his chest, and finally sank into the neckline and disappeared.

"Why don't you dry it off?" Shen Yu frowned, pulled the towel and covered his head, "Don't move!"

The man lowered his head to make it easier for her to move.

"Wu Wan..." The towel was too wide, covering his face, and his voice became muffled.

"Does it hurt you?"


"Then why call me?"

"...I just wanted to call you."

"Okay, then you can call."

Quan Hanting grinned: "...wife."

"Huh? What's the name? I didn't catch it." She pretended to be stupid.

"Old, old woman." Every word was paused.

Shen Yu pursed her lips: "Don't shout."

"You are mine for the rest of your life. If you want to shout sooner or later, just... practice in advance."

"Okay, wipe it off!" After finishing speaking, he threw away the towel and turned around.

Before she could take a step, Quan Hanting took her into his arms forcefully in the next second.

The man's iron-like arms tightly wrapped around her slender waist, and his chest pressed against the woman's back, continuously emitting heat.

"Want to escape? Huh?" The ending sound rose, and the heat sprayed.

Shen Yu shrank her neck, as if she couldn't bear his excessive teasing: "You...let go."

As soon as Fu opened his mouth, he gasped slightly.

"Not loose." He was like a child playing tricks, his arms kept tightening.

What else can Shen Yu do?
Sighing softly, let him go.

On a quiet night, wrapped in a warm wind, the soft lights illuminate a pair of neck-to-neck intimate couples.

The man embraced the woman from behind, with his chin resting on her snow-white shoulder, and his eyes showed warmth and satisfaction.

The woman let him hug her, leaning back slightly, in a dependent posture, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

From a distance, it looks like a beautiful oil painting.

"Wu Wan, I have something to tell you..." the man broke the silence.


"I might be away for a few days."

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

"Back to Zhanao."

She paused, "... Is there any danger?"

"I will protect myself."

"Do you have to go back?"


Shen Yu turned around and faced him.

Quan Hanting looked at her with regret and reluctance.

All of a sudden, the woman smiled: "I happen to be on a business trip too."

The man's eyebrows tightened suddenly: "Where are you going?"


"doing what?"


Quan Hanting's expression softened slightly: "How many days?"

"Not sure at the moment, it shouldn't be too long."

The man's eyebrows gradually stretched: "I'll send someone to deliver..."

"Need not."


"I'm not the only one traveling with you. If you're worried about safety and send someone to send me off, it's completely unnecessary."

"You're not the only one?"

"Hmm." Shen Yu nodded.

"Who else?"

"Shen Qian."

Suddenly his face turned black, "Don't be with him!"

Shen Yu knew it would be this kind of reaction. Fortunately, she was mentally prepared in advance, and she was calm: "The invitation letter clearly stated my name and his name. If we don't let people go, isn't it...not good?"

Quan Hanting: "Then don't go."

"When I first became the president, I was passive and sabotaged, so I couldn't convince the public." She spread her hands together and shrugged helplessly.

Clutching the woman's waist and pressing it into his arms, Quan Hanting gritted his teeth: "You are just trying to annoy me!"

Shen Yu blinked with an innocent look on his face.

"Hey, Shen Qian is not a good person, let's not get involved with him, okay?" The man's tone softened.

Shen Yu stayed in his arms obediently, wrapped her hands around the man's neck, and smiled: "I didn't mess with him..."

Quan Hanting looked pale, but in the next second——

"It's just a business trip."

That's it?

The man's face darkened to a new height.

Shen Yu could only smooth things over: "That's right, I don't know him the same way, and I don't have much to say, but we are in the same company, and the positions are not low, so it is inevitable that we will have meetings and business trips together..."

Sixth Master didn't speak, he was as cold as an ice cube.

Oh, it turns out that they are not only on business trips, but also often hold meetings together.

If Shen Yu knew what he was thinking, he would definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood: it would be better not to explain, the more the description gets darker.

Although Quan Hanting was still reluctant, under Shen Yu's sweet offensive, he finally let go——

"First, don't eat or drink with him."


Shen Wei: "There is definitely no way to avoid eating, not to mention anything else, even the inviting party will organize all bidders to participate in the dinner party, but—"

Under the man's increasingly cold gaze, she changed the topic: "I will never drink wine."

That's more or less.

"Second, don't stay in the same hotel as him."

Shen Yu whispered: "The hotel is booked by the inviter..." Not only she and Shen Qian were arranged to be together, but also other people.

Quan Hanting: "...the same hotel needs different floors!"

"That's fine. Is there a third?"

"Third, don't talk to him except for official business, it's better not to talk!"



Shen Yu's whole body was listless: "What else?"

"You must listen to me tonight."


"I don't want enough, you are not allowed to stop!"

"……"wipe!old rascal.

The next day, Shen Hou arrived at the airport early, with a bad complexion and low spirits.

When I went to the VIP waiting room, I didn't touch the food on the table. I just took a glass of warm water and held it in the palm of my hand, and drank it in small sips.

Shen Qian was sitting across from him, enjoying his breakfast gracefully, while watching Shen Yu's dazed look in his eyes, with a few creases between his brows.

When she was waiting for N times to yawn, she finally couldn't help but speak——

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Shen Wei paused, and hummed lightly.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Need not."

Drawing on the experience and lessons of her previous life, she quit smoking, drinking and coffee, and she has stopped drinking for a long time.

Shen Qian didn't force it, put down the knife and fork, pulled the napkin and wiped his mouth, casually: "Didn't sleep well last night?"

Shen Wei avoided his probing gaze and nodded casually.

More than just not sleeping well? !
She didn't sleep at all!

I don't know where the energy of that bull came from, again and again...

Shen Wei has lost count of how many times she has been thrown into the clouds, flying through the clouds.

I can't remember how many times I fainted and woke up in the middle.

In my mind, only the man's sweaty face and half-closed eyes because of comfort...


The crisp sound of the steel fork hitting the rim of the plate brought back Shen Hou's wandering thoughts.

She looked up at the man opposite: "...Sorry, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly. "

Shen Qian put down the fork in his hand, as if the impolite table behavior just now was just an illusion, he remained calm, "I didn't say anything, you were the one who was distracted."


"If you're not feeling well, you don't have to go."

Shen Wei: "You think too much."

After finishing speaking, he got up and left the dining table, walked to the rest area, and asked for a blanket and an eye mask——

Lie down and sleep with your head tilted.

Shen Qian sat in his original seat, his face sinking like water.

At [-]:[-], the radio notified the security check.

Shen Yu took off the blindfold, and just as she got used to the light in front of her eyes, she saw a man standing beside her, looking down at her from above.

His eyes froze, with a bit of the daze he had when he first woke up.

At this moment, Shen Qian spoke in a deep voice: "Get up, it's time to go through the security check."

At [-]:[-], boarding is complete.

There were only the two of them in first class.

The stewardess was comprehensive and asked what services were needed.

Shen Wei: "Give me a glass of water, an eye mask, a pair of earplugs, and a blanket, thank you."

"OK, just a second."

After drinking the water, Shen Hou laid the seat flat, put on the eye mask and earplugs, covered the blanket with a blanket, and started to catch up on sleep again.

Shen Qian: "..."

Ningcheng flies to Jingping, although it is from the south to the north, but the flight distance is not too far, it takes an hour to 10 minutes to get there.

If one ignores the scorching stares from the side from time to time, Shen Wan slept soundly this night.

At 10:30, the plane landed at Jingping Airport.

At [-]:[-], the two took their luggage and went out to the "arrival hall".

At [-]:[-], get in the business car sent by the hotel.

After a 10-minute drive, the two arrived at the No. [-] brand hotel under Yonglin Group.

"You two's room is on the sixteenth floor, with a great view..."

"Help me change to a lower floor." Shen Yu interrupted the front desk lady.

"May I ask what floor range you can accept?"

"Below the sixth floor."

"The views from the rooms on these floors may not be as good as those on the sixteenth floor. Are you sure you want to change them?"

Shen Wei: "Change."

"Then this gentleman..."

Shen Qian: "Change to the same floor as her."


Shen Yu frowned, and was about to speak, when he caught a glimpse of people from the Yonglin Group looking at them with probing eyes from the corner of his eye, thought for a while, and finally gave up.

It's just that his face is even worse.

Fortunately, the two rooms are not too close together, but I don't know if the big vinegar jar at home will explode in the future.

Thinking of Quan Hanting's dark face, eyes full of displeasure and awkward appearance, Shen Yu couldn't help but want to laugh.

Shen Qian had a panoramic view of her expression, there was a trace of coldness on her face, and it was replaced by warmth in an instant.

A gentleman is like jade, nothing more than this.

The two got the room card, handed the luggage to the waiter, and walked side by side to the reception staff of Yonglin Group who were waiting on the side.

Shen Qian's smile became more and more gentle, and Shen Wei's listless appearance changed, and he was full of energy.

At this moment, the two people who were separated from each other surprisingly reached an agreement, without any communication or eye contact, and the tacit understanding reached full marks in an instant.

On the other side, the people from Yonglin also came forward with a smile.

The two parties met in the hotel lobby, shook hands and greeted each other——

"The two are Mr. Shen of Mingda Group, right? It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you Yonglin for your hospitality, the hotel environment is nice."

"This is the hotel with the best reputation under our group. I hope you can enjoy your stay. Please forgive me if there is any lack of hospitality!"

"Where where..."

You come and go, human relationship is built up bit by bit.

"...The two of you are exhausted, so I won't disturb your rest. At 12:30 noon, let's have a meal together. What do you think?"

Shen Qian glanced at Shen Yu with a questioning expression.

The latter made no statement.

He understood it, and declined with a smile: "You don't need to eat, I think the restaurant in the hotel is very good, anyway, there will be a dinner party after the bidding meeting, there are plenty of opportunities."

"Alright, then don't bother the two of you, please—"

He thoughtfully sent the two of them to the elevator, watched the metal door close, and the people from Yonglin left.

The elevator runs smoothly and the floor keeps going up.

In a small space, silence spreads.

Shen Qian: "What's your impression of the people in Yonglin?"

"Thoughtful is a little too much."

"You may not understand Jingping's habit of dealing with people."

Shen Yu turned to look at him: "Are you familiar?"

The man paused: "...I've seen a lot."

"So, what do you want to say?"

"Be considerate does not necessarily mean being courteous, there is no need to associate it with 'either rape or steal'."

Shen Yu hooked her lips in a funny way: "Who told you that I was thinking about 'either rape or steal'?"

"Otherwise why refuse to eat with them?"

"I'm tired, uncomfortable, and want to rest. I want to push all the entertainment, not just for Yonglin. If you want to inquire about the wind before the bidding meeting, or play a hand of favor cards, you can accept it and leave me alone."

"Don't worry about it?! We came out together and represented Mingda at the same time. Do you think it's appropriate for me to go alone?!"

"It's nothing inappropriate." The bidding depends on the strength, and it's no fun to win.

"Shen Wei! I know you are proud and disdainful, but you can't make fun of the whole group!"

The metal door reflected the man's expressionless face, but his eyes were cold, like frost fog in a world of ice and snow, inexplicably refreshing...

(End of this chapter)

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