Chapter 697 Sixth Master Scumbag, Conflict on a Narrow Road (Second Watch for Tickets)
Shen Qian handed the cue to the caddy beside him, turned around and entered the locker room.

A quarter of an hour later, he changed out of his casual clothes and left the venue in a suit and leather shoes.

As soon as he reached the door, he bumped into Quan Hanting who came out of the shooting range, followed by Ling Yun.

Shen Qian paused, and didn't walk away without looking sideways, but he didn't take the initiative to say hello, he just stood there and watched quietly——

See how the other party reacts.

Unexpectedly, Quan Hanting didn't take him for air anymore, turned his feet and walked towards him.

At that moment, Shen Qian couldn't help showing a trace of guilt in his eyes.

As for why he felt guilty, he himself didn't understand.

"Master Shen, we meet again."

Quan Hanting called him "Young Master", and Shen Qian was slightly taken aback, "I dare not be that."

"Really? But I think you are very brave!"

As soon as these words came out, the aura around the man exploded, and in an instant, Shen Qian felt a chill rushing towards his face, so heavy that it was almost suffocating.

He clenched his teeth, but still couldn't resist, his facial muscles trembling subconsciously.

"...Liu Ye, what do you mean?" After a while, she finally found her voice.

"I thought you knew it well." His eyes were half-closed, and the strangeness was fleeting.

Shen Qian's scalp was numb, but he was still gritting his teeth.

Quan Hanting has more experience than him, a higher status, and stronger ability. Not to mention Ning Cheng, even looking at Jingping, there are not many such capable people.

Being worse than him is not a shameful thing.

You should even feel honored, after all, it is extremely difficult to be compared with him.

But for some reason, Shen Qian just didn't want to admit defeat.

"Sorry," he gritted his teeth, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"People can't be too greedy."

Shen Qian's eyes tightened.

"Since you have chosen interests, you shouldn't think about other things. As early as when you made your choice, you have already lost the qualification to own it. Don't you think it's too late to pretend now?"

A sentence of "I shouldn't think about it" and a sentence of "disqualified" really hit the pain point in the man's heart.

Sixth Master is worthy of being Sixth Master, every word he speaks is as sharp as a knife, and every word cuts out the heart!
Shen Qian's face paled for a moment, and was soon replaced by Wen Run. He curled his lips: "Even if you choose wrongly, you still have a chance to choose again. Losing this time does not mean you will lose next time. Therefore, the winner should not be too aggressive." Complacent, the one who laughs last is the real winner."

Quan Hanting sneered, showing a look of contempt, and did not hide it at all: "There is an old saying that a dog can't get rid of eating shit. You think it chose shit this time, and next time it faces the same situation, it will eat shit." Don't choose shit?"

Shen Qian: "..."

Watching the battle silently, Ling Yun, who was trying to reduce his sense of presence, couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

This metaphor...

It's so... so apt!
He never knew that Grandpa had the ability to swear without profanity——Crap!

"What qualifications do you have to make rash judgments?" There was no smile on Shen Qian's face, and his cold eyes were fixed on Quan Hanting, hiding some unobvious hatred.

But still failed to escape Liu Ye's eyes.

Oh, he deserves it too?
"Watch your words!" Ling Yun stepped forward and gave a cold drink.

Don't look at him with a baby face and a mushroom head, but when he roars, his voice is loud and full of evil spirits.

It is indeed the sharpest knife in Quan Hanting's hand.

"Just because you were in yesterday's situation, you clearly saw it, but you turned around and left without asking, and you almost caused her to be bullied by that bastard Shen Hui!"

Shen Qianru was struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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