Chapter 698 If You Can Afford to Lose, Remember Shen Yu


How would he know?
Quan Hanting sneered, "Just because you want to lie to your ears, it doesn't mean that other people will pretend to be stupid."

After taking Shen Hou away, he immediately asked Ling Yun to get the surveillance camera.

What happened before and after was clearly recorded by the camera, including Shen Qian's resignation and indifference.

"Now, do you still think you have a chance?"

Shen Qian was stunned for a moment.

"No matter before or now, between interests and her, you will always choose the former. If it weren't for your brother status, you wouldn't even have the qualification to be close to her."

However, it was also this blood relationship that doomed Shen Qian to be out from the game from the very beginning.

Thinking of this, Quan Hanting felt a little sympathetic to him.

If you can't love it, it hurts deeply.

Seeing the pity in the other's eyes, Shen Qian was extremely annoyed, why should he look at him with that look?

The "kindness" of winners to losers?
Or the "hypocrisy" of winners to losers?
With a kind of calmness overlooking contempt and determination hanging high.

Shen Qian would rather see disgust and hatred on his face, at least it shows that they are in an equal position, instead of one side condescending and the other side can only look up.

"I don't know that woman is Wanwan..." Shen Qian moved his lips, unable to explain.

He finally knew where the guilt came from when he saw Quan Hanting.

"No matter what the reason, it's a fact that you turned around and left. Even if you didn't know, you should go up to find out, but you didn't. First, you don't want to offend Shen Hui; second, you don't want to cause trouble."

Every word sees blood!

Shen Qian's already pale face became more and more bleak, and the pain in his eyes gradually faded away, revealing his original form.

"If I were you, from the very beginning, I wouldn't want what I'm destined not to have, and be close to someone who is destined not to belong to me."

"Heh... You got everything, and you still want to teach me?"

To demonstrate, or to show off?

"How about teaching you a lesson?"

"You deceive people too much!"

Quan Hanting sneered, looked him up and down: "Man, you have to afford to lose."

After speaking, strode away.

Shen Qian stood there in a daze for a while.

However, Shen Hui, who was admitted to the hospital, not only had a high-end ward for himself, but also hired a charming and beautiful nurse. His small life was not like a patient, but like bees flying around in the flowers.

"come here."

The woman twisted the towel for a while, then slowly raised her head, showing a beautiful face: "Call me?"

The makeup was not applied, and the peach blossom eyes were sparkling. It was a simple movement of raising her head, and she did it with an indescribable charm, which was invisible.


Shen Hui suddenly sat up from the hospital bed, his eye sockets felt hot, and the way he looked at the woman changed.

It became half a smile, not a smile, and it was foolish.

"There is no third person in this ward except me and you. Who do you think I am calling? Huh?" The rising ending sound was full of evil.

The woman's eyes flickered slightly, and she walked towards him.

"what do you need?"

"Wipe your face."

"But just now..." brushed off.

Shen Hui: "I want to wipe it again, can't I?" He is not ugly in the first place, and with that cynical smile on his face, he looks like a prodigal son.

It is said that the prodigal son comes and goes like the wind, and he cannot be caught or kept. It is best not to approach a smart girl, because she is destined to be hurt.

But the prodigal son has the ability to attract people.

Knowing that the person in front of him was either rich or noble, most of the teasing was just to make fun of her, but the woman still couldn't help but be moved by that smile.

"...Okay." The trembling eyelashes were shyly drawn down, and the woman twisted the towel unconsciously with her fingers, exerting a little force.

The man's eyes became more interesting, and he took the initiative to move his face closer: "Wipe it."

The woman shook the towel away with both hands, and there was still a layer of hot air on her face, and her tender white hands were also pink.

Shen Hui's eyes became hotter and hotter.

"Is the strength okay?" The woman asked while rubbing.


As she said, she used some strength secretly, but in return the man let out a "hiss".

"Why, are you going to rub the skin off my face?"

The woman was at a loss: "I'm sorry! Let me be lighter..."

Shen Hui had a broken nose, so he couldn't use force at all, and he could only wipe his face lightly when he wanted to wash his face. The woman was very attentive at first, but he thought it was too light, a little bit worse, and felt dissatisfied, and she didn't know if he was real. It hurts, but it still screams loudly.

"Don't worry." He brushed off the towel, grabbed the woman's fair wrist, and gently moved it in front of her.

The woman was shocked, and her eyes rolled frequently due to anxiety.

But there was no resistance in the action of falling into his arms just now, and the actual action was completely different from the expression shown at the moment.

Shen Hui's interest was immediately overwhelmed.

As for why, he couldn't say.

This kind of woman is not uncommon on weekdays, anyway, they are just acting on the occasion, he simply becomes a player in the game, with one eye open and one eye closed, the lights are turned off, even beauty and ugliness can't be distinguished, who cares about loyalty? Rape is good or evil.

But today, seeing this self-righteous woman pretending to be stupid, he only felt a sense of shock, both physically and mentally repulsed.

"Oh, since you don't want to, forget it."

Shen Hui stopped and let her go: "I never force women."

The tone is faint, the eyes are cold, and the previous enthusiasm has cooled to ice in an instant.

The woman still kept leaning in his arms like a bird, but her panicked and shy expression froze on her face, which was replaced by surprise and anger.

The man's complexion suddenly sank: "I told you to get up, didn't you hear me?!"

The woman trembled all over, and suddenly withdrew from his arms, took half a step back and stood still, "You..."

"Go away! Don't make me say it a second time!"

The woman was ashamed and angry, and fled in despair.

Shen Hui didn't even look at it, he was just a nurse, even if he was pretty, it was nothing.

Lie straight back on the bed, staring straight at the ceiling, and suddenly let out a foul breath.

The face of another woman could not be restrained in his mind, the way she rejected him, the indifference when struggling, and the ruthlessness when kicking him, the scenes flashed through his mind like a movie.

"Shen, Hou!"

The man gritted his teeth and paused every word. The lingering sound on the tip of his tongue made him subconsciously recall it, and he immediately laughed lowly.

He obviously hates such a woman, but he seems to be interested in her...

Yonglin Group, President's Office.

Yang Kaichang held back his anger at Shen Qian, and started venting to the two secretaries as soon as he got out of the elevator.

The two secretaries lowered their heads obediently, pretending to be quail without saying a word.

Just get used to it, after all, being angry is also a compulsory course for a secretary!

After scolding for a full 15 minutes, Yang Kaichang finally relieved the tone in his heart, sat back on the leather chair, and regained the president's demeanor.

"Go out first, the bonus will be doubled this month."

The two secretaries looked at each other, both overjoyed.

"In addition, after 5 minutes, the heads of various departments will be notified to come up for a meeting to make a summary of this bidding meeting."


But 5 minutes later, the meeting was not held on time.

Because, Shen Hui's call came.

"...Seventh Young Master, listen to me first..."

"Okay, just tell me the identity of that man and what relationship he has with Shen Yu."

Even though the air conditioner was turned on in the office, Yang Kaichang was sweating profusely.

"Why don't you speak?"

"...I haven't had time to investigate yet." Under the aggressive questioning of the other party, Yang Kaichang chose to give up struggling.

The other end did not speak.

A dead silence spread between the two.

"Heh... surnamed Yang, this is your attitude? Seeing that I'm lying in the hospital now, I can't cure you, right?" The voice was cold.

Yang Kaichang was holding the phone, his legs were weak, if he hadn't been sitting on a chair, he probably would have sat down on the floor by now.

"Qi Shao, listen to my explanation... I definitely don't think so..."

"Enough! Stop talking nonsense, I'll give you two days to find out the details of that man!"

"Yes, yes, I will send someone to investigate now!"

"Also," after a pause, he suddenly lowered his voice, showing a bit of mystery and mystery, "think of a way to get Shen Yu to the hospital."

Yang Kaichang remembered Shen Qian's overly excited reaction, his brows twitched, and he blurted out: "What do you want to do?"

"Hey - do I have to report to you for what I do? Just get me someone!"

This tone, this wording, there are bandits robbing women from good families, regardless of the posture of getting on the kang.

 [-] words are updated today, and [-] words will be delivered first. Seeing that Yu is so hardworking, do cubs with monthly tickets really not feed Yu a few?blink~
(End of this chapter)

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