Chapter 805 Uncle questioned, guard him

"Crazy! Simply crazy!" Shen Chunhang couldn't believe that there were such ridiculous things in the world.

In order to lure Shen Wan into the bait, he actually used a living human life as a bait.

"Originally, my father planned to exchange my organs for Shen Fei, without thinking about it, he knew that there must be benefits promised, which made Shen Chunjiang spare no effort."

"No wonder..." Shen Chunhang suddenly realized, "No wonder big brother's illness was exposed so suddenly, and rumors spread throughout the company."

Basically, he directed and acted on his own, with the purpose of using public opinion to force Shen Yu to undergo liver replacement surgery.

During the operation, all available organs were taken from her body and handed over to Shen Fei just like Shen Yan.

Too scary and too cold-blooded!

It's no wonder that Shen Yu would rather risk the world's displeasure and take advantage of Shen Chunjiang's illness to kill him without doing anything.


This kind of person should be damned!
Not fit to be a father at all.

Tiger poison doesn't even eat children, but what did he do?
Shen Chunhang also severely criticized Shen Yu for this, like an educator, standing on the high ground of morality, and being a sage without knowing the so-called.

No wonder Shen Yu looked at him like a "fool".

That feeling is like...

A princess who didn't know the suffering of the people said to a refugee covered in bruises: You can't eat with such dirty hands. You have to wash it with clean water with a scent of flowers, and then dry it with a steamed towel before picking it up. A fork to dine with elegance.

Looking back on himself at that time, he just felt ridiculous!
"Feel sorry……"

I never empathized, but I have to point fingers.

Shen Yu responded flatly, neither refusing nor accepting.

From the moment she cashed out the shares and left Mingda, the relationship between her and Shen Chunhang was bound.

And generosity and kindness have never been her style,

Shen Wei: "Now that you know, what are you going to do?"

The man was slightly taken aback.

"Do you still think you can avenge Shen Qian?"


It's not that he didn't want to speak, but that Shen Chunhang couldn't speak at all.

Because he knew very well that if he wanted to deal with Jingping's Shen family, it would be even more difficult for a collateral lineage, not to mention the intricate and flourishing direct lineage?

Shen Yu chuckled, put down the teacup in his hand and stood up: "There is nothing else, I will leave first."

The two bodyguards moved after hearing the news.

"……and many more."

Shen Yu turned her head and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Shen Chunhang didn't look at her, his eyes fixed on the teacup, and his voice was low: "Did you already know that Mingda's stock price would fall?"

Shen Yu pursed her lips, her eyes couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or sarcasm: "Why did my uncle say that?"

"Mingda's stock price has fallen by the limit for three consecutive days, and the entire board of directors can no longer sit still."

"So?" He said calmly.

"Why rush to cash out if you didn't know ahead of time?"

"Heh... others may not be clear about the reason why I am eager to cash out, but you shouldn't. After all, you took the position of president from me personally."

Shen Chunhang still didn't meet her eyes, and paused every word, "Could it be because of a moment of impulsiveness?"

After the man finished speaking, he laughed himself, and shook his head slowly: "Shen Wei, you are not such a person."

She didn't speak.

Shen Chunhang slowly raised his eyes, and his sharp eyes directly hit the depths: "With your carefulness and planning, how could you let yourself suffer? It's ridiculous that I thought I had won the game at the time, but I didn't expect that you would push the boat along the way and calculate it."

"Finished?" Shen Yu said in a flat tone, "Maybe it's my turn to say a few words?"


"First, I'm not as powerful as you think, and I can predict the future. Second, Mingda's stock price limit fell because several important senior executives passed away one after another. Let's not talk about Shen Chunjiang. The old man and... Shen Qian, one is the pillar of the soul, One is the successor, and when the news spreads, it is inevitable that the stock price will fluctuate.”

"In the end, my eagerness to cash out is indeed not an impulsive decision, but a plan. You just provided me with such an opportunity to sell at a premium. Why not? As for why I made such a plan, the matter has come Now, I’m not afraid to tell you openly—”

Shen Yu's eyes were clear, "From the moment Shen Fei left Ningcheng alive and returned to Jingping, I had a premonition that the side branch behind her would not let it go. Apart from attacking me, the only way to attack Mingda is to get out as soon as possible. Firstly, to protect myself from heavy losses; secondly, to keep the other party from implicating the company, after all, Mingda and I will have nothing to do after the stock sale."

Originally, Shen Yu wanted to let things go, so she just took advantage of the forces behind Shen Fei to destroy Mingda, and once everything was done, even if she had avenged her previous life, she could start a new life.

But now she doesn't think so, and she can't do it.


Shen Qian died to save her, and she owed him her life.

Death is like a lamp going out, Shen Yu can't think of what to use to make up for it, so he can only help him guard Mingda and Tianshui real estate.

"Believe it or not, I don't have any malicious intentions except to stand by and watch, and I won't make trouble."

Shen Chunhang stared at him.

After a while: "...Because of him?"

Shen Wei: "You can think so."

(End of this chapter)

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