Chapter 806 Waiting for Xushi, the Headmaster Heartaches

Shen Chunhang's eyes were dark, and suddenly: "You hate the Shen family."

A declarative sentence is used.

Shen Yu stood where he was, with a neither salty nor pale expression.

Neither admitted nor denied.

"So, you want to destroy Mingda," he added after a pause, "at least you planned to do so."

It has to be said that Shen Chunhang is a smart person, at least smarter than Shen Chunjiang.

"The past is not important. It is more practical to look forward to the future based on the present."

"Heh..." The man smiled dejectedly, "If the current trend continues, do you think Mingda still has a future?"

Shen Yu's expression suddenly sank: "Why, you want to admit defeat? If so, then I look down on you."

"Why should you be afraid of winning or losing? What you are most afraid of is waiting."

In particular, waiting in panic, trembling, walking on thin ice, not knowing what will happen in the next second, whether it is life or death.

Shen Yu frowned with complicated eyes.

The CEO's seat was snatched by Shen Chunhang with all his might, Shen Yu wouldn't believe it if he said how rare and greedy he was.

Because if Shen Chunhang had this plan, he would have joined Mingda's power center long ago when the old man was alive and able to make decisions. After all, Shen Zongming had always favored him.

But Shen Chunhang didn't, he just guarded Qihang Academy, guarded his research project, and devoted himself to teaching and educating people.

But why would such a person who has no intentions in the business world suddenly take action to seize power, even at the expense of breaking face with Shen Yu, but because of his uncle and nephew's affection and blood relationship?
I am afraid that Shen Chunhang himself cannot answer this question.

Hearing Yang Lan's instigation?
Out of vigilance against Shen Yu?

Or is it the uneasiness and sense of crisis caused by successive incidents in the Shen family?

In short, he did just that, and broke with Miao Miao because of it.

But in the end, what he took over was a mess. This is the same as spending all his savings to buy back a pile of scrap metal. The price paid is not directly proportional to the benefit obtained.

In addition, Shen Chunhang is a down-to-earth academic. Although he has dabbled in various fields such as financial investment and company management, he still only stays at the book stage.

That's why the stock price turmoil caused him to be devastated.

Shen Yu suddenly felt a little sympathetic to him, giving up freedom, giving up love, just asking for trouble?

Thinking about it, I can't help feeling sad for Shen Chunhang.

But one wrong step, one wrong step, when you can no longer turn back, then you can only move forward.

After a long time, maybe he himself forgot why he set off in the first place.

"……I regret."

In the quiet private room, the man's voice was low and deep, revealing helplessness, and seemed to be mixed with bitterness.

I am afraid that only Shen Chunhang himself can understand the taste of it.

Shen Wei: "This is the end of the matter, and it's useless to regret it." Like a cold judge, she cruelly pierced the man's inadvertent cowardice, and spread the reality in front of him bit by bit, "Some things , It’s not that you can have it if you want it, and you can throw it away if you don’t want it.”

For example, the position of President Mingda, since he sat on it, it is not so easy to get off.

Shen Chunhang raised his eyes slowly, "You're right, being depressed won't solve the problem."

She raised her eyebrows and waited for the next sentence.

"Since you know Shen Fei and her collateral lineage well, you must also know whether they have started to attack Mingda."

Shen Yu didn't hide anything, and said generously: "No."

"So the current stock price drop is only because of the series of changes that the Shen family has encountered?"

Shen Wei: "You can say that." But what will happen in the future is hard to predict, after all, the other party is a mad dog.

Shen Chunhang: "Is there any way to make the stock price rise in a short time?"

"You should be better at this than me." Shen Yu couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

In a hurry?
She believed that with Shen Chunhang's rationality and calmness, even if he lost his composure briefly, he would not ask her such a question.

The man laughed at himself: "I used to sneer at the saying 'one who is useless is a scholar', but now I feel that the predecessors are infinitely wise and every word is perfect."

Shen Yu refused to comment on this, thought for a while, pulled out a chair and sat down: "Tell me what you think first."

Shen Chunhang paused, seeing that she really wanted to help solve the problem, he cheered up——

"If you want to increase the stock price in a short period of time, there are no more than two ways. First, invest a lot of money and inject new vitality, but the extent of this "large amount" cannot be estimated. Relying on one or two people to throw money into it is nothing more than A drop in the bucket, there will be no improvement."

"Second, announce the news of mergers and acquisitions and reorganization. It does not mean that Da Da has no plans and intentions for mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations. Even if there is, it is impossible to realize it in a short time."

"Besides that, I can't think of any other way."

The two points mentioned by Shen Chunhang, Shen Yu had long considered, but soon realized that it was not feasible.

"There is another way." After a long silence, Shen Yu suddenly spoke.

Shen Chunhang's expression was shocked: "What way?"



"Under the premise that there is no external interference and fueling the flames, the current stock price trend is basically in line with market laws, forming a virtuous cycle system. Only when the turmoil in the Shen family gradually fades over time can investors' confidence be gradually restored."

Shen Yu pursed her lips and continued, "You know, while you are anxious, the stockholders are also watching. If you are calm enough, they won't panic too much."

The process may be very fast, or it may be very slow, which requires Shen Chunhang to hold his breath!
"The scariest thing about you is waiting, but waiting can create countless possibilities, and even turn a desperate situation into a way out."


After leaving the restaurant, Shen Chunhang did not drive, but walked along the street on foot, looking thoughtfully.

Shen Yu had already spoken clearly, and he knew what to do.

But he is not able to coordinate this alone. For example, the pressure test of the board of directors, and the panic in the company. How to appease the former and how to maintain stability in the latter are all things he needs to consider.

Not only do you have to hold your breath, but you also have to endure grievances.

The theory told him the terms of reference of the board, but not how to deal with the directors.

However, fortunately, there is a clear solution, instead of blindly grasping.

Shen Chunhang let out a breath of foul air slowly.

He was full just now, but he still felt a stomachache.

He had experienced that dense needle-pricking feeling countless times before, and it was not unheard of that it was more serious than this, but now he felt it was strange, followed by bewilderment and bewilderment.

In the past, Miao Miao often made stomach-warming medicinal meals and tried various methods to persuade him to eat them. Shen Chunhang was reluctant on the surface, but in fact he was sweet in his heart.

He even fell in love with playing a naysayer, hating things and hating things, just to see the coquettish glance she threw at him when she was feigning anger.

He never tires of it, and it has become his little secret.

She thought he didn't like it, so she worked harder to satisfy all his taste requirements as much as possible.

Shen Chunhang is sweet and guilty.

He hadn't had an illness for an unknown amount of time, and this pain gradually faded from his memory under her care and nourishment, and had even been forgotten by him.

But today when this kind of pain came to him again, Shen Chunhang suddenly realized that he was still his original self, without any changes, and he was still alone.

The companionship and getting along with him, those laughter and warmth, all turned into sharp knives, stabbing into his heart one after another.

Shen Chunhang can no longer deceive himself——

She left, away from his life, to a place that could no longer be touched, maybe they would never see each other again in this life.

Because, she once said herself, she hates him!

If he had never owned it, Shen Chunhang might be able to calm down and use his reason and calmness to pretend to be calm; but he had owned it before, but he lost it with his own hands.

Having tasted the sweetness of sugar, how to adapt to the bitterness of medicine?
Miao Miao walked quickly, but left him alone in prison.

Suddenly, an uncontrollable anger welled up in Shen Chunhang's heart, like a fire, igniting his whole body, as if he would be burned to ashes in the next second, and turned into light smoke.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number without any hesitation this time.

After the beep—


"It's me, Shen Chunhang." The tone was cold and hard, as if tempered.

That first pause, "Are you okay?"

It's this kind of neither salty nor bland tone, which is very different from the former worship of Ru Mutian. Naturally, those smiles and care are no longer there, as if...they are just the most ordinary strangers between them.

Not even a greeting.

He is resentful, but she is deliberately alienated.

 Recently, some chapters have been cracked down, and some chapters are temporarily unreadable. Please forgive me and give Yu a period of time to revise and review.

(End of this chapter)

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